How does loneliness haunt people?

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Loneliness for too long is one of the serious effects on the elderly. 76% of people over the age of 27 have a moderate to severe risk of phobias of loneliness. There are many studies that have found a solution to prevent human loneliness. At the same time they receive a positive sign when the issue is resolved.

1. Inspiration to study human loneliness

The obsession with loneliness is something that most of us are facing. Based on mental studies on some diseases or health effects, negative mood causes resistance to decrease. According to research, human loneliness will appear suddenly at some point in life. Worse is that you always feel lonely for too long. The health risks of loneliness are roughly comparable to obesity and smoking about 15 cigarettes a day.
Loneliness is a feeling that is difficult to define precisely for this feeling in general. It's not that you alone will be lonely or if you have a lot of friends, you won't be lonely. Therefore, this is an interesting research topic and contains many questions. Thanks to the wide range of emotions and related health effects, the study of human loneliness is increasingly promoted.

2. Research problem related to loneliness phobia

To conduct preliminary research on phobias, scientists needed at least 3 months to measure and evaluate each level. After much research, they built a set of psychological questions to test and evaluate the participants. Specifically, respondents will provide information about how often they feel they are abandoned or in harmony with others.
After much research was conducted the loneliness scale was born. Surprisingly, 76% of the participants were moderately or severely lonely. Loneliness is no longer simply a matter of not having a partner or partner to do the job with. Loneliness is also not based on how many friends each of us has. The main focus is on optimizing and improving the relationships you have.
People who do not carry feelings of isolation, misunderstanding or boredom will not feel lonely. Sometimes losing an object or an expense can also cause psychological complications. Also from here, the phobia of loneliness develops and you need to find a way to overcome it so as not to disturb your life.
Intelligence is also considered as one of our psychological cognitive characteristics. A person's wisdom will include empathy, compassion, the ability to reflect on things, give personal opinions and be assertive in choices. Negative psychology often appears in lonely people. Therefore, they are also less mentally resilient when their psychological well-being does not improve. So preventing loneliness is important to your mind.
Learning how to raise your mind will also help you reduce the obsession of loneliness. Everything can be changed if you are really determined to achieve it. When you were growing up, your parents taught you how to control your anger in all situations. Psychological symptoms are very likely to occur if you have a feeling of loneliness. Sometimes being open to receiving somewhat bitter advice from friends and loved ones also helps you overcome the barrier of loneliness.
Sự cô đơn ám ảnh con người như thế nào?
Cô đơn là một cảm giác mà rất khó để định nghĩa chính xác

3. Expert opinion when loneliness lasts too long

According to experts, the statistic that 76% of study participants have above-average levels of loneliness is alarming. More specifically, 22% suffered from severe loneliness requiring treatment. At the same time, they also want to do more research to find out how long it takes to develop a loneliness obsession.
Loneliness can appear when you are an adult and have to work hard for yourself. Then, when you don't achieve what you want, you will gradually have a crisis in middle age and lead to a lonely obsession. To reduce loneliness is an extremely meaningful action in every person's life. That requires you to learn how to accumulate wisdom over time. Every learning experience throughout life benefits you.

4. Everyone's thoughts on loneliness

When interviewing subjects who are said to be living alone, most of them find it difficult and impossible to overcome their fear. Sometimes they fear that they will be in trouble without anyone around or even do not dare to believe that they can do more difficult jobs, which also leads to the manifestation of loneliness. However, after early detection subjects are treated and overcome the phobia they are experiencing.
Give up thinking that you are lonely or isolated, be more positive and optimistic to improve your quality of life. Sometimes loneliness lasts too long, making us immersed and giving birth to a psychological illness that affects our health. Therefore, you need to honestly confide in someone, preferably an expert in the field of psychology. Try to experience more than you will overcome that obsession.

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