Identify signs of low testosterone in men

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This article is expertly consulted by MSc Vo Thien Ngon - Urologist, Department of General Surgery, Vinmec International Hospital Da Nang.
Low testosterone in men affects both physical and psychological health. Signs of low testosterone include decreased libido, impotence, hair loss, fatigue..

1. Symptoms are easy to see in men with low testosterone

Excessively low testosterone in men has the potential to cause noticeable changes, including:
Testicles often become smaller and softer Chest muscles grow larger (big breasts) Muscles decrease gradual (this happens slowly over several years) Hair loss, hair loss in some areas of the body (this process is also quite slow, often lasting up to several years).

2. Signs of low testosterone

Decreased sex drive Decreased sex drive is the first sign of low testosterone in men. Testosterone plays an important role in the formation and stimulation of sexual desire in men. However, men with low testosterone will experience a serious decrease in sex drive, they gradually lose feelings for their partners and do not even want to think about "love". In addition, due to the influence of age, some men may notice symptoms of a decrease in libido as they enter middle age.
Inability to maintain an erection (impotence) In addition to stimulating the sexual needs of men, testosterone is also an important factor in helping men achieve orgasm and maintain an erection. When testosterone levels are low, men may have difficulty in achieving and maintaining an erection before and during sexual intercourse, or may experience erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction due to physiological reasons. (eg erection during sleep).
However, the male hormone testosterone is only one of the factors that support an easier and more accurate erection. In fact, erectile dysfunction is a sign of low testosterone but can also signal many other health problems, including: Diabetes, thyroid problems, high blood pressure pressure, dyslipidemia, high cholesterol, heavy smoking, alcohol abuse, mental states such as depression, stress, anxiety.
Nhận diện dấu hiệu suy giảm testosterone ở nam giới
Rối loạn cương dương là dấu hiệu suy giảm testosterone

Low semen volume, low ejaculation Testosterone is an indispensable hormone in the production of semen in men, helping to support the movement and movement of sperm. Men with low testosterone may notice a decrease in the amount of semen ejaculated after sex. If a man does not produce enough sperm, he will not be able to conceive a woman and lead to infertility.
Hair loss is a sign of low testosterone Testosterone works to maintain a number of basic functions of the body, including the formation and growth of hair and hair. Baldness is sometimes considered a natural part of the aging process for most men. On the other hand, genetics is also a cause of baldness. However, to distinguish it from aging and genetic causes, men with low testosterone levels tend to experience hair loss in many other areas of the body in addition to hair (such as on the face, underarms). ...).
Loss of muscle mass In order for muscle mass to form and develop, it is indispensable for the contribution of the male hormone testosterone. Men with low testosterone often notice an unusual decrease in muscle mass over time. Studies show that while testosterone has an effect on muscle mass, it doesn't seem to be directly related to increased muscle mass strength or function.
Increased fat accumulation Excess fat accumulation is one of the signs of low testosterone in men. In particular, sometimes patients develop gynecomastia syndrome, or enlarged breast tissue, caused by a lack of testosterone, which leads to an imbalance of male and female hormones (testosterone and estrogen).
Nhận diện dấu hiệu suy giảm testosterone ở nam giới
Nam giới suy giảm nội tiết tố nam có biểu hiện tích tụ mỡ thừa, béo phì, béo bụng

Fatigue is a symptom of low testosterone Many cases of men with low testosterone levels show extreme fatigue and a lack of energy in the body. Although general fatigue is likely to have many other causes, a patient with a testosterone deficiency will remain erratic all the time (despite getting enough sleep). ). In addition, low testosterone also makes it difficult for men to exercise and exercise, especially with high intensity, quickly exhausted.
Mood swings Not only cause physical and physiological problems, signs of low testosterone also manifest through emotional and psychological changes. Testosterone levels, in addition to affecting physical processes in the body, also have certain effects on men's mood swings.
Specifically, men with low testosterone levels are more likely to experience depression, irritability, or loss of concentration. On the other hand, these symptoms can also be caused by other health problems, such as anemia, depression, sleep disorders, or chronic medical conditions.
Other problems Low testosterone levels can also indirectly cause other health problems, like obesity, type 2 diabetes and thyroid-related disorders.

3. Overcoming low testosterone in men

Most of the symptoms of low testosterone will significantly affect your daily life and even family happiness. To remedy this condition, your doctor may recommend testosterone supplements for men.
However, not all men with low testosterone or low testosterone need intervention. Indications for treatment will depend on each person's medical condition, the risks and possible benefits of treatment. Therefore, patients should consult a gynecologist or urologist with experience in treating problems related to low testosterone to help restore testosterone levels and limit unwanted events. .

4. Where is the prestigious male medical examination?

When they find out that they have signs of testosterone decline, men are often very afraid and not everyone actively goes to the doctor to solve their condition, especially when they do not know where to go to a reputable male doctor. .
For men with low testosterone, choosing a reputable male clinic is very important. This will partly help to improve treatment results, quickly cure the disease, save time and limit the occurrence of unwanted complications.
With more than 7 years of experience working in the field of Urology - Anthropology, Doctor Vo Thien Ngon used to work in Urology treatment and surgery at major hospitals: Hue Central Hospital, Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Tam Tri Da Nang General Hospital. Currently, the doctor is working at the Department of General Surgery of Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
Up to now, doctors have successfully examined and treated many cases of men with low testosterone as well as mild to severe male diseases

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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