Is it possible to remove moles with toothpaste?

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Moles are black or brown dots that can grow anywhere on the body. Mole removal at medical facilities can cause certain costs. Therefore, many people choose home remedies to remove moles by using toothpaste. So is this method effective and safe?

1. Is it possible to remove moles with toothpaste?

Toothpaste can be commonly used for many health-related purposes such as treating boils, treating insect bites. However, there is no scientific evidence that removing moles with toothpaste is effective or safe.
The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that you consult your doctor for safe mole removal. The doctor will make a clinical and in-depth diagnosis whether the mole is benign or potentially malignant (skin cancer). On the other hand, using home remedies to remove moles in general and toothpaste in particular can somewhat improve the bumps, fade moles on the skin, but it may have some potential risks such as: Infection , scarring, permanent damage to the skin.
MORE: Should I remove moles on my face? How safe at home?

2. Modern methods of removing moles

Modern methods of removing moles are as follows:
2.1. Laser therapy This therapy is done by using a thin beam of light to whiten the base of the mole. Your doctor will probably inject a local anesthetic so you don't feel stressed or anxious during the procedure.
2.2. Cryotherapy In this procedure, the doctor uses a narrow jet of liquid nitrogen or another coolant to freeze the skin. Depending on the size of the area being treated, you may not need anesthesia prior to cryotherapy.
2.3. This method can be used to quickly remove moles. You may or may not be prescribed an anesthetic.
Một số phương phấp tẩy nốt ruồi hiện đại như laser, áp lạnh và nạo nốt ruồi

3. Home remedies to remove moles

3.1. Garlic Many people believe that applying garlic to moles for a while will make these moles shrink in size or disappear completely. This is because garlic contains enzymes that dissolve the clusters of cells that cause moles. However, with the hot nature of garlic can cause skin burns.
3.2. Combination with baking soda and castor oil To get rid of moles, you can use a mixture of castor oil and baking soda topically for a few weeks. Because baking soda dries out moles and castor oil has a protective effect on the skin.
3.3. Oregano Oil If only using Oregano essential oil can cause discomfort to the skin of the face. Therefore, you can add a little castor oil to remove moles at home. This mixture is only effective when you apply it 2-3 times a day.
3.4. Iodine Using a specific concentration of iodine for several weeks helps the mole fall off. This is because iodine can cause heat and fade moles. However, experts recommend that you do not apply iodine to stretch marks because it will cause skin damage.
3.5. Lemon juice Applying lemon juice to a mole several times a day can help clear it up.
3.6. Tea Tree Oil Green tea contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Using tea tree oil extract every day can make moles fade and disappear.
3.7. Potatoes Potatoes are said to have a natural bleaching effect. Although potatoes cannot completely remove moles, it can help fade moles over time.
3.8. Flaxseed Oil Several studies indicate that flaxseed oil contains properties that aid in wound healing. At the same time, it can also help remove dark spots, acne and even moles.
3.9. Frankincense Oil Agarwood oil dries the skin causing the moles to scab and be automatically removed.
3.10. Banana Peel Banana peel contains specific enzymes and acids that can help get rid of moles. Moreover, banana peel can also act as a moisturizer.
3.11. Honey Several studies indicate that honey has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, applying honey on moles will make them fade in a few days.
3.12. Hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide has properties that help remove moles when applied to the skin. Before using hydrogen peroxide, you need to consult a pharmacist to consider the advantages and disadvantages for the skin.
3.13. Aloe Vera is often used as a skin care product. Many people believe that applying aloe vera regularly will help remove moles safely. However, aloe vera can cause allergies in some cases. Therefore, if you are allergic to this product, do not apply.
3.14. Coconut oil Coconut oil has many skin benefits, but there is no research to show that it can help remove moles. However, some people believe that coconut oil will reduce the size of moles when applied daily.
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4. Note when removing moles at home

For benign moles you can perform removal at home. However, with moles there is a risk of malignancy (cancerous) that needs to be diagnosed and treated by a specialist. If you have any unusual moles on your body or you want to remove them, the first thing you need to do is go to the hospital to determine if it is cancer.
Currently on the market, there are some mole removal creams available at drug stores that can cause damage and scarring on the skin. Therefore, you should not arbitrarily buy these products. Some patients with diabetes who want to get rid of moles need to consult a doctor to remove the defect safely.
Homemade mole removal can cause some skin irritation such as: redness, swelling, itching, ... When experiencing any unusual symptoms, you should stop using these methods. In case, you notice, the mole has a rapid change in shape, color, size, larger than 1⁄4 inch in diameter, it is necessary to visit the hospital for examination and consultation.
Each home remedy for mole removal has certain risks and has not been thoroughly researched. Therefore, you should be cautious when deciding to take any method. Ideally, you should go to medical facilities and hospitals to safely remove this defect, avoiding unwanted side effects.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference sources:,
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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