How to choose a moisturizer for oily skin

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There are many people who think that oily skin does not need to use moisturizer. This is not true at all, due to the fact that there are many benefits to using a moisturizer for oily skin.

1. Why use moisturizer for oily skin?

1.1. Oily skin still needs moisture
There are many people who think that there is no need to use moisturizer if their skin is oily. No, moisturizing is one of the most important steps in skin care, regardless of whether your skin is dry or oily, or something else.
Actually, according to dermatologists everyone needs a moisturizer, but it varies in quantity, depending on skin type. Although oily skin needs the least amount of moisture, applying a moisturizer is still an important step in nourishing and moisturizing the skin.
Oily skin still needs moisture, especially after using skin care products that remove oil and dry the skin. A light moisturizer can also help protect your skin after washing.
1.2. Hydration is not oil
The first thing that people with oily skin need to know to change their mind about using a moisturizer for oily skin is this: Hydrated skin is healthy skin. This is also the key issue in daily skin care. Exactly, because dehydrated skin can lead to problems like inflammation, which can cause premature skin aging and even breakouts.
VM Cách chọn kem dưỡng ẩm cho da khô nứt nẻ vào mùa đông
Giữ ẩm là một trong những bước quan trọng nhất của việc chăm sóc da, bất kể da của bạn là da khô hay da dầu
In addition, if you let your skin dry, not only will it not reduce the amount of oil on the skin, but it can also make the glands secrete more sebum - oil. Because when your skin is dry, your body will react by producing more oil and this oil can clog pores, leading to more acne.
Many people confuse oil and hydration, but the role of a moisturizer is to improve the hydration of the skin by adding water to it. This is also the reason that the first ingredient listed on a moisturizer's label is water.
You need to understand that, just because your skin is oily does not mean that your skin has enough water (moisture). In fact, a lot of things like cold weather, hot water, other extreme conditions and aging can disrupt the integrity of the skin, causing it to suffer minor cracks. Before you realize this, your skin may not act as a barrier to water loss and it becomes dry.
1.3 Moisturizer helps reduce the side effects of acne treatments that are drying out your skin
Moisturizers become especially important if you are already using dry acne treatments like retinoids like Retin-A and Isotretinoin, or anti-bacterial agents like benzoyl peroxide.
Even if your skin normally produces a lot of oil, acne medications can quickly turn your skin from shiny to uncomfortably dry and flaky. Using a daily moisturizer for oily skin is your best defense to help reduce these side effects.

2. How to choose a good moisturizer for oily skin

Kem dưỡng
Nếu da bạn là da dầu, hãy chọn những sản phẩm dưỡng ẩm nhẹ hơn những loại thông thường
There are many moisturizers that are created specifically for oily skin. These products are gentle, absorb quickly and leave no feeling like your natural skin. Look for and choose a moisturizer that says non-comedogenic on the label, which means it won't clog pores.
When it comes to choosing a moisturizer for oily skin, dermatologists recommend choosing a product that's lighter than the regular ones. Opt for lightweight moisturizers like a hydrating serum or a gentle lotion as it's more suitable for oily skin.
Additionally, you'll also want to make sure that the moisturizer is made to suit your skin type and is made with ingredients that are mild yet effective at adding moisture to your skin without leaving it out. react and produce more sebum.
One of my favorite dermatologist-recommended moisturizing ingredients, known as the body's natural moisturizer - ultra-lightweight hyaluronic acid. This active ingredient can draw moisture to the skin without clogging pores, giving you softer, smoother skin.
If you are suffering from acne then stay away from substances like mineral oil, cocoa butter, lanolin and grease. You should choose a moisturizer for oily skin that contains ingredients like glycerin, hyaluronic acid, aloe, and squalane.
Be prepared to experiment with several brands of moisturizers with different ingredients before you find one that really works for your skin.
You can also opt for a moisturizer that contains sunscreen. Because having to apply both moisturizer and sunscreen many times will make you feel uncomfortable.
When choosing a moisturizer for oily skin, you don't have to buy the products of the most famous and expensive brands. Just because a moisturizer is expensive doesn't mean it will be more effective or suitable for you than a cheaper product.
Bôi kem dưỡng
Bạn cũng có thể lựa chọn một loại kem dưỡng ẩm có chứa kem chống nắng
If you've been using a regular moisturizer and still haven't improved your skin condition or you notice new problems on your skin, see a dermatologist right away.
As such, oily skin still needs to retain moisture, especially after using skin care products that remove oil and dry the skin. A light moisturizer can also help protect your skin after washing. And you may have to try a few products before you find the right moisturizer for your oily skin.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. examination and treatment at the Hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
Reference sources:,,,
Acne treatment Summer facial care guide PRP skin rejuvenation aftercare guide
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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