Learn about the estimated mean blood glucose (eAG)

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Tran Quoc Tuan - Emergency Resuscitation Doctor - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
The average blood glucose estimate (eAG) test plays a very important role in monitoring the patient's diabetes control, helping to make the most accurate treatment choice.

1. Concepts related to eAG . index

1.1 HbA1c test and relationship to eAG number HbA1c test is also known as HbA1c, Hemoglobin A1c, Glycated hemoglobin, Glycohemoglobin, Glycosylated hemoglobin. The official names are A1c and eAG.
The HbA1c test is a blood test, used to measure average blood sugar levels over 2 - 3 months by measuring glycated hemoglobin A1c levels. This is a test ordered to see how stable blood sugar levels are in diabetics. In addition, it is used in the initial diagnosis of type 2 diabetes (not for use in the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes).
Currently, the results obtained from the HbA1c test are given in units of %, mmol/mol or mg/dl or mmol/l (estimated mean blood glucose - eAG). What is
1.2 eAG? eAG stands for estimated average glucose, which means estimated average blood glucose. Thus, eAG is a unit of assessment of HbA1c test index.
This test aims to monitor and control the patient's diabetes status, helping to make accurate treatment decisions. The time to do the test is when the diabetes is first diagnosed and then done 2-4 times a year. A blood sample is taken from a vein in the hand or a drop of blood is taken from the tip of the finger.
Vai trò của xét nghiệm hóa sinh trong lâm sàng chẩn đoán bệnh
eAG là một đơn vị đánh giá chỉ số xét nghiệm HbA1c

2. Learn about the eAG . indicator

2.1 In what cases is the eAG indicator used? The HbA1c test and the eAG level calculation are mainly used to monitor the glucose levels of diabetic patients over time. The patient's goal is to keep blood sugar as close to normal as possible, minimizing complications from hyperglycemia such as damage to the kidneys, eyes, nervous system, and heart; The HbA1c test and eAG results help your doctor assess your average blood glucose level over the last few months. This result helps the doctor assess whether the current treatment measures are really working; The A1c test and the eAG index help patients newly diagnosed with diabetes determine how high blood sugar levels are when no treatment and control measures are in place. The HbA1c test may be ordered several times before blood sugar is controlled. Then, every year, do 2-4 times to check the stable level of blood sugar.
2.2 Meaning of eAG Results HbA1c test results are currently expressed as a percentage and it is recommended that diabetics maintain their HbA1c level below 7%; HbA1c test results may be included with an estimated mean blood glucose (eAG) - calculated on the basis of A1c levels; eAG results are additionally reported to help patients relate A1c results to daily blood glucose control; The eAG formula converts the percentage of the HbA1c test to units of mmol/L or mg/dL; eAG is only a means of assessing average blood sugar levels over the last few months. As a result, this result will not exactly match the daily blood glucose readings; People without diabetes have HbA1c values ​​in the range of 4-6%; Diabetics should try to maintain HbA1c at 6%, without episodes of hypoglycemia to control the disease well. When HbA1c and eAG results increase, there is an increased risk of complications such as vision loss, stroke, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, etc.
Bị tiền tiểu đường có cần uống thuốc không?
Bệnh nhân tiểu đường nên cố gắng duy trì chỉ số HbA1c ở mức độ 6%
2.3 How to calculate the estimated mean blood glucose (eAG) The formula for calculating eAG from the HbA1c result is:
28.7 x A1c - 46.7 = eAG
Example: A1c = 7% then the eAG result is:
28.7 x 7 - 46.7 = 154 mg/dl
Thus, the estimated mean blood glucose (eAG) is 154 mg/dL. When A1c increased 1%, mean blood glucose increased about 29 mg/dl.
The estimated mean blood glucose (eAG) is another way to report HbA1c test results (replace % with mg/dl or mmol/l). This index has important implications in detecting, monitoring and preventing diabetes complications.
xét nghiệm máu
Chỉ số ước lượng glucose máu trung bình (eAG) là một hình thức khác để báo cáo kết quả xét nghiệm HbA1c
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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