Can mild depression go away on its own?

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Sometimes mild depression is not a mental disorder, but just a normal response to a life event or a side effect of medication. With the increasing incidence of the disease, many people wonder if mild depression needs treatment or can mild depression go away on its own?

1. Manifestations of mild depression

Mild depression is in its infancy, so you won't have all of the typical depressive symptoms. To diagnose depression, your doctor must rely on at least one of the following two symptoms:
Always in a sad mood, moody, tired, not smiling, with or without crying. No motivation in life, decreased interest in everything, including previous hobbies. In addition to the above symptoms, people with mild depression may also exhibit a number of other related symptoms, such as:
Not sleeping well , restless sleep or having nightmares Unusual appetite changes Frequent fatigue Easily excitable Slow movements Unable to deal with small life problems Difficulty concentrating Constantly questioning yourself, being disappointed in yourself and feeling guilty Have thoughts of death or suicide death.

2. Causes of mild depression

There are many reasons for the outbreak of mild depression, however, psychologists have pointed out 3 typical groups of causes as follows:
Psychological trauma Psychology can be traumatized by emotional shock, moderate being fired or bankrupt, family conflicts, colleagues, ... make you feel too stressed in work or life. Trauma in children can come from problems at school, relationships with friends and teachers, as well as exam pressure and family expectations. Young people, when they first enter life, are also easily affected by psychology because they are surprised by the harsh reality of modern life.
Use of addictive substances, stimulants Drugs (alcohol, beer, tobacco, drugs) cause temporary stimulation, euphoria and euphoria. However, the main consequence is a negative effect on the nervous system. Long-term use will make the body tired, reduce intelligence, create inhibited emotions in daily life.
Physical diseases of the brain People with meningitis, brain tumors, etc. due to accidents or injuries are at risk of depression. When brain structures are damaged, you may experience mood and emotional disturbances, poor pressure tolerance, and inability to calmly handle small things.
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3. Can mild depression go away on its own?

Answering the question of whether mild depression needs treatment, psychologists say that if you persevere in treatment, mild depression can go away on its own without medication, or at least the symptoms will tend to downward direction.
However, if subjective, mild depression is easy to get worse over time and will recur many times, forcing the patient to constantly struggle in a "long-term battle". In addition to sadness, depression also contains many dangers, directly affecting life. Is a risk factor for triggering or making other diseases worse, such as minor illnesses, stomach and intestinal diseases, heart disease, blood pressure,...
So if you feel you have signs of instability, the first thing you need to do is visit a doctor for examination and advice. It is necessary to ignore the shy mentality, thinking of yourself as different, because of the fact that this is a disease of the "age" with the number of infected people increasing at an alarming rate. The doctor will listen, share, suggest to help you detect depression at an early stage.
After diagnosing mild depression, the doctor often encourages the patient to exercise regularly, change daily living habits, think positively,... If there are still no positive results, you will is prescribed medication to use for a period of time, in combination with psychotherapy.
For people who are often stressed or lead a boring life, mild depression can be prevented by living slowly and simplifying everything, living lovingly, combined with healthy eating, regular exercise exercise. When you suspect you have depression, you need to see a specialist for treatment as soon as possible.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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