Gum disease and heart disease: What's the link?

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There have been many studies around the world done to clarify the link between gum disease and cardiovascular disease. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that treating gum disease can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

1. Learn about gum disease and heart disease

1.1 What is gum disease? Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a multifactorial, chronic inflammatory gingivitis condition that affects 10-15% of the world's population. It can lead to the destruction of gums, teeth, and the bone tissue that holds them in place in the jawbone. Gum disease reduces quality of life by reducing the ability to chew, affect aesthetics, and can ultimately cause tooth loss.
Gum disease begins with the accumulation of bacteria in dental plaque. Dental plaque is a biofilm, in which there are more than 700 types of bacteria that adhere to the tooth surface to survive and avoid the host's defense mechanisms. It is estimated that there are over 10 billion bacteria in 1 mg. dental plaque. Normally, these microorganisms live peacefully with the host. When there are changes in the oral environment, such as decreased resistance of the host, excessive thickness of the plaque, etc., a disturbance in the microbiome will occur, increasing the inflammatory response - immunity against bacteria. harm. This inflammatory response leads to the adhesion of the teeth to the gums and the jawbone to become loose, causing the deeper gingiva to become gingival pockets, creating a suitable environment for the proliferation of gum disease bacteria. .
1.2. What is cardiovascular disease? Cardiovascular disease is a disorder of the heart and blood vessels, including many conditions from high blood pressure to myocardial infarction, peripheral artery disease, angina, heart failure and stroke,... Pathogenesis of all these cardiovascular diseases are associated with atherosclerotic disease. The main causes of cardiovascular disease are unhealthy lifestyle, tobacco use, lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet and alcohol abuse. If your doctor suspects cardiovascular disease, they'll make a diagnosis based on your medical history, severity and duration of symptoms, and the results of a physical exam. The following are common symptoms of cardiovascular disease:
Angina pectoris due to inadequate blood supply to the heart; Irregular heartbeat; Shortness of breath, or dizziness, lightheadedness; Edema is common in heart failure,...
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2. The link between gum disease and cardiovascular disease

Gum disease is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the various soft and hard structures that support teeth. Experts have found that there is a link between gum disease and heart disease, but research results have only recently shed light. According to two reliable studies, scientists have found that gum disease is associated with higher rates of stroke due to hardening of the large arteries in the brain and severe blockage of arteries that have not caused symptoms before. there. Other studies show that treating gum disease along with adjusting for other risk factors can reduce the risk of stroke.
Cardiovascular diseases, including stroke, are caused by a combination of risk factors, and gum disease is one of them. The main reason is that gum disease causes long-term inflammation that disrupts vascular endothelial function and causes atherosclerosis. At the same time, the bacteria that cause gum disease are released into the blood stream, increasing the chemical factors that lead to vascular disease, increasing blood clotting due to platelet aggregation, which can easily lead to thrombosis and stroke. Overall, so far it can be concluded that treating gum disease can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Repel gum disease

You can adopt the following habits to maintain oral hygiene and reduce your risk of gum disease:
Brush your teeth and tongue at least twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste, consult dentist for instructions on proper brushing technique. Maintain the habit of flossing, using regular mouthwash. Do not smoke or chew tobacco. Drink water containing fluoride. Follow a diet rich in vegetables, fiber-rich foods, and low-sugar fruits and plant-based proteins. See your dentist twice a year for tartar and regular checkups. Understanding the link between gum disease and heart disease makes people aware of the importance of oral health. Be on the lookout for early signs of gum disease, such as bleeding gums and persistent bad breath. Get your oral health checked and let your dentist know if you have any of these symptoms. In addition, people need to maintain a healthy lifestyle such as stopping smoking, changing oral hygiene habits, getting tartar every 6 months, having a balanced diet, monitoring blood sugar regularly. ... to reduce the risk for cardiovascular diseases .

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