Care for oily skin, large pores, acne prevention

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Oily skin can be the cause of frequent blackheads, acne and slippery spots which can be frustrating to take care of. Dermatologists say that there are a number of remedies for oily skin, large pores, and acne prevention.

1. Care for oily skin, large pores

Oil on the surface of the skin is produced by the sebaceous glands in the body. Oily secretions protect the skin from bacteria and dirt. However, overproduction of sebum can lead to an outbreak of acne.
Fortunately, this condition can be controlled in a variety of ways, from cleansers to lotions and a number of other cosmetic treatments, including:
Using a cleanser : Dermatologists agree that the most effective way to reduce sebum on the skin is to use a cleanser twice a day, in the morning after waking up and at night before going to bed. Should use mild cleansers to avoid skin irritation as well as avoid stimulating the sebaceous glands to increase activity. If popular cleansers don't reduce your skin's oiliness, try using something that contains acids like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or beta-hydroxy acids. These products not only help reduce skin oiliness, but also treat acne conditions. However, some ingredients in the above cleansers have the potential to cause skin irritation, so it is advisable to test to see how your skin reacts before deciding to use a cleanser that is suitable for your skin. Besides, you should wash your face with warm water because the high temperature can irritate the skin, making the oily skin condition worse.
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Toner : Toner is a liquid skin care product extracted from roses that is indicated for use on oily skin areas, especially the areas of the forehead, nose and chin. Avoid using toners on dry areas as they cause irritation and cause the skin to produce more sebum. Anti-Oily Patches: A patch that contains salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or other ingredients that work to reduce skin oiliness is frequently recommended by dermatologists. Anti-greasy patches are convenient to use and easy to carry around. Oil blotting paper: Oil blotting paper is a great option for removing sebum from the skin without drying or irritating the skin. Absorbent paper is also convenient and easy to use, often applied to oily skin areas such as the forehead, nose, and chin. However, experts recommend not to rub the skin with oil blotting paper, instead just place them gently on the oily skin for 15 to 20 seconds for them to absorb all the oil. Clay mask: Apply a clay mask to help absorb oil on oily skin, clean and tighten pores. However, they can cause the skin to become dry and easily irritated. Experts recommend using clay masks only when necessary, such as preparing to attend an important party or conference. Moisturizer: People with oily skin often mistakenly believe that moisturizers can make their skin worse, but in reality even oily skin needs moisturizer to stay soft and healthy. . To avoid irritating the sebaceous glands, experts recommend choosing oil-free moisturizers and only applying them to dry or oily areas. Oil-free sunscreens: Conventional sunscreens can cause a number of skin problems including increased sebum production and clogged pores. However, it is still essential to protect the skin against the effects of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, current sunscreen products can both provide protection against the effects of ultraviolet rays and help reduce sebum production.
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Adjust the diet : The sebum secretion of the skin depends on hormones, mood and even weather. It is important to be aware of the changes in the skin based on the above factors to adjust the diet accordingly.

2. Oily skin care, acne prevention

People who have both oily skin and acne often experience a lot of discomfort. However, with proper acne skin care, oily skin and acne can completely be improved.

2.1. Wash your face at least twice a day

This is the simplest way to clear oily skin as well as reduce the risk of acne. Use some type of cleanser that foams and doesn't irritate the skin. Foaming cleansers are much better for oily skin to help you have a fresh and acne-free skin.
Experts also recommend washing your face after participating in activities that make the body sweat a lot. Sweat can also stimulate the development of acne.

2.2. Use some pore-tightening creams

Astringent lotions made specifically for oily skin can help control sebum production as well as temporarily tighten pores. Using a dry cotton pad, soak the lotion and apply it all over the face and neck area. Do this after washing your face and before applying moisturizer or acne medication. Creams that tighten pores are usually relatively inexpensive.
Besides, some serums are specially formulated with astringent properties that are easy to use and convenient to remove excess sebum during the day. Their main ingredients are glycolic and salicylic acids, which, in addition to cleansing excess oil, are also very helpful in preventing the appearance of acne.
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2.3. Use some topical acne medications

Some topical acne medications in gel form such as Differin, Retin-A, Nexon... can both help reduce sebum on the skin and support the treatment of acne.

2.4. Do not exfoliate for oily, acne-prone skin

Many people think that exfoliating can help deep clean pores, reduce the risk of acne and remove excess sebum. However, in reality, this is completely wrong.
Exfoliating, even using a washcloth to rub on the skin does not make the skin less oily and clears acne, but even irritates the skin. People with oily, acne-prone skin are advised to be very gentle with their skin in all cases.

2.5. Treating Acne Thoroughly

Acne treatments can help reduce oily skin, tighten pores, but on condition that they should be applied regularly and scientifically.
Some acne medications can clear acne and tighten pores, typically retinoids. In addition, salicylic acid is also a relatively popular choice and is confirmed by experts to be effective.
In case acne is not too big of a problem but you want to tighten pores, exfoliating products with main ingredients of alpha hydroxy acids and glycolic acid are worthy choices. remind.
Oily skin conditions, large pores or acne bring you a lot of discomfort, making you feel less confident in life. Fortunately, these conditions can be completely overcome or even completely cured. If lotions or facial cleansers are not enough to help clear your skin of oil and acne, doctors can completely prescribe laser treatment or apply chemical peels. Not only helping to reduce oily skin, these methods can also improve skin health, making skin brighter and smoother.
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However, it should be noted that sebum secretion is a normal feature of the skin to fight bacteria, dirt and is the body's natural anti-aging mechanism, so don't try too hard to get rid of them completely. out of the body.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
Reference article source:,,

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