Skin whitening cream and things to know

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In fact, there are many people who are using quick skin whitening creams to want to improve their skin without learning about the origin and operation of these creams. A clear analysis of the skin's abrasion mechanism and the harmful effects of mixing cream will help consumers avoid unfortunate consequences.

1. What is whipped cream?

Mixed cream is an accelerated whitening and beautifying cream that is mixed from many different ingredients including drugs, the cream usually contains vitamins E, aspirin, cortibion, becozyme and corticoids. Initially, using this cream can make the skin look beautiful, but the long-term consequences are difficult to determine and even severely damage the skin. Corticosteroids in the cream will suppress the skin's immune system, making the skin retain a lot of water, becoming white, smooth, and plump after only 24 hours of application.
Mixed cream is often produced spontaneously and of unknown origin, where the manufacturer only needs to fully prepare the above ingredients, then grind it finely and re-mix it with an approximate ratio to have the finished cream sold. outside the market. Formulas in ice cream are often untested and unhygienic in the preparation stage because there is no guaranteed production line.
Kem trộn
Kem trộn trắng da là loại kem làm trắng và đẹp da cấp tốc được pha trộn từ nhiều thành phần khác nhau

2. Why does cream mix attract the attention and use of women?

Firstly, the sophisticated labeling, swapping and attractive offers of manufacturers have made consumers unable to recognize mixed cream products and mistakenly believe that they are using natural herbs, natural cream or skin medicine. In addition, these products are also recommended by celebrities, increasing their credibility, causing consumers to become disoriented in choosing beauty products.
Second, because the desire for beauty is so great that women defy the use of cream mixes to instantly improve their skin. After a few days instead of a few weeks of effective use, it will cause an "addiction" mentality that makes women unable to give up these creams because it will make the skin immediately rough, irritated or breakout of acne.

3. Consequences of using whipped cream

The harm of using mixing cream is great and also many, such as:
Unknown and untested origin makes the use of mixing cream dangerous for any skin. , easy to cause severe irritation Corticosteroids - the key ingredient in the cream causes blood vessels under the skin to dilate, causing irritation, redness, denser facial hair, atrophy of the skin, and rashes Symptoms such as swelling, rashes, itchiness , dryness, pustules everywhere are inevitable after a few months of use. The toxic ingredients of the cream mix will gradually destroy the outer epidermis of the skin, creating conditions for fungi and parasites to grow.
Kem trộn
Việc sử dụng kem trộn trắng da nguy hiểm với bất kỳ làn da nào, dễ gây kích ứng nghiêm trọng

4. How to whiten skin in a healthy way?

A fair skin is determined by the following factors:
Race: yellow-skinned people will have a skin color ranging from type 3-5 according to skin color grading Less exposure to sunlight Good endocrine according to The human phase, especially the menstrual cycle Skin care activities, diet, water supply to the body So ​​raising skin tone depends on a lot of internal and external factors. There is no magic cream that can completely replace these activities. To be able to nourish a bright and healthy skin, women should take some of the following measures:
Properly use sunscreen of clear origin and suitable for your skin type when leaving the house, avoid physical activity in the peak hot weather. Supplement vitamins and minerals in the diet, it is best to consult the dietitian's diet. Drink lots of water. Reasonable lifestyle and rest. Skin care properly and safely Please follow our website ( ) for more information on beauty tutorials that will be updated regularly by us.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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