Which vitamins are good for oily skin?

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To have beautiful skin you need to provide important nutrients to the skin through oral (systemic) and/or topical (topical) route to reduce the risk of deficiency of these substances due to age and over time. . Here are 4 important vitamins that not only help protect the skin, prevent acne but also help you maintain long-term beauty.

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a substance belonging to the group of micronutrients, including substances that cannot be synthesized by the body and must be added from outside (mainly through the diet). This is also one of the powerful antioxidants that help fight free radicals (cell destroyers, harmful to the skin), stimulate the proliferation of collagen, elastin, vitamin A to help increase the cohesion of the skin structure. , reduce wrinkles on the surface.
For oily skin prone to acne, vitamin A helps reduce inflammation in acne, promotes new skin cell growth through the rapid elimination of keratinocytes on the skin.
In dermatology, vitamin A is often used to treat a number of skin diseases such as acne, ulcers, psoriasis ... by affecting all 4 causes of the disease. It reduces oil secretion, reduces pore blockage, reduces inflammation, and inhibits bacteria.
You can supplement vitamin A through: foods rich in vitamin A such as: Beef, sweet potatoes, carrots, eggs, dairy products, spinach, mangoes, oranges, bright red foods or you can also use skin care cosmetics containing vitamin A.
vitamin nào tốt cho da dầu
Vitamin nào tốt cho da dầu có thể kể đến vitamin A

2. Vitamin E

Is vitamin E good for oily skin? Vitamin E has long been used as an effective anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The fat-soluble property makes vitamin E easily and quickly absorbed into the skin, so acne can heal quickly.
Every day we are often exposed to sunlight with a lot of ultraviolet rays, so the skin is easy to lose elasticity and darken. Using skin care products containing vitamin E will help lock in moisture, reduce skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, and prevent tanning.
For people with atopic dermatitis (skin itching and skin color disorder due to the skin containing many IgE antibodies), vitamin E has the effect of reducing IgE levels, reducing itching and restoring normal color soon. usually for the skin. Finally, vitamin E also plays an important role in promoting collagen production, limiting free radicals and slowing down the skin aging process. So whether it is oily skin or other skin types, vitamin E brings very positive uses.
You can absorb vitamin E through: foods with vitamin E, synthetic vitamin E, separate vitamin E, on the market there are also many cosmetics with this ingredient.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is considered an indispensable antioxidant, capable of neutralizing and neutralizing free radicals formed during the body's exposure to pollution, smoke, and radiation. In addition, vitamin C is also an important "link" to help synthesize collagen - an important compound that keeps the skin smooth, helps to regenerate the skin, prevents wrinkles and dry skin.
So is vitamin C good for oily skin? If the skin shows signs of dryness, roughness, irritation or redness... it is necessary to think about the possibility that the body is deficient in vitamin C. This vitamin can be supplemented through taking pills, using lotions, serums or cosmetics containing vitamin C. If you want to lighten your skin by taking vitamin C, consult your doctor.
You can get vitamin C through your diet. Prioritize foods rich in vitamin C such as: oranges and citrus fruits (tangerines, grapefruit ..), eat broccoli, spinach, strawberries or you can also take vitamin C supplements through orally (as directed by the doctor).
tổng hợp collagen
Vitamin c tốt cho da dầu giúp tổng hợp collagen

4. EASY Vitamins

Vitamin D not only helps bones but also has antibacterial properties, thereby helping to treat many skin diseases (especially related to acne). In addition, this vitamin also helps maintain skin color, elasticity, and slows down the aging process effectively. Unlike other vitamins, vitamin D is synthesized from sunlight, absorbed by the liver and kidneys, and transported throughout the body. To absorb vitamin D, you can sunbathe in the early morning for about 10 minutes a day. In addition, you can also add foods rich in vitamin D such as breakfast cereals, orange juice, yogurt, tuna, salmon, mushrooms, eggs... into your daily diet.
So we have listed through 4 types of vitamins that are good for oily skin in particular and all other skin types in general. To own a healthy, shiny and vibrant skin, increase your daily intake of these 4 vitamins.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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