Add antioxidants to your diet

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Antioxidants can protect cells against free radicals, preventing disease. Plant-based food antioxidants – like vitamins C, E and carotenoids, are best. Vegetables and whole grains are also high in fiber, low in fat and cholesterol, and provide plenty of vitamins and minerals.

1. Types of antioxidants used in food

Antioxidants are not the name of a substance, but rather the active description of a range of substances. There are hundreds and thousands of different types of antioxidants. Each type has its own role and can interact with each other to help the body function effectively.
Examples of antioxidants from outside the body include:
Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin E Beta-carotene Lycopene Lutein Selenium Manganese Zeaxanthin Flavonoids, flavones, catechins, polyphenols and phytoestrogens are also types of antioxidants present in the body. foods of plant origin.
Each antioxidant performs a different function and is not interchangeable. That's why a varied diet is so important.
Chất chống oxy hóa
Chất chống oxy hóa không phải là tên của một chất, mà là mô tả hoạt động một loạt các chất

2. What foods are antioxidants found in?

The best sources of antioxidants are plant-based foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Brightly colored foods often contain the most antioxidants. Foods that are particularly rich in antioxidants are often referred to as “superfoods”.
To get some specific antioxidants, try to add the following to your diet:
Vitamin A: Dairy products, eggs and liver Vitamin C: Most fruits and vegetables vegetables, especially berries, oranges and bell peppers Vitamin E: Nuts, sunflower seeds and other vegetable oils, and green leafy vegetables Beta-carotene: Freshly colored fruits and vegetables breakfast, such as carrots, peas, spinach and mango Lycopene: Pink and red fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes and watermelon Lutein: Green, leafy vegetables, corn, papaya and oranges Selenium: Rice, corn, wheat and other whole grains, as well as nuts, eggs, cheese and legumes Other foods that are also good and good sources of antioxidants include:
Eggplant Legumes such as black beans or peas Green and black tea Red grapes Dark chocolate Pomegranate Goji berries Blueberries Apples Broccoli Spinach Lentils
Rau củ quả là thực phẩm tốt cho người mắc bệnh mỡ máu
Nguồn chất chống oxy hóa tốt nhất là thực phẩm từ thực vật, đặc biệt là trái cây và rau quả
In addition, antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are also often high in fiber, low in saturated fat and cholesterol, as well as a good source of vitamins and minerals. So diversify your daily menu with:
Berries: Blueberries, raspberries, raspberries, strawberries and cranberries are top fruit sources of antioxidants. Colorful foods: Sweet potatoes, carrots, red and green peppers, kale, spinach, and broccoli all contain the antioxidant carotene. Try to choose red, orange, dark yellow, and dark green plants every day. Nuts: Walnuts and pecans contain top levels of antioxidants, and so are sunflower seeds. Drinks: Boost your health with pomegranate juice or a glass of red wine. Even enjoying coffee and tea or a sip of dark chocolate is an antioxidant boost. Remember, when it comes to adding antioxidants to your diet, no one food or food group is the sole focus. Instead, make sure to incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains into your daily menu.

3. Effect of Cooking on Food Antioxidants

Cooking methods of specific foods can increase or decrease the levels of antioxidants used in foods. Example:
Lycopene is an antioxidant that gives tomatoes their deep red color. When tomatoes are heat-treated, the lycopene becomes easier to consume. However, studies have shown that cauliflower, peas, and zucchini lose much of their antioxidant activity during cooking. The following tips can help increase the amount of food antioxidants in your menu:
Always have a fruit or vegetable with every meal, including meals and snacks. Drink a cup of green tea or matcha every day. Add color on servings. If your food is mostly brown or beige, then antioxidant levels may be low. Include foods with rich colors, such as kale, beets, and berries. Use turmeric, cumin, marjoram, ginger, cloves and cinnamon to enhance the flavor and antioxidant content of foods. Snack on nuts, especially sunflower seeds and dried fruit, but choose those with no added sugar or salt. Besides, try these healthy and delicious recipes suggested by nutritionists as follows:
Cherry Almond Smoothie Carrot Stir-Fried Ginger Spicy Ginger Roasted Beetroot and Red Quinoa Salad with Vinegar Water Carrot juice Chickpeas, kale and cashews soup Spicy Thai salad Mixed juice of apple, lemon, ginger and spinach. There are no recommendations for daily antioxidant intake, but choosing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is certainly beneficial.
nấu ăn chế biến
Phương pháp chế biến các loại thực phẩm cụ thể có thể làm tăng hoặc giảm mức độ chất chống oxy hóa dùng trong thực phẩm

4. Risks of getting an antioxidant boost in the form of a supplement

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) warns that high doses of antioxidant supplements can be harmful, so you need to be cautious. Example:
High intake of beta-carotene is associated with an increased risk of lung cancer in smokers. High doses of vitamin E have been found to increase the risk of prostate cancer. Use of certain antioxidant supplements has been linked to an increased risk of tumor development. Antioxidant supplements can also interact with certain medications. Overall, research has not proven that taking antioxidants supplements or through food can fight disease. Free radicals have been linked to a wide range of diseases, including heart disease, cancer and vision loss, but this does not mean that increased antioxidant intake will completely avoid these diseases. What's more, antioxidants from man-made sources may increase the risk of a number of health problems. It is important to consult your doctor before using any supplement.
In short, look for natural sources of antioxidants through a healthy diet. Consumption of fruits and vegetables has been linked to reduced rates of chronic disease, where antioxidants may play a role. Also, anyone considering taking an antioxidant supplement should consult their doctor first.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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