Order of using skin care products

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According to experts, using skin care products in the correct order of cosmetic application will help the skin receive the full benefits of each product. Many of you wonder which serum and moisturizer to use first? Here are 11 steps to answer this question and steps taken in the morning to help protect your skin before you leave the house.

Step 1: Use an oil-based cleanser
Facial cleansers come in two forms: water-based and oil-based. Oil-based ones aim to dissolve oil produced by your own skin.
How to use: Some oil-based cleansers are designed to work on wet skin or on dry skin. Read the directions carefully before applying a small amount to your skin. Massage gently and rinse thoroughly with water before drying with a clean towel.
Skip this step if: (1) Your cleanser is purely oil-based, rather than a mixture of oils, surfactants and emulsifiers and (2) you have combination or oily skin to avoid increase oil.
Rửa mặt
Sử dụng sữa rửa mặt gốc dầu được sử dụng với người da khô

Step 2: Water-based cleanser
Water-based cleansers mainly contain surfactants that allow water to wash away dirt and sweat. In addition, this substance can also remove residual oils from oil-based cleanser in step 1.
How to use: wet face, apply cleanser to face and massage gently, then rinse with water before drying with a clean towel.
Skip this step if: You don't want to use your cleanser twice, or if your oil-based cleanser contains enough surfactants to remove dirt and debris.
Step 3: Toner and astringent
Toner is designed to replenish water through hydration and remove dead cells and dirt remaining after cleansing. An astringent is an alcohol-based product used to combat excess oil.
How to use: Use immediately after washing your face, apply directly to the skin or apply with a cotton pad and swipe from the inside out.
Skip the astringent if: You have dry skin.

Step 4: Antioxidant Serum
Serum contains high concentrations of certain ingredients. An antioxidant that will protect the skin against damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals. Vitamins C and E are common antioxidants used to improve skin texture and firmness.
How to use: put a few drops on the face, neck and pat gently.
Step 5: Spot Treatment
If you have acne blemishes, first find an anti-inflammatory product to clear the acne, then switch to a dry spot treatment to fade the blemishes.
How to use: Use a damp cotton swab to remove any skin care products on acne. Apply a small amount of the treatment and let it dry naturally.
Skip this step if: You do not have acne or want to darken due to natural fading of acne.
Step 6: Eye Cream
The skin around your eyes tends to be thinner and more sensitive. It is also prone to aging causing wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles. A good eye cream can brighten, smooth, and firm the skin, although it cannot solve these problems completely.
How to use: Put a small amount of cream on the ring finger and apply to the area around the eyes with the eye area.
Skip this step if: Your moisturizer and serum are already suitable for the eye area, contain an effective formula, and are fragrance-free.
Kem mắt
Kem mắt giúp chống lão hóa gây ra nếp nhăn, bọng mắt và quầng thâm

Step 7: Lighter face oil
The lighter the product, the easier it is to use. Oils are easily absorbed and therefore should be used before moisturizer. These products are especially helpful if your skin shows signs of dryness, flaking, or dehydration.
How to use: Squeeze a few drops onto your fingertips. Rub this product together gently to warm the oil before you apply it lightly on your face.
Step 8: Moisturizer
A moisturizer that will soothe and soften the skin. Dry skin types should choose cream or balm. This product as a cream works best on normal or combination skin, and liquids and gels are recommended for oily skin types. Ingredients in moisturizers include glycerine, ceramides, antioxidants, and peptides.
How to use: Take a pea-sized amount and gently rub in the palm of your hand. Apply to cheeks first, then rest of face.
Skip this step if: Your toner or serum gives you enough moisture, especially for those with oily skin.
kem dưỡng ẩm da
Kem dưỡng ẩm sẽ làm dịu và làm mềm da.

Step 9: Heavier face oil
This oil is best for dry skin types, but should be applied after moisturizer to help increase skin's ability to moisturize.
How to use: Follow the same procedure as light oil.
Skip this step if: You don't want to increase the risk of clogging your pores.
Step 10: Sunscreen
Sunscreen is the last important step in your morning skin care routine. Not only does it reduce the risk of skin cancer, but it can also fight the signs of aging. The American Cancer Society recommends choosing a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.
How to use: Apply evenly on face and massage. Apply 15 to 30 minutes before you go outside. Never apply skin care products on top of sunscreen, as this can dilute the sunscreen.
Step 11: Foundation or other foundation
If you want to wear makeup, a foundation will give you smooth, even skin. Opt for a cream, liquid or powder foundation - or a light-toned moisturizer or BB cream.
How to use: Use brush or sponge to apply makeup. Start at the center of the face and work outwards.
Skip this step if: You have bare face.
Translation source: healthline

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