Is Von Willebrand's disease dangerous?

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Von Willebrand disease is a disease related to a genetic deficiency of von Willebrand factor (VWF) causing platelet dysfunction in patients. Is Von Willebrand's disease dangerous? Follow the article below to find out the answer.

1. What is Von Willebrand disease? Classification of Von Willebrand disease

Von Willebrand disease (vWD) is a disease that causes bleeding disorders. It is caused by a genetic deficiency of von Willebrand factor or decreased activity of von Willebrand factor (vWF) in the blood.
This genetic disorder can cause factor VIII deficiency when the patient's condition is severe, but usually factor VIII deficiency is usually only moderate.
Von Willebrand disease has a genetic component. If one parent has the gene for this syndrome, the chance of their children having this gene is 50%.
von Willebrand factor is a glycoprotein mainly synthesized in endothelial cells. They have the following functions:
Mediate the stage of adhesion of platelets to the collagen in the endothelium during hemostasis Stimulating platelet aggregation This is a protein carrying factor VIII, which helps maintain normal levels of factor VIII in stable plasma. Von Willebrand disease is divided into 3 types:
Type 1: Lack of VWF volume. This is the most common form of the disease. Caused by an autosomal dominant inheritance disorder.
Category 2: Loss of quality in VWF synthesis. This is the result of another genetic abnormality and autosomal dominant inheritance
Type 3: Has an autosomal recessive disorder. This is the rare type that is homozygous for no VWF.
Bệnh Von Willebrand có thể di truyền sang con từ bố hoặc mẹ

2. Symptoms of Von Willebrand's Disease

Symptoms of the disease appear light to moderate bleeding include:
Easy bruising When bleeding from mucous membranes, may stop bleeding on its own for hours Women when menstrual bleeding is heavy Bleeding Gums Bleeding Heavy bleeding after an injury or after surgery such as tooth extraction, tonsillectomy with heavy, abnormal bleeding Frequent nosebleeds, heavy bleeding that does not stop within 10 minutes. Blood in stool or urine

3. Is Von Willebrand's disease dangerous?

According to research, people with blood type O when suffering from Von Willebrand disease have more obvious symptoms.
According to statistics, the rate of people suffering from Von Willebrand disease is about 1 in 100 people. However, most of these people have no symptoms or are mildly affected. It is more commonly found in women, who tend to bleed heavily with each menstrual period.
Von Willebrand disease causes anemia. Women with heavy menstrual bleeding can develop iron deficiency anemia.
Causes swelling and pain. If there is abnormal bleeding in the joints or soft tissues, it will cause swelling and severe pain for the patient.
Died from excessive bleeding. When abnormal bleeding cannot be controlled, it can be life-threatening. Von Willebrand disease is caused by a deficiency or deficiency in a protein (von Willebrand factor) - an important component in blood clotting.
Therefore, when having this disease, it will take longer to form blood clots and stop bleeding in people with Von Willebrand disease than usual. It is very dangerous when an injury causes blood loss, the blood will not be able to stop bleeding on its own. If there is too much blood loss, it will lead to death.
Bệnh Von Willebrand khiến người bệnh cầm máu lâu hơn

4. Treatment of Von Willebrand syndrome?

Treatment for von Willebrand syndrome focuses on preventing or stopping bleeding. With the right treatment, people with Von Willebrand disease can lead normal, healthy lives.
To prevent bleeding, the doctor may prescribe an increase in Von Willebrand factor, which enhances blood clotting in women by controlling heavy bleeding during menstruation:
Drug treatment : Give medicine to help stabilize the bleeding. anticoagulants - anti-fibrinolytics such as aminocaproic acid (and tranexamic acid to help stop bleeding by slowing the breakdown of blood clots. Useful in controlling heavy bleeding during monthly periods The estrogen hormone contained in oral contraceptives helps to increase levels of von Willebrand factor and factor VIII activity
Replacement therapy : Coagulation factor infusion Desmopressin: A synthetic hormone that controls bleeding by stimulating the body to release more of the stored Von Willebrand factor in the lining of the blood.
In addition, it is necessary to develop a scientific lifestyle to limit the progression of VU disease on Willebrand .
Talk to your doctor about your family history of Von Willebrand's disease or your own visits to the doctor, before surgery, or during childbirth.
Gentle and safe activities and exercises that can keep muscles flexible and healthy joints like walking, cycling or swimming.
Avoid vigorous activities with a high risk of bruising and bleeding such as football, wrestling.
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