10 exercises to reduce underarm fat

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The accumulation of fat under the arms is an obsession of many women. However, now there are many training methods to reduce biceps fat. If you do not know where to start, women can learn the following 10 exercises to have toned, slim arms, effectively reduce arm fat.
There is a misconception that, when doing certain exercises, you can lose fat in a certain place on the body. Like performing abdominal exercises, you can reduce belly fat, thigh exercises will effectively reduce thigh fat, push-up exercises will reduce biceps fat,... However, most studies point to the notion that This is not correct. One study involved 104 people who did arm exercises for 12 weeks, then measured total body fat and underarm fat. The results showed that the exercise increased the overall fat loss effect, not just the fat loss under each arm location, the amount of fat lost under the arm was not different from the surrounding areas. Along with many other studies, it can be concluded that exercise exercises will not help reduce local fat in a single part (such as abdomen, buttocks, thighs, ...) but will have a whole-body effect. . If you lose fat, you will lose all areas of the body.
So, if you want to lose arm fat, the exercise doesn't have to be just lifting weights. Combination exercises that target many parts of the arms, back, chest, shoulders, ... will have better results. It also tones the upper body by strengthening the muscles, helping with overall weight loss and promoting heart health. Here are 10 coordinated exercises you can do at home, both to help reduce underarm fat in particular, and to help you lose weight as a whole.

1. Push-ups

Push-ups work many muscles at once, including the muscles in the arms, shoulders, and chest. Not only does it help reduce back and biceps fat, but it also helps with overall weight loss. Many studies have shown that doing push-ups regularly will significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Another advantage is that you can practice push-ups anytime, anywhere without any additional equipment or support.
The push-up exercise is performed as follows:
Place your hands on the floor, hands wider than shoulders, head looking straight at the ground. Extend your feet back so you're on tiptoe. With both legs straight, you can use your knees if you are not strong enough to straighten your legs. Lift your hips up to create a straight line from shoulder to heel, hip position neither too high nor too low. Tighten your abs and glutes, look straight ahead. Slowly extend your elbows to lower your body. Then push the person up to the old position. Remember the principle of breathing when pushing up is that when you come down you inhale and when you raise your body, you exhale. Breathing incorrectly will make you tired quickly and reduce the effectiveness of your exercise.
MORE: Breathe to reduce belly fat
Chống đẩy
Chống đẩy là bài tập hiệu quả để giảm mỡ cánh tay

2. Cat Pose

Cat pose is a yoga movement that directly affects the back and chest, helping to relax and warm up the body. Besides, regular exercise helps shoulder and wrist muscles become stronger and more flexible.
Exercise cat pose as follows:
You use 2 arms and knees to create a four-legged position on the yoga mat. Maintain a straight posture, hands shoulder-width apart, knees hip-width apart, arms perpendicular to the floor, eyes looking straight ahead. Exhale, lengthening your spine into an arch. Then inhale, chin toward chest, head toward navel, arched back and upward as much as possible. Breathe deeply, holding the pose for a few breaths. Then slowly exhale, returning the body to the original position. Repeat the movement a few times.

3. Downward-facing dog pose

This is a fairly common pose in yoga. This pose helps to lengthen the spine, shoulders, ligaments, relaxes, contributes to reducing underarm fat and reducing body fat if practiced regularly. Downward facing dog does the following:
Start in child pose: you kneel in the center of the mat, pressing your knees together and letting your buttocks touch your feet. Exhale and slowly place your torso on your thighs, forehead touching the mat. Exhale, knees hip-width apart, feet together, arms out in front of you. Use your arms to slowly push yourself up, legs straight. Your body will be in an inverted V shape, this is known as Downward-Facing Dog. You can adjust your feet and extend your toes to help hold the position for a few minutes, breathing evenly. Slowly move out of the pose by reversing the initial movements.
Tư thế chó úp mặt
Tư thế chó úp mặt

4. Triceps press

The triceps is a muscle in the biceps. You can tone this muscle, contribute to reducing arm fat with the following exercise:
You sit down on a chair, holding a dumbbell in both hands (choose a weight of the right weight). Bend your elbows to bring the dumbbells down behind your head until your forearms touch your biceps. Use your triceps to lift the weights back above your head. Perform 2 sets of exercises, each repetition 10-15 times. You can rest for about 10 seconds between sets. SEE ALSO: Body Reconstruction: Lose Fat and Gain Muscle at the Same Time

5. Triceps extension exercise

This exercise is similar to the triceps exercise above, but the difference is that you don't sit on a chair but do it on the floor or on a bench. The exercise is performed as follows:
You lie on your back on a straight chair, holding a pair of dumbbells in both hands. You hold weights on your shoulders, level with your head. Bend your elbows so that your arms form a 90-degree angle with your elbows facing the ceiling. Lift the dumbbells up until the arms are straight, then continue to bend the elbows as at the beginning. You should pay attention to choose the right weight. Lifting weights that are too heavy can lead to incorrect movements and the risk of injury.
Triceps extension
Bài tập Triceps extension

6. Chest press (Chess press)

This exercise helps to coordinate many groups of the upper body such as pectoralis major, anterior shoulder muscles, scapula, triceps, elbow muscles, back muscles, abs, hip muscles, etc. Correct technique will help develop the chest muscles, chest enlargement, arm muscles become strong, reduce biceps fat, .... You need to prepare a bench and some suitable weights to perform this exercise. .
The movements of the chest exercise are as follows:
You lie on your back on a bench. Hold two dumbbells with the right weight in both hands. Extend your elbows out to the sides, forming a 90-degree angle. Next, straighten your arms to lift the dumbbells. Then extend your elbows to return to the starting position. Perform 2-3 sets of exercises, each consisting of 10-15 repetitions of movements.

7. Bicep curls

This exercise works a lot on the arms. Regular practice will help women lose arm fat, quickly have toned and slim arms. You perform this exercise according to the following steps:
You stand or sit, holding a dumbbell in each hand, feet shoulder width apart. Slowly bend your elbows and bring the dumbbells toward your shoulders. Then, lower the dumbbells toward the ground. Repeat the movement several times.
Bicep curl
Bài tập bicep curl

8. Bench dip

This is a fairly simple exercise, you can practice anywhere, from the edge of the sofa, the edge of the bed to the dedicated benches in the gym. The exercise is performed as follows:
You place your arms in the chair and your feet on the floor. While gripping the edge of the bench with your hands, move your body off the bench with your knees bent and feet together. Lower your body until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Use arm strength to slowly lift your body up. Repeat the movements several times.

9. Triceps pressdown exercise

This is an exercise performed with a cable machine, which has a very good effect on toning the arm muscles, reducing biceps fat. The exercise is done as follows:
You stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart, stand close to the hand holding the cable, arms parallel to the sieve. Use your triceps to pull the cable in front of your thighs. Note when practicing, you only move the forearm, the arm still keeps close to the body. Inhale and slowly bring your hands back to the starting position
Bài tập Triceps pressdown
Bài tập Triceps pressdown

10. Seated row exercise

Sitting row exercises help toned and healthy back, contributing to reducing arm fat. To perform this exercise, you need to use a low cable puller, which is available in most professional gyms.
Perform the Seated row exercise as follows:
Adjust the weight of the cable machine to best suit your health. You sit in the chair of the cable machine, grab the cable with both hands and pull it towards your body until your hands touch your chest. Hold the position for a few seconds and then slowly bring your body back to the starting position. Repeat the entire movement until the required number of repetitions. Consistently practicing the exercises above along with a healthy diet will help build strength, promote heart health, reduce fat under the arms and reduce total body fat. In addition, the practice also helps reduce stress, fatigue, positive energy, joy and comfort in life.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source: healthline.com
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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