Early warning symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis

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Tuberculosis is very dangerous, has the ability to spread in the community and if not detected early, the treatment time will be very long, making it difficult for patients. Therefore, early recognition of pulmonary TB symptoms will help control the disease better as well as avoid spreading to the community.

1. What is pulmonary tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is an infectious respiratory disease caused by the bacterium M. Tuberculosis . TB bacteria can incubate for several weeks to several years, depending on the health condition in which the bacteria are active and causing symptoms. Because it is an aerobic bacterium, M. Tuberculosis usually concentrates in an oxygen-rich environment such as the lungs mainly, most often in tuberculosis caves with bronchioles. TB bacteria can survive for 3-4 months in natural conditions but will die within 1.5 hours if exposed to sunlight.
Subjects at risk of tuberculosis include:
Patients with immunodeficiency due to HIV, liver disease,...; Drug users; silicosis; Patients with kidney failure, diabetes; Patients undergoing gastric or small bowel resection; Organ transplant patients; Patients on long-term corticosteroids or immunosuppressants; Cancer patient.
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2. What are the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis?

Symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis in the early stages can be difficult to recognize, making patients not detected and treated early, leading to more severe progression. Therefore, to recognize the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis, it is necessary to pay attention to the following symptoms:
Cough for more than 3 weeks that is not caused by pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiectasis or lung cancer and does not respond to antibiotics should be considered. tuberculosis; Sputum production does not decrease after using other drugs in patients who have cough and expectoration for more than 3 weeks; Hemoptysis: is a symptom seen in 60% of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, presenting a condition of lesions and bleeding in the respiratory tract; Chest pain, shortness of breath: is the most common condition in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, cough causes bronchial depression, causes shortness of breath, chest pain and difficulty in gas exchange; Thinness and weight loss are also common manifestations of TB patients, patients are often thin, have unexplained weight loss, not due to diarrhea or malnutrition with respiratory symptoms mentioned above; High, erratic, low-grade fever or cold spikes in the afternoon think of pulmonary tuberculosis when the combination of symptoms of cough, expectoration of blood sputum,...; Excessive sweating due to autonomic dysfunction is also easy to see in people with pulmonary tuberculosis; Anorexia and fatigue are common but nonspecific signs that can be monitored as an indicator to avoid missing pulmonary tuberculosis. When TB is suspected, the patient will be given the following methods to make a diagnosis, including:
Mantoux test : a test that is injected under the skin with a small and safe amount of tuberculin to see if the patient has been infected with TB bacteria. or not; Blood tests help interpret the results of the first test; Chest X-ray to clearly identify the manifestations of tuberculosis shown on the film.
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Triệu chứng lao phổi giai đoạn đầu có thể khó nhận biết khiến người bệnh không phát hiện

3. Measures to prevent pulmonary tuberculosis

When there are symptoms of early-stage tuberculosis, patients need to go to specialized medical facilities for definitive examination and treatment to avoid spreading to family and community. During the treatment period, patients need to eat reasonably, have enough nutrients, rest and not use stimulants, alcohol, tobacco because it will reduce the treatment effect and increase the side effects of the drug.
To avoid infecting people around the sick person, it is necessary to avoid contact with others for the first few weeks of treatment, wear a mask when going out, use a cloth to cover your mouth whenever smiling, talking, coughing or sneezing, after Then put the cloth in the bag, tie it tightly and throw it in the trash. In particular, it is necessary to adhere to treatment to achieve early cure of the disease.
The best way to prevent pulmonary TB is to get the BCG vaccine against TB, and at the same time, follow a healthy, hygienic and safe lifestyle as follows:
Use a mask when going out or in contact with people with tuberculosis ; Cover your mouth when sneezing, wash your hands often; Do not share personal belongings; Sanitize the place of residence and work place; Periodic health examination; Do not sleep in the same room as the sick person, in crowded places. In short, tuberculosis is very dangerous if not detected early for treatment. Therefore, early recognition of pulmonary TB symptoms will help control the disease better as well as avoid spreading to the community.
Currently, in addition to providing BCG vaccination services produced by Vaccines and Medical Biologicals Company, Vinmec International General Hospital also applies many methods combined with a system of machines and equipment. Modern equipment makes the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis more effective. The examination process is carried out by a team of qualified doctors with many years of experience in the profession. Therefore, patients can be assured of the quality of medical care at Vinmec.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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