Learn about the use of Retinol to treat acne and melasma

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As a derivative of vitamin A in the retinoid group, retinol is considered a beauty active ingredient in cosmetics and appears in a number of over-the-counter skin care products. Retinol can increase cell regeneration, penetrate the skin as well as stimulate collagen production to support the treatment of acne, antibacterial and melasma on the skin surface.

1. Is retinol good for melasma?

Among the vitamins that can treat melasma, it is impossible not to mention Vitamin A because this vitamin can help reduce dark spots, wrinkles as well as heal scars effectively. In addition, vitamin A also supports deep skin nourishment from within, regenerates and restores the best skin possible; Promote cell metabolism, collagen production for healthy and firm skin.
Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A, so retinol is very effective in treating melasma and dark spots, promoting outstanding effects when used on the skin. However, when using retinol to treat melasma, users should note that it is not for sensitive skin, because it can bring about the opposite reaction.
Nám da
Trong các loại vitamin có thể điều trị nám da thì không thể không kể đến Vitamin A

2. Retinol effectively treats acne

The next outstanding effect of retinol that is recognized by many users is its ability to treat acne. You can use retinol to treat acne when you've tried everything and still don't bring the desired effect.
Substances such as oil, dead skin accumulated at the location below the pores or daily dirt is one of the most common causes of acne on the skin. Retinol pushes acne thanks to the mechanism that can unclog clogged pores, fight swelling, and at the same time, it can also reduce oil glands to help the skin become clear, clean and prevent acne recurrence effectively. fruit.
Therefore, in case your skin is having problems such as melasma, acne, you should use retinol appropriately to overcome those signs.

3. Note when using Retinol to treat melasma and acne

When using retinol to treat melasma and acne, users should note the following issues to avoid side effects as well as increase the effectiveness of the drug:
When using retinol, the user's skin will be more sensitive to the sun, so users need to actively protect their skin optimally with a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher (note: sunscreen should be used even indoors); The maximum recommended concentration of retinol is 0.5% to 1%. Skin sensitivity test: Before using any new product, users need to make sure that the product does not cause skin irritation. When using retinol for acne and melasma, to see if it is suitable for your skin, you can apply the product on the skin of your forearm and do not expose the skin that has used retinol to the sun for about 24 hours. language. If you do not experience any unusual symptoms, you can safely use retinol to push acne or treat melasma.
Bôi kem chống nắng
Khi sử dụng retinol, da của người dùng sẽ nhạy cảm hơn với ánh nắng mặt trời, do đó người dùng cần chủ động bảo vệ làn da tối ưu bằng kem chống nắng
In order for the skin to adapt to a new product, users should use it with a small frequency first, then increase the number of times. For retinol, should only be used once a week at first, then gradually increase the frequency. When your skin is completely used to the action of vitamin A derivatives in retinol, it can be used every night. Retinol is not a chemical exfoliant, so when using Retinol you need to remove makeup, wash your face, Toner, Serum, Retinol, hydrating water and finally apply a cream.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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