Is the breast cream effective?

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Before taking measures to change breast skin pigmentation, you need to understand how nipples change color over time. Whether the creams make the nipples good, let's find the answer through the following article.

1. Why do nipples tend to become darker?

There are many reasons why nipples become dark and make women lose confidence. The change in nipple color usually takes place during the menstrual cycle, when a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding. Sometimes the discoloration depends on genes and hormonal changes in a woman's body.
Researchers all think that it is the hormones estrogen and progesterone that are the two main factors that cause discoloration in the areola and nipple. Besides, aging, chronic medical conditions, poor lifestyle can also make nipples darker.
Skin pigmentation also determines the color of the nipple. If Melanin is the pigment that gives skin color on the human body, they are also responsible for the nipples, specifically:
The brown pigment Eumelanin makes the nipples dark. Pheomelanin is a red pigment that gives the nipple a light color. So are dark nipples a bad sign? The first thing to confirm is that breast color changes over time and age is not a sign of disease. In fact it is natural and just like your body there are other changes with age and time.

2. Is the nipple cream effective?

2.1. The ingredients of the cream to make the nipples pink are the same as the rest of the skin on the body, if they are darker, it means that the body produces too much melanin. Many people use bleaching and lightening creams to try to change the natural color of their nipples, in the hope that they will work as products to fade dark spots and melasma.
However, most of today's breast enhancement creams being advertised contain strong ingredients that can cause allergies and rashes. Hydroquinone is one of the most powerful and controversial skin lighteners. It is often used for skin whitening in many shades, hyperpigmentation, treatment of dark patches, melasma, age spots and freckles.
Although Hydroquinone is a powerful melanin inhibitor, experts still recommend not using this substance to make nipples brighter.

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2.1. Is the nipple cream good? The nipple area is extremely sensitive, so it is difficult to affect and change the color of this area. You can even get irritated with some lotions, soaps, detergents, etc., if you apply them too often. Besides, many breast creams are of chemical origin, containing chemicals. Overly strong ingredients have a negative effect on nipple skin. Using lightening products that contain Hydroquinone can put users at risk of damaging their nipples (or any other body part to which they apply the solution).
Despite these dangers, some for-profit beauty salons and companies continue to use certain high-quality hydroquinone nipple creams to customers in need. This is not only unethical and irresponsible, but also very dangerous.

3. Tips to make natural nipple pink

Here are some tips if you want to make your nipples pink in a safe way and with minimal risks:
Avoid any products that contain high concentrations of Hydroquinone. Prioritize using skin lightening products with natural ingredients such as vitamin C, minerals... Exfoliate the nipple area regularly to increase the elimination of old skin cells and stimulate the production of new skin cells. . Choose a comfortable bra that is not too tight and puts pressure on the chest area. Eat healthy, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink enough water to prevent dry skin. Above are some tips to help breast color improve gradually over time. Hope you will persevere to have bright breast color in the most natural and safest way.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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