Notes after abdominal liposuction to ensure safety and no complications

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Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that aims to remove fat that you cannot seem to do through diet and exercise. Plastic surgeons are usually licensed to perform on various body areas such as the hips, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, back, arms and under the chin or face. Safe abdominal liposuction is a criterion that should be kept in mind from before surgery to after surgery.

1. Things to note before performing safe abdominal liposuction

The first step to take is to consult a surgeon. Talk about your goals, options, risks, benefits, and costs, and uncomplicated issues after liposuction. You should feel free to ask all kinds of questions about matters that concern you.
If you decide to undergo liposuction, your surgeon will guide you through the steps to prepare. These may include a strict diet and restriction of alcohol or other substances. Tell your surgeon about any history of allergies and any medications you take, including supplements and herbs. They will likely advise you to stop taking certain medications, such as blood thinners and some pain medications, a few weeks before surgery.

2. What to expect from safe abdominal liposuction?

Abdominal liposuction can take place in your doctor's office or surgery center. Make sure that the place where you perform the surgery is licensed and well known, meets professional standards, is safe, has good results and is free of complications.
You will go home on the day of surgery. Make sure someone drives you home afterwards. (If you removed a lot of fat, you should have the surgery done in a hospital, where you can stay overnight.)
Before starting liposuction, your doctor can mark the places where you will be performed. They may also take pictures to compare before and after surgery. Next, you will be given general or local anesthesia. Under anesthesia, you won't be awake during surgery, while local anesthesia means you'll be awake but not feel any pain.
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3. Abdominal liposuction methods

There are just a few different liposuction techniques, but what they all have in common is that they use a thin tube, called a catheter, connected to a vacuum to suck fat out of the body. With the development of science and technology today, non-surgical abdominal liposuction is gradually becoming more widely used.
Laser liposuction is the most common technique. The surgeon will inject a sterile solution into the area to be removed. It is usually a mixture consisting of saline, along with lidocaine and epinephrine. This solution makes liposuction easier, with less blood loss and less pain.
Ultrasonic-assisted liposuction, or UAL, uses sound wave energy under your skin to break down the cell walls of fat. This liquefies the fat so that it can be sucked out easily.
Laser-assisted liposuction, also known as SmartLipo, uses a laser to create a stream of energy to liquefy fat.

4. How long is the recovery time after abdominal liposuction surgery?

You may not have to stay in the hospital depending on the type of surgery you had. But you may still experience bruising, swelling, and soreness for at least a few weeks. Your surgeon may ask you to wear tight clothing for 1 to 2 months after surgery to control swelling.
You will probably also have to take some antibiotics to prevent infection. Most people are able to return to work within a few days and return to normal activities within 2 weeks. But the right time for everyone is different.
Ask your plastic surgeon specific questions about what your recovery will be like, including:
What medications will I need to take? Will I wear a bandage? Will I have stitches, and when do I need stitches? When can I return to exercise? Do I need to come back for a follow-up visit?
Sử dụng thuốc kháng sinh khi hút mõ bụng an toàn
Sau khi hút mỡ bụng, bạn có thể phải sử dụng một số loại thuốc kháng sinh để tránh nhiễm trùng

5. What are the risks of tummy tuck surgery?

Plastic surgery is still a type of surgery that can carry some risks. You can limit your risk by choosing to have it performed by a specially trained, board-certified plastic surgeon.
There are a number of direct risks associated with liposuction that you need to consider, including:
Bleeding Complications from anesthesia Shock, often from not getting enough fluid during surgery Fluid accumulation Skin infections Fat embolism occurs when small pieces of fat break off and block circulation Skin burns Irregular fat removal Allergic to lidocaine Sensory disturbances Nerve, blood vessel, muscle damage Damage Abdominal organs Venous thrombosis

6. Notes after abdominal liposuction

6.1 Will there be bad scars? During liposuction, small incisions are made to remove excess fat cells. These incisions are small and preferred to be made in inconspicuous areas when possible, so they are often not noticeable. You should receive instructions on how to care for your incisions after the procedure to care for them properly to ensure that the incisions heal well and leave little to no scarring.
6.2 Measures to promote wound healing and get good results While liposuction aims to remove a certain number of fat cells from the abdomen, the remaining cells can continue to store fat. and grow in size. Eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, and forming a regular exercise routine (after your surgeon allows you to do so) can help promote healing. maintain a healthy body weight and achieve the desired body contour after swelling is gone.
6.3 Results will not be noticed immediately after the end of the surgery Chances are, you will not notice the desired results immediately after the procedure. Even for a short time after liposuction, you may feel as though you have gained weight or look bulkier in your belly. This is due to the effects of fluid retention and swelling after surgery. However, after only a while, the swelling will go away, you will notice significant improvement results.
You may also notice that some areas of skin sag in the area treated with liposuction. However, depending on many factors, such as age or the amount of fat that has been removed, surgical intervention may be needed to tighten the skin. Your plastic surgeon can talk to you about skin tightening as part of a body contouring procedure if warranted. Depending on the amount of fat removed, you will notice final results between 1-3 months after the procedure.
Lưu ý sau khi hút mỡ bụng
Sau khi hút mỡ bụng, bạn có thể sẽ không nhận thấy kết quả ngay lập tức
6.4 Measures to help maintain a new look It is important to keep in mind that liposuction results are not necessarily permanent. In addition to the fat cells that have been eliminated from the body, there are still some fat cells that continue to grow. It's up to you to take good care of yourself to stay slimmer in the long run. Therefore, taking the initiative to follow a healthy diet, drink plenty of water and maintain a regular exercise routine will help you get the body you want.
Above are almost all the issues to note after liposuction, so if you intend to beautify yourself with this method, you need to keep in mind about diet, nutrition and important is to choose for yourself a reputable address when performing the above procedure.
Regularly update the latest information on health, beauty, and aesthetics at the website of Vinmec International General Hospital. If necessary, please send questions to the doctor for more specific advice.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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