Clinical symptoms and images of spinal stenosis due to lumbar spondylolisthesis

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Van Huong - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Although lumbar spondylosis is not life-threatening, in the long run, this disease can cause certain effects on the patient's life. Therefore, patients should not be subjective but need early treatment.

1. What is spinal stenosis due to lumbar spondylolisthesis?

Lumbar spondylolisthesis causes patients to have low back pain, difficulty walking, pain due to lumbar spondylolisthesis usually radiates down one or both legs, the patient will have the upper vertebra slipped forward or backward compared to the lower back. with the lower vertebrae.
Causes of lumbar spinal stenosis due to lumbar spondylolisthesis are:
Congenital causes: In case of lumbar spinal stenosis due to congenital lumbar spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis is often caused by Cartilaginous dystrophy, primary spinal stenosis, vertebral malformation, lumbar spine hypertrophy, spina bifida, post-traumatic spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, degenerative changes: bone reactions at the edges and vertebral joints.
● Acquired cause: If acquired, the spinal canal narrows due to degenerative changes such as disc protrusion, pseudo-spondylolisthesis; spinal stenosis after surgery.

2. Clinical symptoms of spinal stenosis due to lumbar spondylolisthesis

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Symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis include:
Nerve crevice
Nerve stenosis is a characteristic sign of lumbar spinal stenosis. Symptoms of the disease include:
Low back pain spreading to the legs when walking or standing for a long time, must rest for about 15 minutes before continuing to walk.
Patients often have unusual fatigue in the legs, symptoms increase over time and gradually make the patient uncomfortable.
May be accompanied by sensory and motor disturbances in the legs.
● Sensory disturbances
Patients appear numb, pins and needles in the legs on 1 or 2 sides, sensory disturbances manifest according to the dominant nerve roots. All of these symptoms will disappear or gradually decrease when the patient limits movement or rest.
● Movement disorder
This symptom progresses from mild to severe, the patient finds it difficult to walk, has his knees bent, so it is very uncomfortable, if treated late, the patient may completely paralyze both legs. Besides, the patient has a feeling of fatigue in the feet, spreading to the shins and then to the thighs. Examination of the patient shows a change in the color of the skin of the legs;
Radial pain
Pain from the low back that radiates down the buttocks, thighs, legs and feet on both sides is one of the symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis. Pain increases when the patient moves the waist, arches the back, or increases abdominal pressure such as coughing or sneezing. Pain with aching sensation, combined with sensory disturbances, manifests both unilaterally or bilaterally.
● Horsetail syndrome
The patient has signs of pain in the perineum, around the anus and loss of sensation in the perineum. Urinary retention, dysuria, urinary incontinence, impotence; decreased or absent anal sphincter reflexes, fecal incontinence.
Muscle weakness and loss of lower extremity reflexes; decreased or absent tendon reflexes of the lower extremities.
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3. Image of spinal stenosis due to lumbar spondylolisthesis

X-ray: When taken, lumbar stenosis images show the structure of the bones, the axis of the spine, and the contours of the joints.
CAT scanner or CT scanner: Displays the shape and dimensions of the spinal canal, internal components, surrounding structures with anatomical details of the bones.
MRI : Shows spinal cord, nerve roots and surrounding areas, enlargement, degeneration or tumor.
Master Doctor Nguyen Van Huong used to be a Lecturer in Medical Imaging at Danang University of Medicine and Pharmacy, many years of experience working in hospitals such as Cancer Hospital; Da Nang Hospital; Da Nang Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital.
With his dedication to his work, dedication to the medical profession in general and the specialty of diagnostic imaging in particular, Dr. Huong is always loved and trusted by patients.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
Lumbar spondylosis: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment How many vertebrae does the human spine have? Risk of paralysis due to herniated discs in the lumbar spine

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