Meaning of blood DHEAS quantification

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DHEAS (Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) is a male sex hormone that plays a role in the development of secondary male sex characteristics during puberty. This hormone can be converted into more potent androgens such as Testosterone and Androstenedione and can be converted into the female sex hormone Estrogen.

1. DHEAS . Quantitative Test

Quantitative DHEAS blood test is usually ordered along with testosterone test and other male hormone test for the purposes of:
Evaluation of adrenal gland function; Differentiate between testes and adrenal gland secretion of DAEAS hormone, even, in rare cases, from the ovaries; Diagnosis of adrenal tumor, adrenocortical tumor; Diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, adult-onset adrenal hyperplasia; Combined with other endocrine tests such as FSH, LH, Prolactin, Estrogen, Testosterone in women to diagnose polycystic ovary disease to rule out some other causes of infertility, amenorrhea, hirsutism; Combined with other hormone tests to diagnose the development of masculinity in girls and precocious puberty in boys.
Xét nghiệm định lượng DHEAS máu thường được chỉ định cùng một số xét nghiệm khác để đánh giá chức năng tuyến thượng thận

2. DHEAS . Quantitative Test Preparation

The person performing the test is a doctor, a technician specializing in biochemistry or a person performing analysis who is qualified to use an automatic biochemistry analyzer.
Quantitative DHEAS blood test is performed under the full preparation of chemical facilities including: Analyzer, centrifuge, refrigerated storage, chemicals, standards, QC, patient samples, test tubes , racks for test tubes, pipepers of all kinds, green cones, yellow cones, consumables: Blood collection tubes, needles, antiseptic cotton swabs, gloves...
For the patient, if the doctor requests Fasting before the test should be strictly followed by not eating or drinking anything but water for 9-12 hours before taking blood samples for testing.
DHEAS hormone testing is usually done in the morning because that is when DHEAS levels are highest. Women may be asked to have the test done at certain times of their menstrual cycle.

3. Conduct blood DHEAS quantification

Sample collection Proceed to collect blood sample into red cap tube (tube without anticoagulant). Wait for the coagulation process to take place completely before starting the centrifugation to separate the serum. Blood samples may be cloudy due to elevated triglycerides, it is necessary to use centrifugation to remove blood samples with hyperlipidemia. Blood samples are stored for 2 days at 2-8 degrees in glass or polypropylene tubes, or for 2 months at - 20°C. DHEAS quantification The analyzer has the DHEAS-04 test standard program installed. Quality control results with the DHEAS test are satisfactory, not out of range and do not violate the law on quality control. Test on the analyzer system, or the network system Load the patient sample into the analyzer Execute the command to run the patient sample Wait for the machine to perform the analysis according to the machine's protocol Test results to see Review and evaluate before printing the report, or recording the results on the test slip to return to the patient.. Note that in the process of performing the quantitative DHEAS blood test, the person performing the test needs to visually check each order. Taste the test sample to see if there are particles before it is introduced into the testing system.

4. Reference value of quantitative assay DHAES

The bar DHEAS level in healthy subjects is (Hell W 1997 [2]):

Conversion factor: μg/L × 0.0027 = μmol/L

5. Influencing factors and treatment when quantifying DHEAS

In the process of taking a blood sample for quantitative DHEAS, there will be factors that affect the results such as:
Hemolytic blood sample Centrifugation to separate the serum early when the clot has not formed completely, leading to the appearance of fibrin. Therefore, to avoid errors during the test, it is necessary to ensure that only centrifugation is performed when the blood clots are completely complete. For patients using anticoagulants that need more time to clot Blood sample tubes of different manufacturers may give different test results, because depending on materials, additives, gels , physical barriers, coagulation activators, anticoagulants... Specimens of patients with frequent contact with animals or animal serum products may contain factors that cause abnormal results fruit. Patients taking corticosteroids may reduce levels of DHEAS Patients taking DHEAS supplements may have increased levels of DHEAS High intensity exercise can also cause DHEAS levels to rise for several days.
Tập thể dục
Tập thể dục cường độ cao là một trong những nguyên nhân dẫn đến mức độ DHEAS tăng trong vài ngày

6. Quantitative significance of blood DHEAS

Results of quantitative DHEAS blood indicate problems in the person doing the test. Accordingly:
Normal blood DHEAS level combined with other normal male hormone tests indicates normal working adrenal gland function. A high blood level of DHEAS may suggest an overproduction of DHEAS, which requires further testing to diagnose and determine the cause of the hormone imbalance. These can be signs of an adrenal tumor, Cushing's disease, adrenal cancer, adrenal hyperplasia, and in rare cases an ovarian tumor. In some cases, increased DHEAS can be a sign of polycystic ovaries in women. Low levels of DHEAS can be the cause of adrenal insufficiency, adrenal dysfunction, Addison's disease, hypopituitarism, some conditions that cause permeation of levels of pituitary hormones that regulate production and secretion adrenal hormones. Blood DHEAS quantification is performed for accurate and fast results with the support of a modern, automatic testing machine system at Vinmec International General Hospital. The hospital provides comprehensive and professional medical examination, consultation and treatment services, with a civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space. Customers when choosing to perform tests here can be completely assured of the accuracy of test results.

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