How to treat sebaceous fibers on the nose at home

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Skin with many sebaceous fibers is a problem that causes many discomforts for both men and women, both for those in puberty or adulthood. So what are sebaceous fibers? How to remove sebaceous fibers on the nose at home? Let's read more through this article below.

1. What are sebaceous fibers?

Before referring to the concept of sebaceous fibers, we need to understand what sebum is, as well as where sebum is formed?
Sebum is one of the inherent ingredients, obviously must have on each of our skin, in positions such as facial skin, nose skin, back skin, ... They have the function of keeping moisture in the skin. , limiting the entry of bacteria from the outside. Basically, sebum plays an important role for the skin, but if our facial skin has strong sebaceous glands, it is more prone to acne, more sensitive than other skin types.
Sebaceous fibers are a manifestation of the disordered activity of the sebaceous glands on the skin base. These fibers may be located deep under the hair follicle or appear raised above the surface of your skin. Sebum is formed from sebum on the skin, excess lipids, combined with dirt and dead skin cells. Because they are fibers of the sebaceous glands, they will usually be white, or ivory-white, milky white, soft and easy to pry off.
Sebaceous glands are concentrated in areas with active sebaceous glands on the face, especially in the T-zone (T-zone). In these areas, sebum will often be concentrated in patches. Therefore, we can see that each patch of sebum is concentrated in the nose area, chin area, forehead area. Especially in the area around the nose, the sebum fibers are concentrated, making the nose area rough and unsightly.
The main cause of increased sebum on the nose is increased sebum secretion. Unlike blackheads and whiteheads, which often clog pores, acne will form. Sebaceous filaments do not cause pore clogging or may pose a much smaller risk of clogging. The white fibers or yellow fluid that we often squeeze in the nose area, chin area or the wings of the nose will be continuously pushed out by the sebaceous glands. As mentioned, in the nose area, the pores are usually larger and the place where the most oil is concentrated. Therefore, the sebaceous glands are most active in the nose area. Besides, the synthesis of factors inside and outside the skin also causes sebum. When the amount of hormones in your body changes, with the impact of dirt on the skin surface and androgens, growth hormone and thyroid gland will stimulate the sebaceous glands to be more active. From there, the skin will increase oil secretion and the appearance of sebaceous glands.
Not cleaning the skin of the nose area thoroughly is also the source of the strong growth of sebaceous fibers. As is known, every day we have to be exposed to a lot of dust and smoke, and at the same time wear many layers of cosmetics, if we do not clean the skin thoroughly, it is easy to clog the sebaceous glands in the nose area.
Sebum fiber is an indispensable component of the skin, which means we can never get rid of the root. Because it goes with the sebaceous glands and when the sebaceous glands are active, the sebaceous fibers continue to be produced. Sebaceous fibers basically do not cause much harm to the skin. However, when our facial skin has too much sebum, it will clog the hair follicles, making it difficult for the skin to detoxify. Plus, the outside air conditions are not guaranteed to cause acne. In addition, the most visible harm of the sebaceous glands is the unsightly appearance of your facial skin. It makes it harder for the skin to absorb skin care products. Besides, when using makeup products on the skin that do not give you a satisfactory appearance, for example, the foundation is not smooth, moldy, effervescent, not beautiful.
For people with a lot of sebum on the skin that often wear makeup, if makeup is not removed carefully, cosmetics can easily accumulate around the oil glands, gradually causing acne or skin allergies.
Sợi bã nhờn là biểu hiện của hoạt động rối loạn của tuyến bã nhờn trên nền da

2. How to effectively treat sebum on the nose at home 2.1. Sauna is a treatment that opens up the pores, making it easier for the sebum to fall out. The essence of the sauna is also to help the skin detox, release sebum, and regenerate the skin. Besides, sauna can make your pores bigger, so after each steaming more, you need to use toners, products that tighten your pores. In particular, it is necessary to steam in a clean environment, to avoid bacteria easily entering the skin.
Materials to be able to conduct sauna therapy at home are also very easy to find and simple. However, it should also be noted when buying to be able to bring back the best ingredients for the beauty process.
Lemongrass: 3-4 branches, smashed Lemon: 1 fruit squeezed into the pot Ginger: 1-2 branches crushed Salt Method:
Use a cotton towel to cover your face, then swing it slowly to let the steam out. Note do not open the lid completely because the heat will cause the face to burn, and may even cause skin burns.
Normally, each person can steam for 5-7 minutes, those who are afraid of large pores can reduce the steaming time. Facial steaming also brings a feeling of relaxation and comfort just like at a spa.

2.2. Clean the skin at the root To minimize the appearance of sebum fibers on the skin of the face, the first rule is to clean the skin at the root. The reason is because only cleaning the surface of the skin (with a facial cleanser) will be difficult to remove all excess oil, dirt, makeup residue... Those are the leading causes of sebaceous fibers. Some of the root-cleaning methods that can be done at home include:
Using an oil remover: The “oil soluble” mechanism can help us cleanse our skin, sebum and free radicals. Other oils in cosmetics are more effective. Face wash machine: Compared with hand washing, face washing machine will bring better cleaning effect so you can base on your conditions to choose the right product.

2.3. There are many types of clay masks on the market today with the function of cleaning the sebum on your nose. However, choosing a quality clay mask will ensure that we get the best effect when cleaning sebum on the nose. A suggestion for you is the Innisfree clay mask - a product line that is considered to have the ability to exfoliate to remove sebum effectively.
Step 1: Remove makeup and then wash your face with clean water and cleanser. Then use a toner to balance the pH of the skin and steam the face to open the pores. Step 2: Take an appropriate amount of cream, then apply on the face. Pay attention not to apply too thick, it will make the skin dry. Step 3: Keep the cream for about 10-15 minutes and rinse with clean water. Do not leave it for longer than this time because the mask after drying will absorb moisture on the skin, making the masking process not as effective as desired.
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Đắp mặt nạ đất sét là một cách trị sợi bã nhờn tại nhà hiệu quả

2.4. If you don't want to have to go to the spa often to suck up acne, you can buy portable acne vacuum cleaners to use at home. With a compact and convenient size, the acne vacuum cleaner can help you remove acne bran and sebum easily in just a few minutes.

2.5. Using products of natural origin Please tell me the following recipe to clean the sebaceous fibers on the nose with oatmeal and yogurt. Try and feel the effectiveness of this simple method at home. Oatmeal and yogurt mask will help gently clean sebum fibers without irritating the skin, even those with the most sensitive skin. You should perform this mask with a frequency of 2 times a week to deep clean the skin and prevent sebaceous fibers from forming and developing more.
The method is very simple and based on easy to find ingredients:
Mix 1 teaspoon of oatmeal with 2 teaspoons of unsweetened yogurt Apply the mixture of the mask that has just been mixed on the skin with the appearance of acne. Sebum fibers Wait about 10-15 minutes for the mask to dry, then gently massage in a circular motion to remove the sebum. After that, wash your face thoroughly with warm water and pat dry with a soft cotton towel.

2.6. Exfoliating The simplest way to remove dead skin cells is to exfoliate. The structure of sebum is not as stubborn as acne, so cleaning the skin and exfoliating the skin helps to remove the oil glands and make the skin smoother. Depending on your skin type, you need to use the right type of exfoliator for your skin. For people with oily, acne-prone skin, it is recommended to use natural, benign, gentle exfoliants on the skin, do not use with a thick frequency, easy to thin the skin.
Peel da và tẩy da chết hóa học có nét tương đồng với nhau
Tẩy tế bào chết là cách trị sợi bã nhờn đơn giản nhất có thể áp dụng tại nhà

3. Prevent the appearance of sebaceous filaments on the nose Actually, sebaceous filaments on the skin are not a medical condition nor a health threat, but to minimize the risk of clogging, inflammation is also a problem. As acne and for smoother, whiter skin, we need to change some eating and living habits. Specifically:
Diet: You should limit eating foods high in fat, fried foods, foods that are not good for the heart and lose weight, which brings problems to the skin. For example: Increased sebum secretion, skin lipids, clogged pores... Besides, you should also limit foods that are hot, easy to cause heat in leading to liver damage and acne. To have a healthy shiny skin, you need to supplement with many essential vitamins found in vegetables, tubers and fruits, such as: Vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K, vitamin C and vitamin B group. ... Lifestyle: Lifestyle will greatly determine the activity of the sebaceous glands on the skin. You should not stay up too late, keep yourself mentally comfortable, help stabilize hormones in the body. In addition, exercising with the right intensity also helps to make the skin healthier, the skin has the opportunity to detoxify and excrete through sweat glands. A stronger, more supple body will help produce many good hormones that are beneficial to the skin. The most important thing is to clean, eat and stay clean and minimize bacteria from entering the skin. You should pay attention to wear a mask when going out on the street and avoid touching your face... Dirt on your face is the cause of acne and sebum. Skin care regimen: Whether you have a lot of sebum on your face or not, you should take care of your skin regularly and in the right process. Thoroughly clean the skin with at least 2 steps: removing makeup and washing your face, adding moisturizing and balancing products, and never forgetting daily sun protection and exfoliation with a frequency of 2- 3 times/week. Many people always wonder why they have a very scientific diet, activity and skin hygiene but still have sebum fibers on the skin, especially the nose area. In fact, whether there are many acne or sebaceous fibers will depend on each person's endocrine. For these cases, in addition to regular at-home skin care, you should seek out acne and sebum-resolving therapies at reputable cosmetic hospitals or dermatology hospitals.
Vinmec - View Aesthetic Center has the foundation of the Aesthetic Department of Vinmec Times City International Hospital. This is a prestigious and reliable address in skin care, bringing beauty to customers with the following advantages:
Vinmec's team of doctors and aesthetic technicians are professionally trained and have long experience. years in the field of cosmetic internal medicine. A team of experienced and specialized doctors ensures the quality of surgery. Taking "safety" as a development foundation, in 15 years of establishment and operation, View has not had any plastic surgery complications, is the place to send beauty care of many famous artists. Korea

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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