Laparoscopic surgery to treat urethral stones

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Urethral stone is a common disease, most of which are stones from the kidney, ureter or bladder moving down the urethra. If not treated properly, urethral stones will cause recurrent urinary tract infections, even causing complications such as urinary disorders, affecting the health and quality of life of the patient. Endoscopic treatment of urethral stones is an effective method of treatment for patients.

1. Indications for laparoscopic surgery to treat urethral stones

Endoscopic urethral lithotripsy is indicated when the stone exists in the urethral lumen and cannot be expelled spontaneously. However, in some cases, patients are contraindicated with endoscopic urethral lithotripsy such as:
Patients with concomitant medical diseases that are contraindicated for anesthesia and surgery. Unstable severe urinary tract infections. Lower urinary tract malformation or urethral stricture cannot reach the stone with the bronchoscope.
Sỏi niệu đạo khá nguy hiểm nếu không được điều trị kịp thời
Sỏi niệu đạo khá nguy hiểm nếu không được điều trị kịp thời

2. Preparing for endoscopic treatment of urethral stones

Tools to help perform urological endoscopic surgery such as: ureteroscope or nephroscope, endoscopic array (monitor, camera, light source), equipment to break stones by ultrasound or laser, gabion or crushed gravel pliers are prepared.
The patient was cleaned of the pubic area, preoperative testing as indicated by the urologist, abdominal ultrasound, cystoscopy, non-contrast abdominal X-ray, multi-slice computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis.

3. Conduct endoscopic treatment of urethral stones

Spinal anesthesia or general anesthesia; Posture: lithotomy; Disinfect the external genitalia; Insert the scope into the urethra; Determine the number and size of stones; Lithotripsy with ultrasound or laser energy; Check for comorbidities of: urethra, prostate gland, bladder neck, bladder mucosa and 2 ureters; Remove the debris, put the urethral drainage. After surgery, the patient was drained of the urethra after 1 day, hematuria and urinary tract infection.
How to cure urethral stones by endoscopic lithotripsy is an effective treatment method, gentle procedure, less harmful, less dangerous, less painful for the patient. Patients can return to normal flexible work in 4-5 days.
However, if the patient has symptoms such as: severe pain in the lower back spreading to the groin, scrotum, blood in urine, or sharp pain, frequent urination.... need to go to a medical facility for examination soon. to be treated and treated promptly if there is any abnormality.
Mổ nội soi tán sỏi niệu đạo bằng laser là phương pháp điều trị hiện đại nhất hiện nay
Mổ nội soi tán sỏi niệu đạo là phương pháp điều trị hiệu quả nhất hiện nay

Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is using Sphinx30 Laser lithotripsy machine in laparoscopic urethral stone surgery. This is the most modern and best laser machine in Vietnam today to help doctors successfully perform difficult cases of ureteral stones. The outstanding advantage of Laser Sphinx30 is that it can stop bleeding well and cause necrosis at the lowest level of surrounding cells.
Why should patients have urethroscopic surgery at Vinmec?
Short hospital stay, minimizing the cost of stay, reducing the risk of hospital infection. With cases of lithotripsy, inguinal hernia, customers can always go to work 1 day after discharge from the hospital. Limit the use of antibiotics, reduce the risk of side effects, save costs, patients do not have to worry and fear when administering antibiotics and monitoring after taking the drug. The recovery rate reached 90%, re-hospitalization 0%, postoperative infection 0%. The Early Post-Surgery Care Program provides comprehensive care to patients before, during and after surgery, helping to reduce hospital stay, improve treatment quality and reduce costs; reduce the rate of complications. ERAS has been shown to shorten the average length of stay from 8-10 days to 3-4 days. Insurance : Vinmec signed with many large private insurance partners. When customers are hospitalized, they are guaranteed and compensated at the hospital. Save a lot of customer's time and effort. Other advantages : Modern equipment; Service quality according to international standards; Highly qualified doctor; Patients do not need relatives to take care of them because they are cared for by a dedicated and attentive nursing doctor... To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, please make an appointment on the website. to be served.
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Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Endoscopic laser lithotripsy: Can dissolve large stones without damage to the ureter Retrograde endoscopic laser lithotripsy at Vinmec: Less pain, quick recovery Endoscopic laser lithotripsy of the ureter suitable for whom? How is it done?

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