Diet for people with chronic kidney failure without dialysis

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Diet plays an important role in patients with chronic kidney failure. In particular, people with chronic kidney failure who are not on dialysis, if they have a suitable diet, will help control chronic kidney failure better.

1. What role does diet play in patients with chronic kidney failure?

Patients with chronic kidney failure are mostly due to chronic diseases that cause complications such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, gout, diabetes, glomerulonephritis, kidney stones, prostate tumors, syndromes. nephrotic syndrome, ...
In patients with chronic renal failure, diet plays a very important role in the treatment and control of the disease, especially those who have not yet required dialysis. A diet that is both nutritious and followed by the doctor's instructions can bring the following benefits:
Limiting malnutrition. Correct metabolic disorders, help preserve kidney function. Slowing down the progression of the disease, thereby delaying the appointment of dialysis. Improve and enhance quality of life.

2. Principles of eating for people with chronic kidney failure without dialysis

Patients with chronic kidney failure who are not on dialysis need to ensure the following dietary guidelines to control the disease:
Enough energy: Patients with chronic kidney failure are often malnourished because they have to abstain from a variety of foods. metabolic disorders in the body, ... leading to loss of appetite, or vomiting after eating. Therefore, each meal of a patient with chronic renal failure needs to ensure adequate energy to prevent malnutrition. The energy requirement for patients with chronic renal failure without dialysis should be 35-45 Kcal/kg/day. Decrease protein: Patients with chronic kidney failure need to reduce the amount of protein in the diet to reduce the kidney's activity and excretion, limit the stagnation of waste products in the kidneys and complications of uremia, and help reduce protein levels. reduce the symptoms of the disease such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, ... The protein requirement in a reasonable diet is 0.8g/kg/day. Limit salt: Patients with chronic kidney failure need to limit salt and sodium in their meals to avoid putting pressure on the damaged kidneys, limiting sodium stagnation in the body, thereby reducing high blood pressure. The reasonable sodium requirement is from 1-2g/day, depending on the degree of kidney failure, edema and blood pressure of the patient. Potassium restriction: People with chronic kidney failure also need to limit potassium in the diet because impaired kidney function cannot ensure the filtering of potassium as normal kidneys. The reasonable requirement for potassium is 2-3g/day, however, when blood potassium levels increase, patients with edema and less urine output, it should be reduced to 1g/day. Phosphorus restriction: Patients with chronic kidney failure who are not on dialysis also need to limit phosphorus in their diets to limit the accumulation of phosphorus in the blood, which can increase the risk of fractures and bone problems. joint. A reasonable phosphorus requirement is less than 1.2g/day. Water needs: Depending on the stage of the disease, the degree of edema and the amount of urine, the patient should drink reasonable water. The average daily water requirement for patients with renal failure is equal to the total amount of urine, the amount of body fluid lost (due to vomiting, vomiting, ...) and about 300 - 500ml.
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3. What to eat and not to eat with chronic kidney failure?

Below are some foods that patients with CKD without dialysis should and should not eat, based on the eating principles outlined above.
Foods to eat: High-value protein sources such as eggs, milk, lean meat, fish. Low protein starch like sweet potato, potato, taro, tapioca flour, milled rice, vermicelli. Diversity of green vegetables, tubers and fruits with low sugar such as oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, apples, ... Foods that should not be eaten: High-sodium foods should be limited such as packaged foods, restricted foods, etc. Ready-to-eat foods, canned foods, fish sauce, dried fish, ... Potassium-rich foods that patients with chronic kidney failure should limit such as beans, dark green vegetables (water spinach, spinach, vegetables) amaranth, ...), fresh and dried fruit (avocado, dragon fruit, grape, dried banana). Phosphorus-rich foods such as beef, egg yolks, dried shrimp, soybeans, dried lotus seeds, ... Foods high in harmful fats such as animal organs, butter, cheese, etc. ..
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4. Suggested menu for people with chronic kidney failure without dialysis

Based on the principles and types of foods that chronic kidney failure patients without dialysis should and should not eat, here is a suggested menu for the patient:
Breakfast: 1 bowl of beef vermicelli 70g of vermicelli, 20g beef. Breakfast snack: 200ml milk and 1/2 slice of bread. Lunch: 2 cups of rice equivalent to 100g of rice, 20g of braised lean meat, 150g of stir-fried morning glory, 50g of cooked cabbage, 100g of oranges. Afternoon snack: Tapioca flour tea includes 70g taro, 15g tapioca, 20g sugar. Dinner: 2 cups of rice equivalent to 80g of rice, 30g of braised scad, 50g of cabbage for soup. Total energy value in 1 day is equivalent to 1800Kcal.
Patients with chronic kidney failure without dialysis need to develop a reasonable diet menu to help maintain and preserve kidney function, at the same time slow down the progression of the disease and prolong the duration of dialysis treatment. .
Diet plays an important role for patients with chronic renal failure, because maintaining a reasonable diet will help patients stabilize their health as well as protect their kidney function better.
Vinmec International General Hospital is not only famous for its quality of medical examination and treatment services but also for having successfully treated many difficult and complicated cases under the guidance of doctors. Professional and experienced doctor. In particular, the medical team at Vinmec is always ready to listen, advise and treat diseases as well as advise on good nutrition and food for each patient's health.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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