How dangerous is cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM)?

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Cerebrovascular malformation is a birth defect of blood vessels in the brain. So is cerebrovascular malformation dangerous, how to care for patients with cerebrovascular malformation?

1. What is cerebrovascular malformation?

Cerebrovascular malformation, also known as cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM), is a birth defect, abnormality in the blood vessels of the brain. The disease occurs when the development of the cerebrovascular system is abnormal, creating a state of communication between the cerebral arteries and the cerebral veins.
Today, with the development of modern medicine, cerebrovascular malformations can be diagnosed and detected early, thereby helping to facilitate treatment and patient care, and prevent dangerous complications. can happen.
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2. Is cerebrovascular malformation dangerous?

Complications of cerebrovascular malformations can lead to dangerous conditions, namely:
thinning and weakening of the walls of cerebral arteries and veins: A cerebral arteriovenous malformation will put pressure on the brain. vascular wall and thinning and weakening of blood vessels. This can lead to a ruptured blood vessel in the brain. Cerebral hemorrhage: Hemorrhagic stroke is one of the most dangerous complications of cerebrovascular malformation when the walls of the arteries and veins of the brain are weakened, leading to rupture and cerebral hemorrhage. If the bleeding is small, it can be very difficult to detect and cause no special symptoms. But if the bleeding is large, it can lead to a stroke and damage to the brain. The brain is not supplied with enough oxygen: A cerebral arteriovenous malformation is a condition in which blood moves directly from the arteries to the veins instead of through the capillaries. When that happens, blood flow will be larger and move faster, making it impossible for the tissues around the brain to absorb and receive enough oxygen. If the tissues in the brain are not supplied with enough oxygen, it can lead to weakness or death and lead to strokes, or falls, hardening of the mouth,... Brain damage : Serious and dangerous complications Another of the cerebrovascular malformations is brain damage. Brain damage occurs when an arteriovenous malformation causes more blood to flow and flow faster, thereby causing cerebral aneurysms, compressing other parts of the brain. At that time, it can lead to accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid and cause complications of hydrocephalus in the brain.

3. Manifestations of cerebrovascular malformations

Cerebral vascular malformations do not show any special symptoms until the blood vessels burst and cause a brain hemorrhage. This is also one of the first symptoms to help detect and diagnose the disease. In addition, before bleeding, depending on the location of the cerebral arteriovenous fistula, the patient may have a number of symptoms with different levels such as:
Headache, in one area or the whole head. Headaches can range from mild to severe. Loss of vision or loss of balance. Part of the body is weak or numb. Stiff mouth, difficulty speaking, seizures, weakness or paralysis. Cerebrovascular malformation is a birth defect, however, its symptoms may not appear immediately after birth. The age when symptoms start to appear is between 10 and 40 years old, especially in adulthood, or can appear at any age.
Usually, cerebral arteriovenous malformation develops slowly and symptoms begin in adulthood. In middle age, this cerebrovascular abnormality becomes more stable and causes less manifestation.
Pregnant women with cerebrovascular malformations can face dangerous complications of the disease due to pregnancy changes in blood pressure and blood flow in the body.
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4. Caring for patients with cerebrovascular malformations

Cerebrovascular malformations can be detected and diagnosed by methods such as angiography, X-ray with or without contrast, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
After the diagnosis is detected, depending on the patient's size, location and condition, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment methods such as surgery, radiation therapy, embolism.
Caring for patients with cerebrovascular malformations should pay attention to the following to overcome the disease, ensure health and prevent dangerous complications:
In addition to affecting health, some complications of arteriovenous catheterization Brain vessels such as bleeding in the brain or a stroke can cause some emotional problems. Caregivers need to accept the patient's feelings. Listen and learn with patients about cerebrovascular malformations for timely examination, diagnosis and detection of the disease, thereby making appropriate treatment decisions, preventing dangerous complications that may occur. Cerebrovascular malformation is a dangerous abnormality of blood vessels in the brain because it can cause complications such as cerebral hemorrhage, brain damage.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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