All you need to know about flu

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Every year, hundreds of thousands of children are infected with the flu virus. Some people who get the flu can become serious and need to be hospitalized, and some are even at risk of death.

1. What is the flu? The difference between a cold and the flu

Influenza is a common infectious virus caused by infections that enter the human body. The virus attacks the human body and begins to grow. Winter is flu season. However, you can catch the flu at any time.
Many strains of flu exist and doctors identify the most common strains each year to produce a vaccine. The flu vaccine is one of the easiest and most effective ways to prevent flu infection.
The common cold and the flu can have similar symptoms at first. Both have respiratory illnesses and can cause similar symptoms. But the viruses that cause these two diseases are different. The symptoms will tell us the difference.
Both colds and flu share some common symptoms such as:
Runny or stuffy nose Sneezing Body aches Fatigue In fact, flu symptoms are more severe than cold symptoms .
Colds rarely cause health problems or other problems, but the flu can lead to sinusitis, ear infections, pneumonia, and sepsis.
Taking cold medicine in time can reduce the impact of the virus, help reduce the severity of the illness and shorten the duration of the illness. Rest is also beneficial for people with the flu, just like with a cold, patients with the flu also need time to rest.
Hắt hơi, chảy nước mũi là những dấu hiệu chung của cảm lạnh và cúm

2. What causes flu and what are its symptoms?

Influenza is caused by a virus and can be transmitted in many ways, as you can catch the virus from someone close to you who has the flu and sneezes, coughs or talks.
Viruses can also live on objects for 2-8 hours. If you touch an object with a virus, such as a doorknob or a keyboard, you also run the risk of catching the virus. When you touch an object that contains the virus, it can enter your body when you put your hand in your mouth, eyes or nose.
You can also get the flu after getting vaccinated if you come into contact with another strain of the virus. Your symptoms may be less severe than if you hadn't been vaccinated.
Here are some common symptoms of the flu:
Fever: Most people who get the flu have a fever. Most fevers can range from 37.8 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius. Children always have a higher fever than adults, so if you suspect your child has the flu, you should take your child to a specialist. Along with a fever, a patient with the flu may also feel chills, sweat, or feel cold despite the high body temperature. Most fevers last less than a week, usually about three to four days. Cough: A dry cough is a common symptom of people with the flu. The condition may get worse, more uncomfortable and painful, and you may also feel short of breath or have chest pain. Coughs can last for about two weeks. Muscle pain: The most common are pain in your neck, back, arms, and legs. These pains can make it more difficult to move even with basic activities. Headache: The first symptom when you have the flu can be the appearance of a severe headache. Some other eye-related symptoms include light accompanying your headache. Fatigue: This is an obscure symptom of the flu. Feeling tired is a symptom of many different diseases. Feelings of fatigue can come on quickly and make the person feel very uncomfortable. For adults, a sudden high fever is the earliest symptom of the flu. Adults rarely have a fever unless they have a serious infection.
Trẻ bị ho
Ho khan là dấu hiệu thường gặp của những người mắc bệnh cúm

3. How long does the flu usually last?

Most people with the flu will recover in about 1 week, but it may take a few days for you to return to normal. It's not uncommon for you to still feel tired for a few days when your flu symptoms have subsided.
It is important that you rest until you have not had a fever for at least 24 hours (no fever-reducing medication needed). If you have the flu, you can be contagious one day before symptoms appear and up to five to seven days after.

4. How long is the incubation period of the flu?

Usually the incubation period of the flu is 1-4 days. The incubation period is the time it takes for the virus to enter your body and grow. During this time, you probably won't see any symptoms. That is not to say that there is no risk of infection. Many people are able to pass the virus on to others before symptoms appear.
When a patient with the flu sneezes, coughs or talks, the flu virus can be spread. The virus can enter through the nose, mouth, or eyes. You can also catch the flu when you touch an object with the virus on it and then touch your nose, mouth, or eyes.

5. Is the flu contagious?

If you have the flu, you are at risk of infection. Many people are contagious and can transmit the virus as early as a day before symptoms appear, in other words, you can pass the virus on to others before you even realize you're sick.
You can still be contagious five to seven days after flu symptoms appear. Minor infections are usually contagious for more than seven days after symptoms first appear. People with weakened immune systems may also experience viral symptoms longer.
If you have the flu, you should stay home to limit the spread of the virus to others.

6. Measures to overcome flu symptoms

Some of the methods used to treat the flu include:
Pain relievers: Pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen are often recommended to relieve symptoms such as muscle aches, headache, and fever. Decongestants: This medication helps relieve congestion and pressure in your sinuses and ears. Some decongestants can cause some side effects, so you should find the right one for you. Cough suppressants: Coughs are a common flu symptom, and certain medications can help ease it. If you are not on medication, you can use honey and lemon to relieve sore throat and cough. Unnecessary use of medications can cause unwanted side effects. It is best to take medication to prevent common symptoms.
Get plenty of rest, your body is fighting the virus, so it takes time to kill the virus.
You should drink lots of water, juices and soups to help your body stay hydrated. Warm soups and teas can help relieve a sore throat.

7. Flu treatment

Hầu hết những trường hợp bị cúm nhẹ, bạn có thể tự điều trị tại nhà mà không cần dùng thuốc theo toa

In most cases of mild flu, you can treat it yourself at home without a prescription.
It is important that you stay home and limit contact with others when you notice flu symptoms.
You should also:
Drink plenty of fluids, including water, soups, low-sugar beverages Treat symptoms such as headaches and fever with OTC medications Wash your hands well to avoid the risk of spreading the virus to other objects or for other members of your household Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, and dispose of immediately after use. If your flu symptoms get worse, you should go to a medical facility to be examined and treated by a doctor. The sooner the medication is taken, the better the condition will be. Treatment should be given within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms.
You should seek medical attention when flu symptoms appear if you are at high risk for flu-related complications. This high-risk group includes:
People with weakened immune systems Women who are pregnant or two weeks after giving birth Over 65 years old Children under 5 years old (especially children under 2 years old) People in nursing homes elderly People with chronic illnesses such as pneumonia Children with the flu often have more severe complications than adults with the flu. So the best way to protect your child from getting the flu is to get a flu shot. Vaccinate children against infections each year.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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