Is eyelid injection painful?

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Eyeliner will create attractive eyes, cover defects but often take a long time and sometimes the results are not satisfactory. Eyelid spray method is an option to help women get attractive eyes without eyeliner every day. However, many women wonder, is it painful to spray eyelids open?

1. What is eyelash extensions?

Eyelid injection is a cosmetic technique that uses a pen tip with micro needles to put tattoo ink into the epidermis of the eyelid skin. The purpose is to create thin lines, varying degrees of intensity depending on the needs of the customer.
Eyelid spray is a beauty method to help women own large, round and naturally flexible eyes, replacing spending a lot of time on makeup. Accordingly, the main purpose of eyelid spray is to improve the eyelid contour, create depth, and create outstanding accents for the eyes without using eyeliner.
Similar to other tattoo spraying technologies, open eyelid spraying uses special specialized tattoo equipment with a micro-needle tip. The experts spray tattoo on the upper and lower eyelid contours, and follow the predetermined eye contour of the customer.
The time to spray eyelids open usually only takes about 60 minutes, then you will get sharp, impressive eyes as if you have been thoroughly makeup.

2. Advantages of eyelid spray

2.1. Make your eyelids natural and attractive

Women have to wear makeup often, but sometimes it takes a lot of time, having to get up early every day to apply eyeliner, but the results are often not satisfactory, have to do it many times.
Therefore, the method of spraying eyelids open helps women both overcome the defects of the eyes, save time every day and help own sharp, naturally attractive eyelids.

2.2. Long lasting results

Many customers worry that the eyelid spray method will not keep the color, will fade quickly and have to be done again. However, you can rest assured because eyelid spray uses high-quality inks, does not change color over time and has a long-lasting effect. Exactly, the maintenance time of tattoo ink of this method is about 3 to 5 years.
Besides the above advantages, many women really want to apply this cosmetic method, but are still worried about whether the eyelid spray is painful or if the eyelid spray is swollen?
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Giải đáp phun mí mở tròng có bị đau không?

3. Is eyelid injection painful?

Eyelid spray is a beauty measure using modern technology, creating extremely gentle and precise effects to bring tattoo ink into the eyelid skin. Therefore, you may not need to worry too much about whether the eyelid spray is painful.
Besides, this method uses an extremely small tattoo needle, only affects the epidermis of the skin, is absolutely non-invasive and affects vision, so it does not create any damage to health. healthy eyes. At the same time, after spraying the eyelids open, women do not take too much time to rest and can work and study normally.
However, the eyelid skin is characterized by being quite thin and relatively sensitive. Therefore, before performing eyelid surgery, estheticians often have to conduct anesthesia to minimize discomfort during the procedure.
Because this is a measure that more or less still has an impact on the skin, after performing, the eyelid area may be slightly swollen but not cause too much discomfort for the performer. This is completely normal and should go away in a few days.
To bring the highest efficiency, you just need to take care of your eyes carefully and follow the diet regimens according to the instructions of the doctor, esthetician.

4. Some causes of pain when spraying eyelids open

4.1. Using outdated eyelid spray technology

Many cosmetology facilities use outdated and outdated equipment and technology, leading to reduced beauty efficiency and higher invasiveness compared to modern technologies. Because of this problem, customers will feel pain during and after eyelid spraying.

4.2. The esthetician's skills are not high

In fact, the swelling of eyelids does not depend much on the skill of the person performing the technique. Because if the skill or experience is still weak, it will make the hand force when tattooing uncontrolled, increasing the risk of deep damage to the cells under the skin and causing pain or even bleeding.

4.3. Equipment is not completely sterile

Conditions, equipment for spraying eyelids is not guaranteed, not disinfected and completely sterile before use, which is a factor that leads to inflammation and pain for customers.
phun mí mở tròng có bị đau không
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4.4. Each person's body

Depending on the body, each person has a different pain threshold. This is considered to be the reason why even though the same conditions of eyelid spraying are the same (in terms of equipment and operators), some people feel pain, others do not. This problem is unavoidable, so in order to minimize it, the best way is to incubate and reduce skin sensation carefully.

5. How to take care after spraying eyelids open

In order for the skin around the eyelids to quickly heal and be beautiful after spraying the eyelids, you should pay attention to some of the following issues:
Limit the eyelids from getting wet in the first 5-7 days after When conducting; Absolutely no eye makeup; Limit or preferably do not touch or affect the eyelid skin; Only apply or use drugs prescribed by a cosmetologist; Abstain from dishes made from beef, chicken, glutinous rice, seafood, water spinach; Reduce the time using the phone, limit watching TV or activities that cause eye strain; Protect the skin after spraying eyelids open from dirt, avoid harsh sunlight; Limit the use of stimulant drinks such as coffee, wine, beer, tea... In case of prolonged pain or swelling of the eyelids or other abnormal signs appear, you should immediately go to the facility. reputation for timely examination and treatment.
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