14 tips to survive all day in high heels

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People love to attend weddings and other social events in light clothes and gorgeous high heels. High heels help lengthen the legs and make them look more elegant, but it is painful and can cause health problems. So what is the secret to wearing high heels without foot pain?

1. Put the high heels in the freezer

Put your heels in the freezer for 30 minutes. When you put on cold shoes, you'll notice how the material adapts to the shape of your warm foot and makes it easier to walk. You can also try putting a bag of water inside the shoes and freezing them. Freezing water will stretch your heels a bit.

2. Socks and hot water

Use hot water to wet cotton socks and put them on before putting on shoes. Wear them for a while and then take them off before taking them out. The shoes will stretch a bit and probably won't hurt you much.

3. Double-sided tape

Use adhesive tape to attach the bottom of the foot to the sole of the shoe. This is one of the tips for wearing heels without pain, it will keep your shoes fit but most importantly it will prevent blisters and pain in your toes.

4. Use special high heel insoles

One of the secrets to wearing high heels without foot pain is to use special high heel insoles. Specially designed insoles for insoles, usually made of silicone or fabric, these little socks will prevent your foot from moving forward in the shoe, reducing pain and blistering. Opt for silicone if you're wearing open-toe heels. Silicone pads won't be visible under your feet but offer the same protection.

5. Moisturizer

Using moisturizer is one of the tips to wear high heels that are applied a lot by women. Applying a small amount of moisturizer to your feet before putting on high heels can help prevent your feet from rubbing, hurting, and blistering, especially if your shoes are new and tight.
Khi đi giày cao gót bạn nên sử dụng kem dưỡng ẩm
Khi đi giày cao gót bạn nên sử dụng kem dưỡng ẩm

6. Baby powder

If you have baby powder at home, try this high heel tip. Baby powder will prevent excessive sweating and slippery feet, thereby minimizing chafing and other possible injuries.

7. Tape for toes

All you need to do is glue the third and fourth toes together with tape. This helps relieve further pressure on the nerve between those two toes that causes pain.

8. Don't take off your high heels

Don't take off your heels even if they are causing you pain. You'll feel some relief for a moment, but your feet will most likely swell right away. So taking them off is a bad idea and putting them on will only make you more painful.

9. Wearing high heels at home

Wear high heels at home for at least a week before going out, especially if they are new and tight. With this tip, you'll get more used to your shoes and they may stretch out a bit.

10. Deodorization

Before putting on shoes, apply a little roll or roll of deodorant on the skin friction areas to avoid chafing and discomfort.

11. Don't stop

Even if you are in a lot of pain, try to walk in high heels. Standing still in high heels will make you feel more pain. You can also sit down and rest for a while, but don't take your shoes off.

12. Don't forget to take care of your feet properly

Proper foot care is the secret to wearing high heels without foot pain. If your heels are cracked, the skin is hard and calloused, then wearing high heels will exacerbate these problems and make you a lot more painful. So, taking good care of your feet is a must every day to have healthy feet.
Khi đi giày cao gót bạn nên chăm sóc chân đúng cách
Khi đi giày cao gót bạn nên chăm sóc chân đúng cách

13. Choose the right shoe size for your feet

If you have never tried these shoes before, do not rush to buy shoes that are too high, too tight, too wide. Sure, they look bold, but they'll only make your feet sore and painful from high heels. Instead, choose heels that are just the right height and fit your feet well. Besides, you can also choose high heels with small soles in the front or wedges.

14. Using urgo tape

If you're not sure how comfortable your new heels will be, just keep a few urgo bandages and other blister treatment products in your purse. These items will save you the night if your shoes start to hurt you.
In short, high heels are always one of the indispensable items for women. They not only enhance your figure but also make you more confident and gentle. However, wearing high heels will make your feet sore and can cause serious effects. So, ladies, please keep your own secrets of wearing high heels to avoid foot pain as well as help your feet stay healthy.

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Reference source: brightside.me
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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