Do ovarian cysts cause infertility?

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Ngoc Chien - Clinician - Reproductive Support Center, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
Ovarian cyst is a common disease in women, but the problem is less understood by women until they have it. One of the most concerned ovarian cyst problems is that do ovarian cysts cause infertility? The following article will provide you with useful information on that matter.

1. What is an ovarian cyst?

Ovarian cyst is the common name for the fluid-filled sac or cavity located on the ovary. Not all ovarian cysts affect fertility. In fact, functional cysts are sometimes a product of ovulation, functional cysts.
Three types of cysts are common but do not affect fertility:
Ovarian follicles form when, instead of bursting to release an egg, the follicle remains intact and the follicle continues to grow.
Luteal cyst, sometimes forming after ovulation. Normally, once the egg has broken, the follicle shrinks into a mass of cells called the corpus luteum, which produces hormones in preparation for the next cycle. A corpus luteum cyst forms when, instead of shrinking, the follicle repairs itself and fluid builds up inside. Dermoid cysts: These solid cysts contain tissue — like skin, hair, or even teeth — instead of fluid. Benign dermoid tumors do not cause infertility. Benign cysts are water- or mucus-filled structures of varying sizes that do not normally affect a woman's fertility. These residual cysts and corpus luteum cysts are usually harmless and disappear within one to three months without treatment. And for pregnant women, the corpus luteum follicles are really important: they produce progesterone, a hormone essential for the first eight weeks of pregnancy.
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U nang lành tính là những cấu trúc chứa nước hoặc dịch nhày không ảnh hưởng đến khả năng sinh sản của người phụ nữ

2. Cysts that have the potential to affect fertility

In fact, most of these cysts do not directly affect fertility, simply being a symptom of larger conditions that can affect fertility.
Endometriosis is an example of a disease that can cause ovarian cysts that affect fertility. Endometriosis is endometriosis located outside the uterus, which can be anywhere else in the body. When this lining grows inside the ovary, it causes endometriosis-type ovarian cysts.
Although doctors do not have an answer to whether ovarian cysts cause infertility, according to studies, endometriosis is closely related to infertility; Some studies demonstrate that women with even mild endometriosis have only a 2% to 4% chance of getting pregnant each month (compared to a 15% 20% chance healthy women have).
When the cyst grows to a large size, it will both compress other egg cells that cannot develop, and interfere with the ovulation process to conceive. If the tumor grows too large in both ovaries and there are no more healthy follicles, the woman may lose the ability to become a mother.
Endometriosis affects the ability to conceive because it causes adhesions, blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis in the myometrium, causing uterine contractions, affecting the ability of the fetus to implant. Intra-abdominal endometriosis affects immune factors, so it also affects the process of conception and implantation of the fetus.
U nang buồng trứng có nguy hiểm không?
Những phụ nữ bị lạc nội mạc tử cung nhẹ chỉ có từ 2% đến 4% cơ hội mang thai mỗi tháng

3. What other complications can ovarian cysts cause?

While it's difficult to answer the question of whether ovarian cysts cause infertility, large or multiple cysts can have other side effects or symptoms, such as bloating, more frequent urination, pressure, and more. pelvic pain or pain, menstrual disorders, menorrhagia.
If the cysts don't go away on their own after a few months, continue to grow, or cause you pain, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove them. Larger ovarian cysts can cause rare ovarian torsion which, if not treated promptly with surgery, can lead to ovarian loss.
Also, in rare cases, ovarian cysts can develop into ovarian cancer. This not only affects your ability to get pregnant, but also endangers your life.
Does ovarian cyst treatment cause infertility? That depends on your treatment options. Usually hormone treatment does not have a long-term effect on fertility. Surgery always carries the risk of affecting the ovaries and the risk of possible complications (rarely) leading to the risk of removing the ovaries. Both of these risks lead to ovarian failure and lower pregnancy rates.

4. Should women with ovarian cysts freeze eggs or oocytes?

While not all ovarian cysts affect fertility, there are cases where you may want to consider freezing your eggs to preserve fertility.
Women with endometriosis who are not ready to become pregnant are a “candidate” for egg freezing. During endometriosis, abnormal endometrial tissue growth can cause inflammation, scarring, cysts, and organ damage, including damage to the ovaries. And if the ovaries are damaged, that could mean a reduced egg count.
Freezing eggs before endometriosis has progressed too far is the best way to preserve reproductive options for later life.
Surgical removal of ovarian cysts can affect fertility due to damage to healthy ovarian tissue. When an ovarian cyst is surgically removed, there will usually be a lower egg count. For that reason, women who are considering surgery for ovarian cysts should also consider freezing their eggs or embryos before surgery.
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Do ovarian cysts cause infertility? Is there any connection between these two issues? Although there is no definite answer, if you let the cyst develop in a bad way, it will certainly harm both your health and your future motherhood. Do not hesitate to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible when you have symptoms of ovarian cysts. Treatment of ovarian cysts, whether medical or surgical, by experienced doctors will help you minimize the possibility of affecting your fertility.

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