Can acne be treated with toothpaste?

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Many people think that using toothpaste can help reduce redness, reduce redness, and quickly disappear. However, is it good to treat acne with toothpaste?

1. Why do many people believe that acne can be treated with toothpaste?

Many people mistakenly believe that, in the composition of toothpaste, which kills bacteria that are harmful to teeth, it can also kill bacteria that cause acne. However, this is a completely wrong view because each manufactured product will have certain uses, toothpaste is produced of course with the purpose of cleaning plaque, protecting teeth and gums, so Often in toothpaste products often contain fluoride and menthol, when applied, the skin feels cool, so the swelling and pain of acne is also greatly reduced.
Some ingredients commonly found in toothpaste like baking soda, hydroperoxide. These are active ingredients known to help dry up and shrink acne.
1 Some toothpaste products also contain triclosan, while acne treatment products also contain this ingredient. Triclosan has the effect of killing bacteria, destroying acne, so it is often added to acne products.
Trị mụn bằng kem đánh răng có tốt không
Kem đánh răng được sản xuất để làm sạch mảng bám, bảo vệ răng lợi vì vậy không nên trị mụn bằng kem đánh răng

2. So is it good to treat acne with toothpaste?

The answer is no. Experts have proven that this method is completely unscientific and should not be used to treat acne. The reason is given:
Although triclosan has the effect of killing bacteria, but now almost all toothpaste manufacturers no longer include this ingredient in products because in this active ingredient over time. Some studies have shown that it may affect thyroid hormones. Therefore, if you find that a toothpaste product contains this ingredient, you should not apply it on acne spots, to avoid affecting health.
Using toothpaste to treat acne can cause skin irritation. Toothpaste is made for the purpose of cleaning teeth, not a specialized product in the treatment of acne. The surface of the skin on the face is very sensitive, the chemicals in the toothpaste used for teeth are usually bleach, so it may not be suitable for the skin.
The pH concentration in toothpaste is also very high, so it can easily irritate the skin, even causing burning and redness of the skin.
In toothpaste also contains sodium lauryl sulfate, this is another ingredient commonly found in toothpaste, if applied to the skin, it will cause skin irritation, the level of strength or light depends on the sensitivity of each skin. People.

Tình trạng da kích ứng mỹ phẩm do chất dị ứng trong mỹ phẩm gây ra
Trị mụn băng kem đánh răng có thể gây kích ứng da, thậm chí là gây rát, nóng đỏ

3. Tips

It is best to use acne products to remove acne on the face. You can choose from over-the-counter products to prevent and treat acne such as cleansers for acne-prone skin, acne creams, masks, etc. in these specialized products often contain ingredients. ingredients such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and retinoids,... are effective in treating acne.
Can use natural ingredients that are easy to find to treat acne such as turmeric, aloe vera, ... both do not irritate the skin, absolutely safe because it is a natural product. Turmeric contains anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent scarring, acne disappears quickly. Aloe vera helps to soothe acne-prone skin, moisturize, brighten skin, anti-aging.
Consult a dermatologist before using any beauty product.
Treating acne with toothpaste can help dry up pimples, shrinking quickly in some people. However, the ingredients in toothpaste will make the skin dry, red, and irritated, which can cause acne to return soon. Therefore, it is best not to treat acne in this way, instead choose specialized acne products or natural ingredients to effectively treat acne and protect the best skin.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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