Mechanism of increase - decrease of vascular permeability

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Do Van Manh - Emergency Medicine Doctor - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.

When society appears more and more strange diseases, causing confusion for people. So having a little knowledge about the disease as well as the mechanism that causes the disease is an extremely necessary thing at this time. This helps us understand and prevent pathogens. Protect yourself, your family and society. And today we will learn about vascular permeability, what is the mechanism of increased vascular permeability, knowing this we will understand and explain some phenomena such as swelling, edema due to inflammation.

1. Overview of water balance in the body

As we all know, water is an indispensable component in our body, accounting for about 60% in men and 50% in women. The reason for this difference is that women have more body fat than men. In addition, the proportion of water also changes with the life process.
In children the amount of water makes up about 75% of the body but in the elderly it is only about 50%. Water is distributed in two main areas, intracellular and extracellular. Intracellular water accounts for about 55-75% and extracellular water accounts for 25-45%. The extracellular area consists of intravascular (plasma) and extravascular water in a ratio of 1⁄3.
The balance of water as well as electrolyte factors depends on many mechanisms, of which it is important to mention: hydrostatic pressure, colloidal osmotic pressure, extracellular osmotic pressure, wall permeability. circuit,... the day elements work together and regulate the amount of water in the body at a certain level.
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2. Balance of water

When in equilibrium, the amount of water going out and the amount of water entering the body is equal. Water is entered into the body by drinking and eating, and is expelled from the body through urine excretion and sweating. Water moves in and out of the body and cells based on the following principles: the principle of osmosis, the exchange between the intercellular space and the lumen, and the exchange between the intercellular space and the cell. These principles are ensured by water balance regulation systems: osmotic regulation and volume regulation.

3. Disturbance in water balance due to increased vascular permeability and inflammatory edema

Edema is the presence of abnormal amounts of water in the interstitial tissues or in body cavities. Edema can be divided into two types: inflammatory edema and non-inflammatory edema. Today we only learn about edema caused by inflammation.
Rối loạn cân bằng nước trong cơ thể dẫn đến hiện tượng phù
Inflammatory edema is mainly caused by increased vascular permeability, which is also called exudate or exudate. The extract has a fairly large protein content >3g%, a high density >1,020. There are many agents that can increase vascular permeability: Chemical mediators act on inflammation, adhesion of platelets and white blood cells, and vascular walls, and play an important role in vascular permeability. agents that increase hydrostatic pressure in the peripheral blood vessels cause inflammatory fluid from within the vessels to escape into the tissue.
Once increased vascular permeability, albumin can escape from the lumen very easily, then the colloidal osmotic pressure inside and outside the vessel cancels each other out, the hydrostatic pressure now expels water from the lumen. vessels go out, this is the mechanism that causes edema in allergic phenomena, edema in fever, inflammation,...
Through this article, we hope to have explained to you the increased properties. What is vascular permeability and understand its mechanism. Every day, learning a little more knowledge about medicine, we can learn many new things, help us prevent many diseases. In addition, we can also share these knowledge with others, to work together to build a healthy community.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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