How not to heatstroke?

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Video content is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Trinh Ngoc Duy - Emergency Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Recently, there are many cases of heatstroke, heat stroke requiring emergency at the hospital, especially in the summer with increasing temperature. Video content was consulted by Doctor Trinh Ngoc Duy, Emergency Department, Vinmec Times City General Hospital.

Causes of heatstroke: People who work in hot, outdoor environments Or even office workers in the environment but have to go out when the sun is hot.
Mechanism of the disease: Due to the disorder of the thermoregulatory center and the body is dehydrated.
Subjects prone to heatstroke: The elderly, children, people who are physically active or even young people due to sudden changes in the working environment.
Patients may experience mild symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness, headache or worse, nausea, cramps, pain all over the body... Can develop as severe as coma, cardiovascular collapse, possibly lead to death.
For mild cases, the first treatment for heatstroke can be done:
Need to find a cool place, or use a fan, cool compresses on the neck, armpits, groin... Additional water, best is to take oresol For more severe cases, if the patient has a high fever, they should use antipyretic drugs. If the patient's condition does not improve, it is necessary to contact the emergency room soon for treatment depending on the disease.
To prevent heatstroke, you should:
Limit going out in hot weather; Always make sure the body is sufficiently hydrated; Sunshade, especially avoid direct sunlight on the back of the neck; If you have to work outside in hot weather, take appropriate breaks.

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