Learn to walk with a walker

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Rehabilitation walker is a form of support tool for both the elderly and those with limited natural mobility. This device will make it easier for the patient to move around but also have higher safety. However, to choose the right walker, such as a 4-legged walker, a walker for the elderly, you should consult a doctor.

1. Overview of the rehabilitation walker

The rehabilitation walker is a supporting product. It is used as a walking aid for those who are having difficulty moving. Among them, the most recommended audience is the elderly. A walker for the elderly will help keep balance and is many times more secure than crutches.
Currently, there are many models of walkers at places that provide medical supplies. Some people push and move with wheels, others have to lift using force like learning to walk with crutches. The most we often see are 4-legged walkers. With 4 legs, it will be easier for you to balance your body than using crutches and the elderly with weak physical strength can use this frame to stop and rest whenever needed.
Similar to the crutches, the walkers target all of them with reduced walking ability. They are the ones who have had a stroke that leads to hemiplegia: the patient has congenital lower hemiplegia; foot injury accident patient; the patient is in the process of adapting to the prosthesis; children have neurological effects leading to cerebral palsy or polio;...
Besides, many subjects have been identified with reduced mobility, but the doctor did not prescribe the use of a 4-legged walker. Most of this group of patients was no longer awake and aware of their own behavior. When they are not aware as well as difficult to control their body's behavior so that they can self-medicate with supportive medical products, it is also easy to cause accidents.
People with neurological disorders or neurological diseases that lead to loss of control of their body's behavior often do not realize what they are doing. This subject can be a person who has had a stroke or a stroke. Therefore, patients need to be thoroughly examined to determine the condition of the disease to be able to offer the most effective support and recovery solutions.
khung tập đi cho người già
Khung tập đi dành cho người già sẽ giúp giữ thăng bằng và có độ an toàn cao hơn nhiều lần so với nạng tập đi.

2. Preparation before use and how to use the 4-legged walker

2.1 Prepare the most basic skills to perform walker The rehabilitation walker solution is a method of physical therapy. At first you will have a hard time moving. The longer the patient remains immobile, the less able to move. The main reason is that the muscles that have been inactive for a long time will weaken and gradually disappear. Therefore, as soon as the body recovers to meet the physical requirements, the doctor will assign the patient to use a walker every day to get the muscles moving again.
Rehabilitation walkers have different types such as 4-legged walkers, walkers for the elderly. Besides choosing the appropriate type of frame, you also need to pay attention to the size of the frame. Each person has a different body mass index, so it is important to pay attention to the frame size to suit you as best as possible.
With the 4-legged walker, we will measure the size based on the height and width. The height of the walker will be divided into several different levels. These levels depend mainly on the patient's medical condition. If the patient is severe, the height can be increased or decreased gradually to a certain threshold when recovering.
So how to determine the most suitable height for the patient? First you need to know what type of frame should be used for the patient. Then consult with your doctor to see if the patient should use a walker with a measured height.
Currently there are 3 popular levels to help you determine the height of the walker: from the bracket to the waist, from the bracket to the middle of the waist, from the bracket to the armpit. Most of the ideal frame width will be equal to the patient's shoulder length.
Note that choosing the right frame type and frame size is extremely important. Assuming the patient chooses the wrong type of rehabilitation framework, it will be difficult to use or not bring the desired therapeutic effect. Besides, the size is too small or too large, it will hinder and make it difficult for the patient to move, easily discouraged, and give up.
2.2. Instructions for using the 4-legged walker for the patient To begin to walk, the patient needs to maintain an upright position. Getting up for the first time will need someone to support and advise on basic movements to help the patient get used to and easily use supportive medical products. When you can stand, try to move so that your feet are always in the middle of the frame and your body leans forward to help balance your body to avoid falling or slipping.
When the body gradually adapts to standing exercises, proceed to practice the first steps. At this time, pain may appear because the muscle mass has lost its original elasticity. Therefore, it is necessary to persevere in training to help the muscles adapt gradually again.
Step 1: Lift the frame and place it in front. If you are just starting out and you find it too difficult to lift the frame, use a walker with wheels. With a frame with wheels, you let the frame move lightly, which will limit the loss of strength like a frame without wheels.
Step 2: Keep the frame fixed and then proceed to move each foot forward. Be careful not to move both legs at the same time. Move each leg and move slowly.
khung tập đi cho người già
Giải pháp khung tập đi phục hồi chức năng là một phương pháp vật lý trị liệu

3. Health information to be kept in mind when using a walker

Except for patients with leg injuries, the causes of stroke and paralysis need much more attention. After suffering from complications, the body weakens leading to disorder and imbalance in the index.
Usually the doctor will ask the patient to check the health index periodically. Most of them will keep a medical record along with the test results of items such as pulse rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. More importantly, the doctor will consider the patient's psychological health and changes in the treatment process.

4. What to do when the patient uses a walker for rehabilitation and has a stroke?

After recovering from a stroke, there is still a risk of recurrence. Therefore, they need to be careful because repeating this will cause the body to lose control and may lead to equipment damage. What is more worrying is that the patient can have a dangerous accident that causes injury and makes the condition worse.
Therefore, this patient needs to be taken care of very carefully. The nurse or person will always be there to support and help when practicing. Any unusual problems of the patient will be followed by iron and timely emergency. When early signs appear, the doctor will check and rebalance exercises accordingly.
Rehabilitation walker is a convenient medical support product. Although it is more stable than crutches and limits risks, it should not be subjective.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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