Risk of poisoning when using mosquito spray

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Mosquito bites often carry deadly diseases such as dengue fever, malaria.... However, indiscriminate use of mosquito spray also causes harmful consequences for the body. Many cases of mosquito poisoning have to be taken to the emergency room.

1. Mosquito spray will cause respiratory system disorders

The first and most obvious is that mosquito sprays will cause respiratory disorders, especially those containing DEET. According to a study by the Center for Malaria Research (USA), 57% of doctors report that patients often experience breathing problems such as asthma, lung irritation after using mosquito spray. . Patients who have never had asthma before are also now "sticky" after inhaling the mosquito spray. Mosquito sprays are also very easily absorbed through the skin. Once absorbed through the skin, they will leisurely enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body to torment the intestines, liver, lungs as well as other important organs of the body such as kidneys, brain... Even if they are not strong enough. penetrate the skin to cause harm to the body as mentioned above, at least the skin will be irritated, rash, itchy skin...
Children and infants are very susceptible to brain damage if exposed to mosquito spray, DEET in mosquito spray can cause movement disorders and inability to concentrate in children. Also according to the Center for Malaria Research, organic phosphates in mosquito spray products can be fatal if used improperly. pulse, respiratory system...
thuốc xịt muỗi
Thuốc xịt muỗi sẽ gây rối loạn hệ hô hấp.

2. Other mosquito repellent methods

Is it possible to avoid melon shells and encounter coconut shells? It's not really a deadlock, just a little bit of chemical knowledge can disperse the swarms of mosquitoes waiting to stalk without using mosquito spray. The following "secrets" can be applied:
Use Listerine mouthwash: Put Listerine water in a spray bottle (small spray used to water flowers) and spray on tables, chairs, doormats... Listerine has an effect. It is used to repel mosquitoes because it contains eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus oil). Use crushed garlic: Freshly crushed garlic has a very effective mosquito repellant effect. Just need a few fresh garlic bulbs, use a mortar and pestle to crush until watery and then apply to the skin. Eating garlic also has the effect of repelling mosquitoes. When eating garlic, the smell of garlic will also be released through the pores in the skin, although we cannot feel the smell of garlic escaping through the skin, but mosquitoes are very sensitive. Vitamins: Eat a variety of foods containing vitamins B1, B12, and vitamin C because mosquitoes are very intolerant of these vitamins. Plant mosquito repellant plants: plant plants that repel mosquitoes around the house or indoors such as: marigold, lemongrass, rosemary, garlic, wormwood, lavender, sage, basil , lemon tree... What should be noted to not be "courted" by mosquitoes is the scent. Mosquitoes love the scents of perfumes, body sprays, hair gels, scented soaps, and laundry detergents. In the case of unwillingness to use mosquito spray, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles: do not use mosquito spray when there are scratches or wounds on the skin... Do not spray in the rooms. Closed room but should open the room window or just spray outside in the garden, do not breathe in the air in the areas where the spray has just been sprayed. Do not spray near food storage areas. Do not spray mosquitoes if there are children in the room. Mosquitoes are the host of dengue fever. Currently, because there is no preventive vaccine and no specific treatment, we rely on transmission routes to actively prevent dengue fever. In particular, those who have not yet contracted the disease but live in epidemic areas must actively prevent dengue fever from spreading into a large outbreak. When there are signs of suspicion of dengue fever, they must actively go to medical facilities or Vinmec International General Hospital for examination and treatment. There is a team of well-trained and experienced infectious doctors, a system of complete and modern medical equipment and professional service quality for high efficiency in diagnosis and treatment. The hospital receives examination, diagnosis, treatment, cooperation against epidemics and takes care of patients with diseases caused by bacteria, parasites, infections with unknown causes. In particular, the Department of Infectious Diseases - Vinmec International General Hospital also includes the function of organizing vaccinations under the direction of the Ministry of Health, performing both for children and adults, especially serving adults, typically vaccinated against HPV, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, shingles, Herpes, malaria, pneumonia,...

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

According to DS. Nguyen Ba Huy Cuong (Faculty of Pharmacy - Murdoch University - Australia)
(Health and Life Online Newspaper)
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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