How to choose home gym equipment

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Financial condition, indoor space and health of family members are all factors that influence the choice of home exercise equipment. So how to choose the most suitable home exercise machine?

1. Types of home exercise equipment

Some popular types of home exercise equipment include:

1.1. Cardiovascular equipment

Any gym is equipped with a series of machines designed to simulate activities such as cycling, walking and running, kayaking, rowing, skiing, climbing stairs . .. Whether these are motorized or not, the size is suitable for the heavy gym or built with a lighter version for home use. These machines all offer heart-healthy workouts that help burn calories and fat. Moreover, the advantage of home exercise equipment is that the exercise takes place indoors, avoiding erratic weather changes.
The prices of various types of home exercise equipment can vary from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars, depending on whether the machine has a motor, is programmable, includes add-ons like heart rate monitor, calories burned, exercise time... While this information often tends not to be completely accurate, it's a pretty good way to encourage people used as an exercise booster or may be important if the user is advised by a physician to limit activity. Here are some types of home exercise equipment:
Ski machine: allows the user to move his arms and legs at the same time as when skiing. On some machines, the user has to move one slide forward so that the other slide backward while on others the skateboard moves independently. Also, certain ski machines use ropes, while others have fixed towing arms, so it's important to test all of these to see which is most comfortable for your family's needs. . Elliptical Trainers: These machines provide a circular motion up and down, a cross between the ski machine and the downhill machine. These machines provide virtually no-impact exercise for the joints. The resistance and level of the machine can be adjusted automatically or manually on some models, try the machine at different speeds and levels to ensure stable operation. Rowing machine: rowing machine works on the back, arms and legs simultaneously, providing an effect that is almost like a full-body exercise. Unless you're used to rowing, the movement can feel unfamiliar at first and some people find it difficult to practice. When purchasing one, consider a pulley model instead of a piston model for a more realistic sailing experience. Ladder machines: These machines provide a low-impact exercise or equivalent to stair climbing movements. Beginners may find the pedometer very strenuous and movement can be difficult in the knees. Candles look for machines that provide independent footwork, equipped with handrails and large stairs. The stationary bike: An easy-to-use exercise bike that provides a great cardio workout. Look for a model with a comfortable, adjustable seat and toe clip. If the chair is too firm, find out if it can be replaced with a separately purchased cushion model. Treadmill: This machine allows users to walk or run indoors. Some models offer a flexible running surface with little to no joints. When buying one, look for a powerful motor (it will last longer), straps long and wide enough for the entire family's stride, a sturdy chassis with front rails for safety, and emergency stop device. Users should adjust the speed and level to be able to walk at the most comfortable pace.
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Xe đạp tại chỗ là thiết bị tập thể dục tại nhà hữu ích

1.2. Strength training equipment

By harnessing gravity, body weight, external weight, or tension as resistance, these devices help users build strength. As for cardio equipment, styles and prices vary widely, from expensive professional equipment commonly found in gyms and health clubs to affordable, portable machines. maybe. However, for strength equipment, you can save some money by choosing some basic equipment such as comfortable walking shoes, dumbbells or resistance bands instead of investing a significant amount of money in it. weight lifting machine.
Ankle dumbbells: This is strength-first home exercise equipment with leg lifts and hip extensions. Look for ankle weights that have comfortable padding and have pockets designed to hold 1⁄2 to 1 pound (~453.6g) barbells to add as you progress. Ankle dumbbell sets are typically 5 to 10 pounds; Gym mat: Choose a non-slip, well-cushioned mat for floor exercises. A home exercise kit that includes a thick mat can help; Dumbbells: Depending on current strength, exercisers should start with weights of 2 pounds to 5 pounds or 5 pounds and 8 pounds, then add more weights as they progress. The dumbbells have a padded center bar and D-shaped dumbbells that are easy to hold. Dumbbells are a home exercise equipment with the advantage of saving space, easy to buy at sporting goods stores; Resistance bands or tubes: These are home gym equipment that can be used for full body workouts with attractive advantages such as low cost, light weight, portability and ease of storage. Similar to weights, athletes can determine their own capacity by how many repetitions of an exercise per day. Placing your hands or feet closer or further apart on a rope or resistance tube before starting an exercise helps to vary resistance. Resistance bands are composed of large and wide rubber bands with varying degrees of resistance from very light to very heavy, expressed by color. Resistance hoses can have padded handles at each end, they also come in varying degrees of resistance from very light to very heavy;
thiết bị tập thể dục tại nhà
Khi mới bắt đầu, người tập có thể hưởng lợi từ việc có một tấm thảm tập phù hợp

2. How to choose a home exercise machine

There are so many home gym sets on the market today, deciding which one to choose can be daunting, sometimes frustrating at first. To choose the right home exercise equipment, practitioners can refer to the following tips:
Fit the budget: First, you need to calculate how much money you need to spend on exercise equipment at home . This can help determine the right equipment and provide the best value; Determine the space at home: The space to exercise can be a major factor in choosing a home exercise machine. Many types of equipment require large amounts of space, while some dumbbells are very compact and easy to store; Start with the basics: As a beginner, you can benefit from having the right mat. In addition, certain types of resistance training equipment such as resistance bands or dumbbells can be very helpful; Suitable for health and safety: Practitioners need to consider their own health and this should be a top priority. Discuss and discuss with your doctor to receive appropriate advice and recommendations; Let's start with low-cost home gym machines. Then, once the practice routine has been established and the practitioner has a better understanding of the equipment, it can be changed to be more suitable. Types of home exercise machines make it possible for you to perform daily physical activities at home without having to go to the gym. Hopefully the information in the above article can help you choose the right home exercise equipment to improve your health.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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