What are the signs of postpartum leukoplakia?

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Hello doctor! I gave birth to a baby 3 months ago but recently I discovered white spots on the cheeks on the palate in the mouth. These white spots just peel off layer after layer but are not painful.
I went to the hospital at the district and provincial levels, but they couldn't diagnose the disease. According to my research, these could be signs of leukoplakia. So the doctor can advise me what the signs of this disease are and are they similar to my symptoms? Hope the doctor will reply soon, thank you very much!
Ha Hai Giang (1999)
Hello! If the white spots you describe appear layer after layer, but do not cause pain, the doctor does not have enough evidence to conclude that you have leukoplakia or not, because there are also some diseases with symptoms. the same, similar.
Therefore, in order to accurately diagnose as well as find out the cause of the disease, you should go to the nearest Vinmec Health System hospital for a specialist dental examination. Here, doctors can directly examine and assign a number of necessary tests and imaging tests, thereby providing a basis for evaluation as well as giving an effective treatment plan.
Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Hope to meet you in the nearest day for a more detailed consultation. Best regards!
Answered by Dentist - Jaw - Facial - Interdisciplinary Department, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.

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