Is it possible to lose belly fat without exercise and diet?

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Everyone's body stores fat in different proportions. The lower abdomen tends to be where the most fat accumulates, which could be due to genetics, diet, inflammation or daily lifestyle habits. Patience is key to losing belly fat, but there are a few things you need to change to optimize the process.

1. Causes of belly fat in men and women

Gender can be one of the reasons why you have belly fat. According to research, women tend to store belly fat more than men, possibly due to differences in hormones, genetics and age. In some cases, belly fat in women can also be more difficult to lose.

2. Losing belly fat is very necessary

Losing belly fat is not an easy goal to achieve. Although there are many exercises to help reduce belly fat that are taught, not everyone can do it. In fact, exercises such as cardio, yoga or sit-ups seem to focus only on strengthening the lower abdominal muscles, but have little effect in reducing the amount of fat that accumulates under the skin.
Currently, the diet to reduce belly fat for women is one of the popular methods, trusted by many women to apply, however, in reality, it does not bring the expected effect.
Losing belly fat without exercise is a bit "unrealistic" because fitness experts say that only overall fat loss is the only method to help reduce lower belly fat and is usually done through creating a calorie deficit.

3. What is a calorie deficit?

Calorie deficiency, also known as energy deficiency, occurs when more calories are consumed than calories are added to the body. According to the Mayo Clinic, a person with a deficit of about 3,500 calories can help burn 1 pound of fat.
If there is a combination of exercise and a diet to reduce belly fat for women, a 500 calorie deficit can also lead to 1 pound of fat loss per week.
However, to ensure health, experts recommend that women should not lose more than 2.5 pounds per week because it is associated with excessive calorie restriction.

4. Diet to reduce belly fat

In the process of losing belly fat for women, it is necessary to avoid choosing foods that are processed and contain a lot of refined sugar or are made from bleached grains, because they are related to the instability of the body. blood sugar and inflammation in the digestive tract.
Instead of thinking about how to lose belly fat without exercise, focus on adding healthy sources of protein and fiber to your daily diet. Cruciferous vegetables not only contain many nutrients, but can also help you feel full for longer, effectively supporting the process of losing belly fat for women.
Among vitamins and minerals, protein is the type that can enhance stamina and energy for the body without adding many calories to daily needs. Some sources of protein should be included in the diet to reduce belly fat for women including: Hard-boiled eggs, lean meat, legumes and nuts...
To successfully reduce belly fat, you should not use sugary foods. artificial, typically energy drinks or carbonated soft drinks. Instead, use beverages that reduce inflammation in the body, such as unsweetened green tea and water.
giảm mỡ bụng
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5. How to get rid of belly fat with HIIT exercise

High-intensity interval training, also known as HIIT, is associated with fat loss in high-weight adults.
In one study, adults who participated in HIIT 3 times per week saw the same results as those who did 30 minutes of cardio per day. Research results also show that if you want to lose belly fat, you need to follow a long-term exercise regimen to get the expected results.
You can use apps or a stopwatch to track your training intervals. Decide to ramp up the exercises to the most intense intensity for at least 45 seconds. Then rest for 45 seconds before doing the exercise again with as many repetitions as possible. Repeat this way with 5 to 7 different exercises to get the most effective weight loss.
To lose belly fat, do HIIT or cardio exercises before you want to switch to another form of exercise, the purpose is to raise your heart rate and increase energy for the workout. Here are some suggestions for useful training programs that anyone can use:
5.1 3 HIIT exercises for arms and legs Classic Pilates exercise will target the muscles located deep inside the abdomen and help reduce belly fat effectively, the way to do it is as follows:
You start by lying on your back on the floor or an exercise mat, knees bent and feet flat on the floor; Relax your legs so that your knees are on the table and your feet are still flexible; Point your fingers away from your body and extend your arms as you lift them up, about an inch off the ground; Lift your upper body off the floor to work your abs; Inhale and begin to raise your arms up and down as you keep your chest and neck on the ground; Try to breathe while doing arm movements; Hold the pose and count to 100 before hugging your knees to your chest and exhaling to release the tension from your chest; Repeat this movement 2 or 3 times or more if possible. 5.2 Scissor switch Scissor switch is another exercise for abs, recommended by experts:
You need to start by lying on your back on the floor or yoga mat and raise your legs. up perpendicular to the torso; Your feet should be flexed; You can put your hands behind your head; Lift your chin to your chest and keep your rib cage bent toward your navel; You will feel the tension in the lower abdominal muscles; Let one of your feet drop to the floor in a controlled manner. If you can, stop your foot just before it hits the floor and move it over some distance on the floor. Bring that leg up again. Do the same with the other leg, alternating legs as you lift the chest. Repeat 20 times. 5.3 Jackknife crunch Jackknife crunches focus on the lower abs. The movement may feel simple at first, but after a few repetitions, you'll feel the way they tighten your abs. Here's how:
Lie on your back, arms extended overhead as if reaching for the wall behind you; Focusing on your torso, bring your arms straight toward your feet. At the same time, bring your legs straight up behind your head; Bring your hands to your knees and then lower them; Repeat 20 times.
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6. Lifestyle change measures to reduce belly fat

In addition to following a female belly fat reduction diet and exercising, you can also make other lifestyle changes to support the consumption of fats. Healthy habits tend to happen in a domino effect, so if you can add 1 or 2 healthy changes to your routine, adding more of the other habits will become easier along the way. time.
Here are some good habits to consider:
Drink lots of water; Walk more every day; Get in the habit of remembering what you ate and try to eat more slowly. Eating slowly can help keep you from overeating; Quitting smoking should be done early, even before changing your diet and exercise regimen. Quitting smoking makes your workouts more effective, and offers many other health benefits. Quitting smoking can often be difficult, but your doctor can help develop a quit plan that's right for you. Pay attention to the quality of your sleep by getting a good night's sleep whenever possible. Not getting enough sleep causes stress and can lead to weight gain. In summary, it should be noted that it is not possible to immediately treat or lose fat from one area of ​​your body. Whole body weight loss is the only way to lose belly fat in a healthy way. In addition, toning your abdominal muscles with exercises, changing your diet, and pursuing healthy habits will all contribute to a more effective process of reducing belly fat.

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Reference sources:,
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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