40 years old wisdom teeth should be extracted?

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The article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Dang Tien Dat - Doctor of Dental - Jaw - Facial - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.
Wisdom teeth are called molars 8 and are located on the innermost side of the jaw. Usually, wisdom teeth will begin to erupt in adulthood, from 17-25 years old with 4 teeth located in the innermost corners of the jaw. However, in fact, in many cases, it is not until the age of 40 that wisdom teeth begin to erupt. So, at the age of 40, should wisdom teeth be extracted or have any complications?

1. Symptoms of wisdom teeth eruption

Human teething process is divided into 2 stages. The first stage is the formation and development of the milk teeth system including 20 teeth, including 8 premolars, 8 incisors and 4 canines. This set of teeth begins to erupt when the child is 6 months old and completes the baby teeth when the child is 3 years old. They play a role in helping children eat, learn to talk and communicate. The next stage is the development of permanent teeth, which are the teeth that erupt to replace baby teeth at the age of 6. This set of teeth includes 32 teeth (16 molars, 8 incisors, 4 canines and 4 wisdom teeth). The last teeth to erupt are wisdom teeth or number 8, they will begin to erupt at the age of 17-25 years of age. In many cases, it takes up to 40 years for wisdom teeth to erupt.
For those 40 years old who just got wisdom teeth in particular or any other age when wisdom teeth grow in general, many typical symptoms appear as follows:
The location of wisdom teeth eruption is right on the arch jaw and finally erupt when the other 28 teeth are in perfect position. Wisdom teeth have less room to erupt, so they usually only come in a little. Therefore, the first manifestation when wisdom teeth erupt is that the patient will feel a lot of pain in the back of the jaw. Their growth process is often interrupted, lasting many years, so the pain can last into many episodes.
Swollen gums
Swollen gums is a fairly common symptom of wisdom teeth eruption. Because wisdom teeth grow in the adult stage of humans, from 17-25 years old and can be up to 40 years old.
This is the period of time when the jawbone has a harder bone quality, less growth in size, thicker soft tissue and upper mucosa, combined with systemic factors that make wisdom teeth easier to grow crooked and hidden. . So, when they grow, the first reaction of the gums is to stretch, begin to swell, causing toothache and pain.
Swollen cheeks, painful opening of the mouth, feverish onions
One of the signs when wisdom teeth are teething is fever, swollen cheeks and worse, pain when opening the mouth, moving the jaw. Teething fever symptoms are usually mild and do not last long. Pain in the teeth facilitates an increase in body temperature.
Besides, the patient may also feel that the jaw arch becomes heavy, no longer as flexible as before, pain when opening the mouth wide and difficulty in eating.
The symptoms of wisdom teeth eruption often occur at the same time or consecutively, in which pain symptoms almost occur in each person.
40 tuổi mọc răng khôn thường có biểu hiện bị đau nhức, sưng lợi

2. Is wisdom tooth eruption at the age of 40 dangerous?

By the time the wisdom teeth began to grow, the jawbone and gums had developed firmly, along with 28 other teeth were firmly on the jaw and almost occupied all the space for the wisdom teeth to grow. Therefore, wisdom teeth are often difficult to straighten, obstructed and lead to misaligned wisdom teeth, impacted wisdom teeth.
At any age or 40 years old, wisdom teeth that are crooked, grow underground, there are dangerous oral complications as follows:
Wisdom teeth grow underground, erupting, causing pressure and tilting the 7th tooth. edge, leading to misalignment of the jaw. Besides, this phenomenon also makes food stuck in between teeth, creating conditions for the growth of bacteria and causing tooth decay, toothache, tooth decay. Wisdom teeth grow crooked and grow underground, causing pain, fever, redness and swelling in the gums and local infection forming pockets of pus and inflammation. In some patients, jaw cysts occur. This condition will damage the teeth, more seriously affect the nerves, damage the jawbone. The swollen gums cause inflammation and discomfort, affecting the communication and eating of the patient. Misaligned wisdom teeth compress the nerves, leading to a decrease or loss of sensation in the skin, lips, mucous membranes, and teeth in the half-arch of the jaw. Misaligned wisdom teeth cause sympathomimetic syndrome such as red edema around the eye socket, half face pain.
40 tuổi mọc răng khôn gây đau nhức, sốt

3. 40 years old wisdom teeth should be extracted?

Symptoms and complications of wisdom teeth eruption can occur at any age. Therefore, according to the recommendations of doctors, 40-year-old people who have normal upright wisdom teeth and do not cause any pain or symptoms, the patient does not need to remove the teeth. Because they do not adversely affect teeth as well as health.
Besides, patients need to keep their teeth clean, use dental floss in combination with sucking and rinsing with physiological saline to limit possible infections.
In the case of wisdom teeth growing underground, misaligned, causing symptoms such as pain, inflammation, swelling of the cheeks, painful opening of the mouth, etc., the patient needs to go to the hospital for an accurate examination and diagnosis from the doctor. doctor. Early extraction of teeth will help limit complications that adversely affect health.

=>> Advice from Master, Doctor Dang Tien Dat - Doctor of Dental - Jaw - Facial - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital:
When wisdom teeth erupt, need to be treated. Visit immediately to determine the status of wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth can cause complications such as recurrent inflammation, damage to adjacent teeth. The indication for wisdom tooth extraction will be based on:
Risk of complications of wisdom teeth (Is it painful or inflammatory? Is there a risk of damaging adjacent teeth?) Difficulty of wisdom teeth and patient's health. Wisdom tooth extraction is a routine technique at Vinmec International General Hospital. The advantages of wisdom tooth extraction technique at Vinmec are:
Experienced team of doctors, gentle, painless procedure. Dedicated nursing care, quick recovery. Patients will be able to use the best medicines, exactly as prescribed by the dentist. The most modern equipment, a clean environment to ensure sterility, will limit complications in the best way.

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