Cough practice helps to cure diseases and improve health

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Cough exercise is a technique that helps the patient to cough. From there, it helps to remove the sediment in the lungs, sputum or foreign bodies out. In addition, in patients with COPD, cough training is very important. So how to practice coughing techniques to reduce disease will be mentioned in the following article.

1. Cough and controlled cough

Cough is a natural reflex that protects the body physiologically or pathologically. Cough occurs when foreign objects enter the respiratory organs or there is phlegm in the throat. They will stimulate the throat area, causing the feeling of coughing to expel foreign objects or deposits in the lungs.
Cough is divided into 3 periods:
Part 1: Prepare to cough. Phase 2: Close the glottis while contracting the respiratory muscles. Stage 3: The qi is pushed out strongly, the glottis opens, the thorax drops. This stage determines the intensity of the cough and the manner in which it is coughed. Cough occurs under contraction of the respiratory muscles, the intercostal muscles, and the diaphragm. In patients with COPD, coughing often occurs frequently, making the patient tired, shortness of breath increases, thereby causing feelings of anxiety. Sometimes, coughing a lot also makes them shy and lose confidence when in crowded places. Therefore, it is necessary to instruct the patient in controlled cough exercises to replace the usual coughs that cause fatigue.
Controlled coughing is a beneficial cough for the body. Simply put, we control the cough when it happens, so that the cough occurs with the intensity we want. Controlled coughing is not to avoid coughing, it is to take advantage of coughing movements to clear the airways. Controlled cough helps to expel phlegm, sediment in the lungs, microorganisms out, clear the airways. Therefore, do not make the patient feel tired, short of breath ...
To do this, in COPD patients need a strong enough airflow to accumulate behind the sputum stagnation to push the sputum out. .
Tập ho giúp đào thải các cặn lắng trong phổi, đờm hay các dị vật ra ngoài
Tập ho giúp đào thải các cặn lắng trong phổi ra ngoài

2. Helped Cough Practice

2.1. Indications and contraindications Assisted cough training is indicated for the following cases:
When it is necessary to expel the sediments in the lungs, respiratory tract such as sputum... Cases at risk of pulmonary/pleural adhesions . Risk of atelectasis. People with nerve damage that innervate the respiratory organs lead to loss of the cough reflex. However, not practicing cough helps in case of acute myocardial infarction, hernia, thoracic/abdominal bleeding,...
2.2. Before each procedure, intervention, medical staff need to clearly explain to the patient what they will do and the level of danger. This helps to calm the mind of the patient. After encouraging the patient, the doctor will carry out steps to help the patient with cough exercises (cough exercises in pediatrics).
Tracheal reflex The technician holds the baby up, one hand is placed on the nape of the baby's neck to raise the baby's head. With the other hand, touch the front of the chest to find the sternum, then feel the trachea. Once the trachea is found, slide your finger across the trachea according to the breath and then hide downward, backward and inward.
Upper respiratory tract Use aspirator to stimulate receptors such as palate, nasal groove. This stimulation can make the patient want to cough. In addition, you can use a clean finger to hook the throat to cause irritation.
After coughing, the patient can spit out secretions on their own. If the baby cannot spit up on its own, you can use assistive devices such as aspirators to suck up secretions. The quantity, color, consistency and odor of secretions should be monitored. Or you can check to see if there are any foreign objects in the discharge.
One point to note is to monitor the patient's vital signs before and after coughing exercises. Includes: monitoring of the general condition, mucous membranes, breathing patterns, whether the patient is tired, O2 pressure, CO2.
After practicing cough with help, if the patient has signs of pale skin, difficulty breathing, etc., it is necessary to notify the doctor immediately for support.
Above is information about cough relief exercises for patients. With this information, hopefully readers can understand the cough practice technique and apply it effectively.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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