What to do when one eye is swollen and painful?

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Hello doctor! Currently, I have symptoms of pain in one eye and swelling. At first, the eyes feel restless, stuffy and have a runny nose. Occasionally, I sneeze. So the doctor asked me, what is the cause of this and what is the treatment? I look forward to hearing from the doctor. Thank you doctor.
Anonymous customer question
Hi! I have pain in one eye and big swelling, maybe a stye or another eye disease. Therefore, you should go to an eye specialist for a direct examination. After the eye exam, if there is no disease, then see an ENT specialist. Because, nasopharyngitis also causes eye pain. The specialist doctors after examining you will give you specific advice and get the most effective treatment for you!
Thank you for trusting Vinmec Health System. Looking forward to meeting you for more specific advice!
Answered by Eye Doctor - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

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