Temporary memory loss after the accident

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People with post-accidental trauma are often affected by traumatic brain injury. In the case of severe trauma, it can leave severe cognitive sequelae. However, if the injury is only mild, the victim may experience only temporary memory loss after the accident.

1. Loss of memory

Dementia is seen as a disease that is no longer strange to everyone. Many people think that, usually, the cause of dementia can be traumatic brain injury in accidents. However, there are many types of dementia including temporary or short-term memory loss, memory loss that can't remember more information about new memories... Moreover, the cause can be The causes of memory loss are also quite diverse, not only due to trauma after an accident.
Temporary amnesia or short-term memory loss to represent a form of memory disorder, impaired ability to remember near-term events that happened a few hours or even minutes ago . However, people with this symptom can remember events that happened several years or more before, with specific details of an event. Dementia does not only appear in people of all ages because of the decline in brain function with increasing age, but even young people at a lucid age can also have this disease. .
Physical trauma or trauma can cause people to temporarily lose their memory, and the recovery time for these symptoms can last for many months. Dementia can be in the consequences of Alzheimer's disease, cancer ... Physical trauma strongly affects memory, especially traumatic brain injury. The traumatized person has the ability to be disoriented, not even remembering things related to himself such as his name, his place of residence, sometimes confused about the time. Memory loss after a traumatic brain injury can be reversible memory loss, such as forgetting memories formed before the time of the injury, or retrograde amnesia, i.e. the inability to store new memories that occur after the injury. or both can happen.
Thỉnh thoảng chóng mặt và không nhớ được có phải dấu hiệu mất trí nhớ tạm thời không và có tái phát không?
Mất trí nhớ sau chấn thương sọ não có thể mất trí nhớ ngược chiều hoặc thuận chiều hoặc xảy ra cả hai

2. Causes of temporary memory loss after an accident

Temporary memory loss after an accident can damage the nervous system both physically and mentally. This injury is classified into two types of injury including: Physical injury due to impact, psychological trauma and degenerative pathology. It is these injuries that are considered to be the root cause of temporary memory loss.

3. Typical signs of temporary memory loss after an accident

For accident victims, traumatic brain injury belongs to the group of the most dangerous cases and easily leaves complications for the patient, especially severe complications. Traumatic brain injury is usually divided into three types, including: cerebral hematoma, concussion, craniocerebral fracture, and concussion. In particular, the type of concussion is classified as the mildest form of traumatic brain injury and is also often predicted in the group of causes of temporary memory loss after the accident.
After strong impacts affecting the patient's skull. At the same time, the victim may suffer from sequelae of cognitive, language and motor disorders when there is damage to one or more areas of the brain. On the contrary, for some patients, there will be temporary memory loss after the accident and this phenomenon can happen because of psychological trauma. In other cases, there may be additional cognitive disorders or memory disorders after a traffic accident, the patient can recover a part of the memory that may be forgotten after a period of recovery. Unlike cognitive disorders or memory disorders after a traffic accident, patients can usually recover forgotten parts of their memories after a while. However, the patient needs to be monitored for symptoms to be able to distinguish clearly whether the patient is suffering from temporary memory loss or cognitive dysfunction due to brain organ damage.
Temporal changes in the patient's attitude or personality may not be obvious, but often there will be a clear sense of what is going on around the patient. The patient is still able to communicate, understand and understand speech easily. Often these people only have partial forgetfulness, almost from 1 day or 2 days ago or can last longer from 1 week to 1 month ago.
Ảnh hưởng của chấn động não
Chấn động não thường được tiên lượng thuộc nhóm nguyên nhân gây mất trí nhớ tạm thời sau tai nạn.

4. Is temporary memory loss for accident cases dangerous?

Whether temporary memory loss after an accident is dangerous or not will depend on each patient's case. And it is necessary to monitor the following signs so that they can be promptly treated such as: Severe headache, sensitivity to light, intellectual disturbances, poor motor coordination, vomiting and nausea, dizziness. If the patient only has memory loss without any of the above symptoms, there is a high chance that the patient can recover without all the other treatments. In contrast, temporary memory loss after an accident can be accompanied by other brain damage.

5. How to deal with temporary memory loss after an accident

Applying ice to the affected areas of the body can help relieve pain. In addition, the problem of temporary memory loss after an accident is also often accompanied by symptoms of swelling and pain in the skin at the point of impact. So to help the patient reduce pain, you can use a cold towel to apply on the injury or you can ask your doctor in case you can use paracetamol for quick pain relief.
Regularly monitor the patient's cognitive problems: If the patient is sober, the family often exchanges or chats with them to monitor the patient's perception, to help accurately identify the disease. Patients only have temporary memory loss after the accident or have cognitive disorders due to traumatic brain injury. If there are unusual signs for the patient, it is possible to promptly take the patient to a medical facility for examination and treatment
The patient should not be left alone within 48 hours after the accident. There must be monitoring of all problems related to physical and cognitive function of the patient to detect abnormalities if any due to brain damage after the accident. During the first 2 hours after the accident, it is important to avoid letting the patient fall into a long sleep because at this time it is necessary to assess the patient's cognitive status, which can be done by monitoring reactions when assessed. wakefulness in the patient.
Avoid situations that cause stress and pressure for the patient. Because common sense wants to know the trauma of the patient, such as whether there is temporary memory loss after the accident or ask questions to identify the patient's memory problems. However, these things can cause the patient to fall into a state of stress and cause negative effects on the patient's mental health.
Make a reasonable diet to help patients recover quickly physically and mentally.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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