When to use mineral spray for skin?

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Moisturizing mineral spray has long become a must-have item in many women's bags similar to lipstick or sunscreen. However, when to use mineral spray is effective and at what step of the makeup or skincare process, let's find out through the following article.

1. What is a moisturizing mineral spray?

Today, the phrase mineral spray is no longer strange to women, even men. This is a type of skin care cosmetics with simple, convenient and effective use that is very popular, often carried around so that it can be used anytime.
Moisturizing mineral spray is a type of skin care cosmetic in liquid form, designed in the form of a mist spray bottle. The ingredients of moisturizing mineral spray are often necessary minerals that are beneficial to the skin, especially for moisturizing purposes.
The following are the specific uses of moisturizing mineral spray that not all women can understand:
Moisturizing: This is the first and most prominent use of mineral spray. After mineralizing, your skin is immediately supplied with enough water and nutrients, maintaining skin moisture, making skin always soft without drying. The mineral spray layer is like a protective film to protect the skin under the influence of the environment such as dust, pollution... Regulating oil on the skin: The mineral spray layer helps limit the amount of oil secreted on the facial skin, making the skin skin Always dry, especially mineral spray to help lock makeup without being affected by oil secretion. Clean skin before makeup: Before applying makeup, you should use mineral spray, first to moisturize the skin, secondly, a layer of mineral spray to help make-up layers adhere and last longer, somewhat limited. The effects of powder on the skin of the face. Lock makeup layer: Mineral spray is very popular with makeup followers because of this magical effect. Mineral spray after makeup has the effect of locking makeup, making makeup more durable. Sometimes if you are worried about too much makeup, mineral spray also works to adjust your skin, you look more natural even with makeup.
Xịt khoáng mang đến rất nhiều lợi ích cho làn da
Xịt khoáng mang đến rất nhiều lợi ích cho làn da

2. When is the best time to use mineral spray?

Although mineral spray has many uses for the skin, not everyone knows when to use mineral spray to be effective.
2.1 Moisturizing mineral mist before going to bed and after waking up Before going to bed, skincare is an indispensable step if you want to have a healthy and bright skin. Besides basic skin care steps such as makeup remover, face wash, toner, serum, moisturizer, you can spray a thin layer of mineral spray, this will help your skin not secrete oil, make you sleep Sleep better
Similarly, the skin after a night will eliminate some unnecessary substances, the use of moisturizing mineral spray makes the skin more fresh, helps you to start a working day and effective learning.
2.2 Moisturizing mineral spray before and after makeup Before applying makeup, use mineral spray to moisturize the skin. A skin with adequate moisture will make makeup easier, especially when using makeup that will not be moldy. In addition, the mineral spray layer is like a veil to protect your skin similar to a primer before makeup.
After finishing makeup, use moisturizing mist as a final lock. This helps the makeup to become smooth, natural.
2.3 Moisturizing mineral spray when you feel dry skin The phenomenon of dry skin is a warning bell that your skin is lacking water and needs to be replenished. The fastest and most effective solution is to use a moisturizing mineral spray, which helps the skin quickly regain the necessary moisture. In fact, the mineral spray does not have to be fixed for a period of time, you can spray several times a day to help the skin always be fully hydrated.
Xịt khoáng giúp lớp trang điểm được bền màu hơn
Xịt khoáng giúp lớp trang điểm được bền màu hơn

2.4 Moisturizing mineral spray after going to the sun After going to the sun, your skin often gets red and irritated by the sun, this mineral spray will help your skin calm down, minimizing the effects of the sun's harmful rays. out towards the skin.

3. How to use mineral spray properly

3.1 How to use mineral spray The mineral spray bottle is designed with a spray head that is very easy to use, you just need to do the following steps:
Step 1: Bring the spray bottle to a position parallel to the face, hold the spray bottle upright, spray head slightly tilted upwards. The position of the spray should be about 20-30cm away from the face, depending on the intended use. If cleaning is 20cm, spray 30cm after makeup Step 2: Close your eyes and press the spray button, move the spray head in a circle around the face Step 3: Use your hands to pat the skin for about 30 seconds, remember to wash your hands first when doing Step 4: Leave the mineral spray on the face for a period of time from 2-3 minutes, then you can take makeup cotton to absorb excess water on the face 3.2 Notes when using mineral spray Here are some Note when using mineral spray:
Choose the right mineral spray for your skin, For some specialized mineral sprays such as acne treatment, exfoliating should only spray about 2 times a day, 3 times a week Wash Clean face before mineralization Adding a mineral spray step to your skin care routine will help you get a moist, smooth skin and limit the problems of flaky, dry and aging skin. Therefore, you should choose for yourself a suitable mineral spray product to use every day.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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