How to take care of a paralyzed patient, lying in one place

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Caring for a bedridden patient is not easy and it is important for the caregiver to be patient, because the patient is no longer able to perform basic functions. Besides, patients with paralysis lying in one place are also at risk of some conditions such as pressure ulcers, embolism, ...

1. Pressure ulcer care

Pressure ulcers are a common condition in paralyzed patients, due to poor nutrition in one or more skin areas of the body. In addition, the weight of the body presses on the skin and muscles, making it difficult for blood vessels to circulate or not reach, causing malnutrition, while venous blood stasis causes congestion, expansion and ulcers. Ulcers are common in bony protrusions without muscle covering or with very little such as the skin of the occipital bone, the sacrum, the skin of the elbow, the shoulder blade, the heel,...
Therefore, To prevent pressure ulcers most effectively, you first need to choose a suitable bed and mattress for the patient. A multi-function bed and mattress not only helps caregivers feel less tired during care, but also reduces pressure and limits sores.
Besides, you need to be aware of signs of an ulcer such as:
The skin in the pressure area is red Congested The patient feels pain The blister is like a burn, when the blister is broken, the skin there will be visible. red, light blue and then black,... Caring for a paralyzed person is to always keep the patient's skin dry and clean. Massage the patient at least 3-4 times a day, especially on areas prone to ulcers. If the skin is blistered, try to keep the blister from bursting to prevent infection. Regularly change the patient's position after a period of time, preferably every 30 minutes, and position the patient as comfortable as possible.

2. Hygiene when taking care of a paralyzed patient

Paralyzed patients will lose the ability to take care of themselves, it is very difficult to clean the patient's body. Meanwhile, good body hygiene will be an effective way to prevent pressure ulcers. In summer, caregivers should bathe the sick person daily, in winter, the frequency can be reduced to 2-3 times/week. You can use a warm towel to wipe the patient's body, use dry spray body cleaning solutions. Change diapers and diapers regularly to create a dry feeling for the patient. For oral hygiene should be done daily, use cotton swabs to clean or use physiological saline, mouthwash for daily hygiene.
Chăm sóc người bị liệt tốt sẽ giúp ngăn ngừa hiệu quả loét do tì đè

3. Choice of nutrition

A balanced diet with proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals will help keep patients healthy and reduce the risk of ulcers. In addition, the patient will easily digest and limit obesity as well as lack of substances that affect health and recovery. Please consult a nutritionist for a suitable diet.

4. Physical and mental care

Taking care of patients lying in bed requires special attention to movement to prevent stiffness. Let's practice for the patient some gentle movements such as stretching and stretching the legs, arms, moving the fingers,... to help the patient's joints and muscles be more flexible.
Besides, encouraging the patient's spirit is extremely important and necessary. Paralyzed patients, lying in one place are often very pessimistic, sad and want to give up due to the loss of basic life functions. Therefore, it is necessary to influence the mind, to help the patient always feel optimistic, to love life, ... a comfortable spirit will make an important contribution to helping the patient recover quickly.
In short, taking care of a paralyzed patient is not an easy job, it takes perseverance to avoid demoralization in both caregivers and patients. In addition, paralyzed patients are also at risk of pressure ulcers, embolism, stiffness, etc. Therefore, in addition to comprehensive care for patients such as physical, mental, nutritional, .. . need to prevent complications that the patient may encounter.

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