Kidney nutrition

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The kidneys are an important organ in the body, responsible for filtering toxins out of the blood and excreting them in the urine and retaining the substances needed by the body. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to keep the kidneys healthy and functioning effectively with a kidney-nourishing diet.

1. What is a kidney-nourishing diet?

Kidney nutrition is one way to protect the kidneys from further damage. That means it is necessary to limit foods and drinks that are not good for the kidneys. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure a balance between energy (calories), protein, vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.
The kidney is a small organ that performs many important functions in the body, including:
Filtering waste products. Secretion of certain hormones that regulate blood pressure. Fluid balance in the body. Urine production. .... High blood pressure and diabetes are the most common risk factors for kidney disease. In addition, smoking, obesity, genetic factors, sex and age can also increase the risk of kidney disease.
High blood sugar and high blood pressure, if left unchecked, damage the blood vessels in the kidneys, reducing the kidneys' ability to function optimally. When kidney function declines, waste products will accumulate in the blood, including waste products from food, which will be harmful to your health.
That's why kidney nutrition is very important for everyone. And people with kidney disease have to pay more attention to their daily nutrition.
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Bệnh nhân tiểu đường tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh thận

2. Nutrition group for people with kidney failure

Each degree of kidney damage has its own dietary restrictions. You should talk to your doctor and nutritionist to determine the best diet for you.
For most people with advanced kidney disease, it's important to follow a kidney-healthy diet that helps reduce waste in the blood. It will help strengthen kidney function while preventing further damage.
Although each patient's diet is different, in general people with kidney disease should limit the following substances in their daily diet:

2.1 Sodium

This is a mineral found in many foods, is the main component of table salt. Sodium has an effect on blood pressure, participates in maintaining the water balance in the body. Healthy kidneys keep blood sodium levels under control.
But with chronic kidney disease, the extra sodium and fluid build up in the body can cause a number of problems such as swollen ankles, high blood pressure, difficulty breathing, fluid accumulation around the heart, lungs, etc. ...
The amount of sodium in the daily diet should be less than 2g. Some simple ways to reduce sodium in the daily diet are:
Limit the use of table salt and high-sodium condiments such as soy sauce, sea salt, garlic salt,... Limit the use of foods fast food: because most of them are high in sodium. Try using new spices and herbs in place of salt. Avoid using packaged foods. Read product labels carefully before buying, choose foods that are low in sodium. Wash canned foods (meat, fish, vegetables, beans, ..) before use.
Hạn chế ăn muối sẽ có lợi cho bệnh nhân bệnh thận

2.2 Potassium

Potassium is a mineral that helps nerves and muscles work properly. In patients with chronic kidney disease, the body will not be able to filter out excess potassium. High levels of potassium in the blood can lead to serious heart-related problems. The amount of potassium in the daily diet should be less than 2g.
Potassium is found in many fruits and vegetables such as bananas, avocados, melons, potatoes,... People with kidney failure should limit these fruits and vegetables, should use foods containing low potassium such as: are: apple, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, plum, pineapple, cabbage, cauliflower,...

2.3 Phosphorus and calcium

These are two minerals that are essential for keeping bones strong. However, when the kidneys are weakened, they will not be able to remove excess phosphorus from the blood. Then the patient will be at risk of heart disease. The amount of calcium in the blood decreases, the body will take calcium from the bones, this makes the bones weak and easier to break.
The amount of phosphorus in the daily diet of people with kidney failure should be below 800 - 1,000 mg, by:
Choosing foods that contain low phosphorus content. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Choose cereals as rice, corn. Drink light colored soda. Reduce meat, fish and poultry. Limit dairy products. Foods that are high in calcium also tend to be high in phosphorus. Therefore, doctors will advise patients with kidney failure to reduce calcium-rich foods.
Hoa quả trái cây
Ăn nhiều trái cây không chỉ tốt cho sức khỏe mà còn tốt cho bệnh nhân mắc bệnh thận

2.4 Protein

This is a nutrient that patients with kidney failure may have to limit. Because the damaged kidneys are unable to remove the waste products produced by protein metabolism. However, patients on dialysis have higher protein requirements.

3. What to eat to nourish the kidney?

The best foods for people with kidney disease are:

3.1 Cauliflower

Broccoli is a nutritious vegetable that is a good source of many nutrients especially vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B. Cauliflower also contains anti-inflammatory compounds like indoles, and it is also a source of fiber. Great. Plus, cauliflower can be used in place of potatoes for low-potassium dishes.
One cup (124g) of cooked cauliflower contains:
Sodium: 19 mg. Potassium: 176 mg. Phosphorus: 40 mg.
súp lơ
Súp lơ cung cấp nhiều vitamin K và vitamin C có lợi cho sức khỏe

3.2 Blueberries

Is a best source of antioxidants. Blueberries contain antioxidants called anthocyanins, which help protect you from heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, and cognitive decline.
One cup (148g) of fresh blueberries contains:
Sodium: 1.5 mg. Potassium: 114 mg. Phosphorus: 18 mg.

3.3 Sea bass

Is a type of fish that contains high quality protein, contains the extremely healthy fat that is omega-3. Omega-3s help reduce inflammation, reducing the risk of cognitive decline, depression and anxiety. Sea bass contains less phosphorus than other seafood.
In 85g cooked sea bass contains:
Sodium: 74 mg. Potassium: 279 mg. Phosphorus: 211 mg.

3.4 Red grapes

This fruit is not only delicious but also provides a lot of nutrition for us. Red grapes contain a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants are flavonoids that reduce inflammation. In addition, red grapes are high in resveratrol, which is beneficial for heart health and fights diabetes and cognitive decline. This fruit is very friendly to the kidneys.
In 75g red grapes contain:
Sodium: 1.5 mg. Potassium: 144 mg. Phosphorus: 15 mg.
NHo đỏ
Nho đỏ chứa chất chống oxy hóa là flavonoid có tác dụng giảm viêm

3.5 Egg whites

The yolk is very nutritious but contains a high phosphorus content. Meanwhile egg yolks provide a source of high-quality protein and are kidney-friendly. It is also a great choice for patients on dialysis who need high protein but must limit phosphorus.
In two large egg whites (equivalent to 66g) contains:
Sodium: 110 mg. Potassium: 108 mg. Phosphorus: 10 mg.

3.6 Garlic

Is a good source of manganese, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and contains sulfur compounds with anti-inflammatory properties. Garlic also helps add flavor to dishes.
Three garlic cloves (about 9g) contain:
Sodium: 1.5 mg. Potassium: 36 mg. Phosphorus: 14 mg.

3.7 Buckwheat

Unlike many other grains, buckwheat contains lower amounts of phosphorus. Buckwheat is very nutritious, providing B vitamins, magnesium, iron and good fiber for the body.
Half a cup (about 84g) of cooked buckwheat contains:
Sodium: 3.5 mg. Potassium: 74 mg. Phosphorus: 59mg.

3.8 Olive oil

This is a good source of healthy fats and phosphorus for people with kidney disease. Most of the fat in olive oil is monounsaturated fat, which has anti-inflammatory properties. This fat is stable at high temperatures, making it a good choice in cooking.
One tablespoon (about 13.5g) of olive oil contains:
Sodium: 0.3 mg. Potassium: 0.1 mg. Phosphorus: 0 mg.
Dầu oliu
Dầu oliu có nguồn phốt pho lành mạnh cho người mắc bệnh thận

3.9 Bulgur

Is a whole-wheat product that is more kidney-friendly than other whole grains that are high in phosphorus and potassium. This is a very good source of B vitamins, magnesium, iron and manganese for the body. At the same time, bulgur is also an excellent source of plant-based protein and full of fiber, which is important for the digestive system.
Half a cup (equivalent to 91g) of bulgur contains:
Sodium: 4.5 mg. Potassium: 62 mg. Phosphorus: 36 mg.

3.10 Cabbage

Contains a lot of vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B. Cabbage is low in potassium, phosphorus and sodium. It also provides insoluble fiber, which helps promote regular bowel movements and stool formation.
In 70g chopped cabbage contains:
Sodium: 13 mg. Potassium: 119 mg. Phosphorus: 18 mg.
bắp cải
Bắp cải giúp thúc đẩy nhu động ruột thường xuyên và hình thành phân.

3.11 Chicken without skin

Skinless chicken breast contains less phosphorus, potassium and sodium than other parts of chicken. Choose fresh chicken, avoid pre-roasted chicken because those contain large amounts of sodium and phosphorus.
In 84g skinless chicken breast contains:
Sodium: 63 mg. Potassium: 216 mg. Phosphorus: 192 mg.

3.12 Bell peppers

Packed with an impressive amount of nutrients but low in potassium, bell peppers are packed with the powerful antioxidant vitamin C, an important vitamin A for immune function, which is often compromised in people with kidney disease.
In 74g bell pepper contains:
Sodium: 3 mg. Potassium: 156 mg. Phosphorus: 19 mg.

3.13 Onions

This is a great source of natural sodium flavor for kidney dishes. Onions are also rich in vitamin C, manganese, B vitamins and prebiotic fibers that help keep the digestive system healthy.
One small onion (about 70g) contains:
Sodium: 3 mg. Potassium: 102 mg. Phosphorus: 20 mg.
Hành tây
Hành tây có lợi cho bệnh nhân bệnh thận

3.14 Arugula

As a vegetable rich in nutrients but low in potassium, it is very friendly to the kidneys. Arugula is a good source of vitamin K, the minerals manganese and calcium important for bone health. Vegetables also contain nitrates, which lower blood pressure, an important benefit for people with kidney disease.
In 20g raw arugula contains:
Sodium: 6 mg. Potassium: 74 mg. Phosphorus: 10 mg.

3.15 Macadamia nuts

This is a good choice for people with kidney disease. Nuts contain much lower phosphorus than other nuts such as peanuts, almonds. The seeds also have good fats, B vitamins, magnesium, copper, iron and manganese.
In 28g macadamia nuts contain:
Sodium: 1.4 mg. Potassium: 103 mg. Phosphorus: 53 mg.

3. 16 Radishes

Contains very little potassium and phosphorus but contains many other important nutrients. Radishes are an excellent source of vitamin C.
In 58g sliced ​​radish contains:
Sodium: 23 mg. Potassium: 135 mg. Phosphorus: 12 mg. In 78g of cooked radish contains:
Sodium: 12.5 mg. Potassium: 138 mg. Phosphorus: 20 mg.

3.17 Pineapple

Is a fruit that contains low amounts of potassium, good for people with kidney disease. Pineapple is also rich in muscle, manganese, vitamin C and bromelain, an enzyme that helps reduce inflammation.
In 165g pineapple contains:
Sodium: 2 mg. Potassium: 180 mg. Phosphorus: 13 mg.
Dứa chứa lượng kali thấp

3.18 Cranberries

This fruit is beneficial for both the urinary tract and the kidneys. This fruit contains phytonutrients called type A proanthocyanidins, which prevent bacteria from attaching to the lining of the urinary tract and bladder, thus preventing infections. This is very helpful for patients with kidney disease.
In 100g of fresh cranberries contains:
Sodium: 2 mg. Potassium: 80 mg. Phosphorus: 11 mg.

3.19 Shiitake mushrooms

Is an excellent source of B vitamins, copper, manganese and selenium. At the same time, shiitake mushrooms also provide a good amount of vegetable protein and fiber, which is very good for people with kidney disease.
In 145g of cooked shiitake mushrooms:
Sodium: 6 mg. Potassium: 170mg. Phosphorus: 42 mg.
If there is a need for consultation and examination at the Hospitals of the National Health System, please book an appointment on the website to be served.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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