How to relieve headache fast at home

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Headache is a very common condition, occurring in all ages due to many different causes. Instead of going to the hospital, you can use many natural methods to get rid of common headaches. The following article will share with you how to immediately relieve headaches at home and prevent them in the future.

1. Types of headaches that can be treated at home There are different types of headaches, not all headaches can be self-diagnosed and treated at home with natural methods. Home remedies to relieve headaches will apply to some common types of headaches as follows:
- Tension headaches : This is the most common type of headache, these headaches usually occur after a person being overstressed causes their muscles to strain. The pain occurs in the center and top of the head. You may feel as if you have an elastic band tied around your head.
- Sinusitis headache: This type includes pain behind the eyes and nose and a general feeling of congestion in the head, sometimes a feeling of nausea.
- Cluster headaches: These headaches can appear throughout the day, causing a sharp pain in a specific location.
- Migraine: Migraines usually cause a sharp pain behind the eyes, then spread throughout the head. It makes the eyes very sensitive to light.
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2. 17 ways to relieve headaches at home 2.1. This is a solution applied by many people, using a cold compress to help relieve headaches simply. Applying an ice pack or other cold object to the head or neck can help constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation in the area being applied. By doing so, you can temporarily relieve headaches. Migraine sufferers should apply an ice pack on their neck for about 30 minutes, the pain will be significantly reduced.
2.2. Warm compress In contrast to cold compress, a warm compress can help you relax these muscles and provide a feeling of relief. It can also be used in the case of headaches where the muscles are too tight.
You can use a heated towel.
2.3. Remove objects that put pressure on the head In some cases there is a physical reason for the headache. Check for anything that puts too much pressure on your head, such as your hair in a ponytail, a tight bun, a heavy hat, or a headband for too long. They can also be the cause of your headache.
2.4. Remove some annoying light sources Some people with headaches will become sensitive to light. Bright office lights or even glare from smartphones can make your symptoms worse. Therefore, turning off light sources is also a way to relieve headaches. You can rest in a dark or dimly lit room while recovering from a headache.
2.5. Drink enough water Drinking enough water can help prevent headaches or reduce headaches. Dehydration can be the underlying cause of many simple headaches. Not only that, it can also change the way people act, think or feel. A study in the journal AntioxidantsTrusted suggests that even mild dehydration can change the way people think and act. Dehydration can make you feel worse, along with headaches. You should drink enough water to help yourself feel more comfortable. In addition to carrying water when you go out, you can replace it by eating foods that contain a lot of liquid such as fruit, smoothies or soups,...
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2.6. Drink ginger tea Drinking ginger tea can help relieve migraines. Research shows that ginger powder has the same effect as a common medication for migraine relief. A simple tea of ​​warm water and ginger powder can help relieve symptoms. Besides, herbs like mint, chamomile and lavender also have the ability to soothe headaches.
2.7. Exercise Exercise can help keep the body healthy and promote better circulation, which can reduce the risk of headaches. Children's magazine found that too little exercise can actually affect headaches in teenagers. Get regular, moderate exercise such as a brisk walk or bike ride for 30 minutes a day.
2.8. Get enough sleep Too much, too little, or not getting enough sleep can affect headaches in some people because the body isn't getting enough rest. Adults should try to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.
2.9. Caffeine Drinking caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, or soda can sometimes help with headaches. Some pain relievers designed for headaches include caffeine, as this compound can increase their effectiveness. Caffeine tends to dilate blood vessels, which can aid circulation and relieve stress.
2.10. Essential oils Using essential oils can relieve headache symptoms. Aromatherapy using certain essential oils can also relieve headache symptoms such as lavender essential oil, menthol, etc.
2.11. Acupuncture Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine where practitioners place small needles into the surface of the skin. The purpose is to stimulate the body's energy. Acupuncture is an effective way to prevent migraines and tension headaches or reduce their frequency.
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2.12. Massage acupuncture points Massaging certain pressure points is a way to relieve headaches and help relieve tension in the head. Some people do this instinctively such as rubbing the back of their neck or pinching the top of their nose when they feel stressed. Most of us can feel that massaging the temples, jaw or neck can help relieve stress and relieve headaches. Some other areas you can try massaging like the area between the eyebrows and the two points at the base of the eyebrows on either side of the bridge of the nose. Massaging these points can relieve tension in the eyes or head. Additionally, massaging the neck near the base of the skull can also help release tension.
2.13. Relaxation Relaxation is an effective way that can help many people relieve headache symptoms while also reducing stress and anxiety. Relaxation exercises such as deep abdominal breathing, guided meditation, and active focus on relaxing the muscles.
2.14. Provide Magnesium Another possible cause of frequent cluster headaches or migraines is low magnesium levels in the body. Therefore, it is advisable to add magnesium to the diet, it will help reduce headaches or prevent future pain.
2.15. Vitamin B and Vitamin E Supplements Vitamins including folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and vitamin E can all play a role in preventing migraines or reducing headache symptoms. Women who experience migraines during their menstrual cycle can take vitamin E supplements, which can help keep hormones in balance and prevent headache symptoms.
2.16. Limit alcohol intake Headaches don't just happen with heavy drinking. Even light or moderate drinking can lead to mild symptoms of dehydration in some people or make headaches worse. Those who often experience this condition when drinking alcohol, need to limit alcohol consumption to avoid headaches from occurring.
2.17. Avoiding exposure to chemicals or other strong odors For those with frequent migraines, avoiding strong odors can be a wise move when trying to prevent them. Fragrance or other strong-smelling chemicals can trigger migraines within minutes of exposure.
Above are natural home remedies to relieve common headaches. In case, the headache persists and is accompanied by many other symptoms that do not go away, it is necessary to see a doctor to find out the cause because headache is also a manifestation of a number of related diseases.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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