Causes of sensitive skin and how to care

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Sensitive skin is easily irritated by environmental or emotional factors. Just a slight change in weather, pets, stress or even dust can make your sensitive skin problematic. Therefore, proper care of sensitive skin also needs more attention, especially in choosing skin care cosmetics.

1. How does sensitive skin perceive?

Sensitive skin can appear on many areas of the skin, but it is most noticeable on the face. Sensitive skin condition occurs when the natural barrier function of the skin loses its ability to protect, the process of water loss between the epidermis takes place excessively and external agents easily penetrate into the skin. Especially when the facial skin is too exposed to the sun, UV rays, pollution, some ingredients in cosmetics and cleaning agents will make sensitive skin worse.

2. What are the symptoms of sensitive skin?

We can easily see that sensitive skin has many similarities with dry skin. However, dry skin is the first stage to turn into sensitive skin. The most noticeable symptoms of sensitive skin are:
Peeling skin, rash The skin appears red, swollen, scaly, rough skin is less smooth Itching, hot, tight feeling on the face and skin. susceptible to irritation People with sensitive skin are often easily irritated with external factors, just choosing inappropriate cosmetics will cause skin irritation from a few hours to a few days. Care for sensitive skin needs to be very careful so as not to cause discomfort to the skin.

3. What causes facial skin to become sensitive?

Ánh nắng
Tiếp xúc lâu với ánh nắng mặt trời cũng là một nguyên nhân khiến làn da bạn trở nên nhạy cảm hơn
Sensitive skin is caused by irritation of the nerve endings of the epidermis, the natural barrier of the skin is damaged, leading to the skin becoming more sensitive than other skin. Common causes of sensitive skin include:
Prolonged exposure to the sun Exposure to pollutants in the air Frequent changes in temperature Exposure to cold weather Hard water contains high levels of minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium and high alkalinity Washing face with very hot water Lack of sleep Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menstruation Staying up late and stress Exposure to chlorine in swimming pools Dry skin Dehydrated skin Diet and moisturizer Clothing and jewelry Chemicals in cosmetics Household cleaners

4. Sensitive skin and how to take care of it?

Hướng dẫn chăm sóc da mặt mùa hè
Da nhạy cảm cần có cách chăm sóc riêng và tỉ mỉ hơn so với các loại da khác
Just like dry skin, oily skin or combination skin, sensitive skin also needs its own and more meticulous care many times to make it healthier.
4.1. Make a list of possible skin irritants
You won't be able to tell which ingredients your sensitive skin is susceptible to irritation with ingredients in cosmetics. So before choosing a product, make sure you test the product on the thin skin under your chin or on the inside of your arms for 48 hours. If there is any sign of redness, itching, you should stay away from that product.
4.2. Always remove makeup daily
No matter what skin type you are, daily makeup removal is always essential. Proper care of sensitive skin helps to both clean the skin and enhance the absorption of nutrients from other skin care steps. Water-based makeup removers are safer for sensitive skin.
4.3. How should I wash my face with sensitive skin?
Every day, you should only wash your face twice in the morning and at night. Washing your face too much will make your skin more prone to dryness and dehydration. You should choose mild cleansers and increase moisture to clean and not dry your skin after washing your face.
4.4. Hydrating and moisturizing for sensitive skin
Hydrating and moisturizing sensitive skin to help skin become more smooth, healthy, bright and resistant to agents that affect the skin from the outside. Mineral spray for sensitive skin every day or as needed to keep skin from drying out.
You should choose sensitive skin care products extracted from nature, free of fragrances, preservative ingredients to limit irritation to sensitive skin.
4.5. Use sunscreen daily
You should apply sunscreen every time you go out because sensitive skin is easily irritated when exposed to long periods of sunlight and UV rays. The sunscreen you need to choose is fragrance-free and suitable for sensitive skin to avoid irritation when used.
Cách chọn kem chống nắng cho da mụn
Hãy chọn những loại kem chống nắng không cồn, không hương liệu nếu bạn có một làn da nhạy cảm
4.6. Rose water is great for sensitive skin because it has natural cooling, astringent, antiseptic and pH-balancing properties on the skin, keeping it from becoming too oily or too dry. . Using rose water regularly will prevent skin wrinkles and tighten pores. Before going to bed, you can spray some rose water and pat it gently on your skin.
4.7. Scientific diet
Every day you should drink enough 2 liters of water and increase foods beneficial for sensitive skin such as:
Balance vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, beneficial fats, Omega3. Foods rich in vitamin C help prevent ultraviolet rays very well Limit eating spicy, hot foods, seafood Don't eat a lot of spices like don't, MSG Increase anti-inflammatory foods like garlic, ginger, olive oil, sour cherries, spinach... To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register for an online examination. online HERE.
Reference source:,
How to treat acne Summer facial care guide PRP skin rejuvenation aftercare guide

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