11 things to know about steroids

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Steroids are chemicals, usually hormones, that are naturally produced by the body. This is a household name, however not everyone has a complete understanding of steroids.

1. What are steroids?

Steroids come in different varieties. Steroids are chemicals, usually hormones, that are naturally produced by the body. They help organs, tissues and cells function. The steroid balance helps the body to grow, develop and reproduce. Steroids can also be synthetic drugs, of which the two main types are corticosteroids and anabolic-androgenic steroids.

2. What are corticosteroids?

Those are drugs that have a rapid anti-inflammatory effect. These synthetic steroids act like the hormone cortisol secreted by the adrenal glands. Cortisol suppresses immune system activity by producing anti-inflammatory substances. Medicines containing corticosteroids (such as prednisone) work by a similar mechanism. It slows or stops the inflammatory process of the immune system.
Steroids là gì
Corticosteroid là những thuốc có tác dụng chống viêm nhanh chóng

3. How are corticosteroids treated?

It is used in cases of inflammation, to relieve symptoms of:
Rheumatoid arthritis . Hen . Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Lupus and other autoimmune diseases. Multiple sclerosis. Rash and skin conditions similar to eczema. It is also used for short periods of time to treat allergic reactions.

4. Corticosteroids used in which way?

There are many different forms of corticosteroids, which one your doctor prescribes will depend on your specific condition. Drug forms include:
Tablets or liquid. Inhalation form. Spray form. Injection form. Cream form. Intravenous form.

5. Undesirable effects of corticosteroids

Adverse effects occur based on dose and duration of drug use. Short-term use of the drug causes weight gain, facial swelling, nausea, vomiting, emotional changes, and sleep disturbances. In addition, there may be thinning of the skin, acne, hair growth, increased blood sugar, increased blood pressure. Because corticosteroids suppress the immune system, users are more susceptible to infections.
Steroids là gì
Tăng cân là tác dụng không mong muốn của corticosteroid

6. The effects of long-term use

Long-term use of high doses of corticosteroids can cause serious side effects, such as osteoporosis, growth retardation in children, muscle weakness, eye disease, diabetes, which can even be life-threatening. network such as adrenal insufficiency.

7. What are anabolic steroids used for?

It's a synthetic form of testosterone, a male hormone that helps build muscle mass. Anabolic steroids are administered orally or intramuscularly. Doctors can legally prescribe anabolic steroids if the patient is low on testosterone, as was the case with a teenager with delayed puberty. Doctors may also prescribe anabolic steroids for men with low testosterone levels and those with muscle loss due to cancer, AIDS, and other medical conditions.

8. Anabolic steroid abuse

The muscle mass-enhancing effects of anabolic steroids make it the subject of widespread abuse. Abusers will use extremely high doses, even 100 times the permissible dose for therapeutic use.

9. Undesirable effects of anabolic steroids

These steroids can cause worsening of acne and increase water retention. Prolonged use will cause the body to stop producing testosterone. In men, this causes small testicles, low sperm count, infertility, and enlarged breasts. Females may experience pattern baldness as in males, growth of facial hair, changes or loss of menstrual periods, and a deepening of the voice. Adolescents using anabolic steroids can cause bone growth retardation, thus failure to grow in height. High doses of anabolic steroids can lead to very severe emotional changes, anger, aggression.
Steroids là gì
Sử dụng kéo dài steroid đồng hóa có thể làm thay đổi hoặc mất kinh nguyệt ở nữ

10. Effects of prolonged use of anabolic steroids

Prolonged use of anabolic steroids, especially high doses, can cause liver, kidney and heart damage. Severe water reabsorption can cause heart failure. Anabolic steroids also raise LDL cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke at any age.

11. How to stop using steroids?

Stopping steroids suddenly is not the right way. That can cause emotional changes, fatigue, restlessness, muscle aches, and depression. Abruptly stopping anabolic steroid use can quell sex drive. If anabolic steroids are being used for treatment, stopping use may cause the disease to return. The most correct way to discontinue use is to gradually reduce the dose. Your doctor will specifically guide the process of reducing the dose, and therefore the symptoms will also be less severe.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Article reference source: Webmd.com
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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