Help the elderly stay home alone and stay safe

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Vietnamese people's life expectancy is getting higher and higher, modern life is getting busier and busier, with less time at home, making many families uneasy about the safety and health care of the elderly. live together. So how to help the elderly stay home alone and still be safe?

1. Small changes in elderly health care bring safety

People get old and aging over time is inevitable, up to a certain point, seemingly simple things become difficult, sometimes dangerous for the elderly.
That's true, have we ever noticed that with the elderly the toilet becomes too low, the cupboard is too high, or the floor is too easy to slip? Certainly there are changes that cost a lot of money, but there are also many simple and easy changes that should be made to ensure a better quality of life and health care for the elderly, for example. :
Floor : Elderly people often cannot move as firmly as young people, so it is recommended to use anti-slip floor materials, and at the same time should equip walking aids for the elderly.
Handle details: Replace the grip details on items such as doorknobs, faucet knobs, ... with easier-to-use details such as door handles, faucet levers, ... so that the elderly can easily use the whole hand when using it instead of having to use the fingers that have osteoarthritis and are less flexible. If financial capacity allows, you can consider items with non-touch features, such as touch-sensitive faucets.
Shower: The location of the shower should be within reach so that the elderly do not have to struggle when using it, so there should be many different shower positions to create maximum convenience, and if The space allows more seats to be arranged so that the elderly can both sit and shower.
Vòi hoa sen
Vòi hoa sen cần để vừa tầm với của người cao tuổi

Toilet: If possible, install the height of the toilet a little higher than usual, because as you age, the muscles and joints are not as strong and stable as when you were young, sitting down and especially when standing going up will be much more difficult. The spray nozzle is an indispensable tool for the elderly to use because it is very convenient. If financial capacity allows, you can order multi-function toilets (including automatic washing function).
Kitchen area: Surfaces of items (such as kitchen tables, kitchen cabinets, ...) should be smooth for easy cleaning and hygiene, and at the same time, it can help the elderly to slide objects on the surface. if necessary, instead of carrying (such as a large pot, large pan,...). Cabinets, cupboards, cupboards, etc. should be placed at a moderate height, suitable for reach so that the elderly do not have to reach high or bend low when using.
Khu vực bếp nấu
Khu vực nấu bếp nên trơn nhẵn để dễ dàng vệ sinh

2. Using maid services and taking care of the elderly's health

Currently, there are many companies providing maid services and health care for the elderly. If the financial capacity allows, they can consider using these services to create the safest and most convenient environment for the elderly.
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