The role and effect of zinc in children

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Ngo Thi Oanh - Pediatrician - Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
Nutrition plays a very important role in the physical development and height of children. Among the micronutrients, zinc has been shown to play an especially important role in the development of children in the first years of life.

1. The role and effect of zinc in the body

1.1. Zinc affects the growth of the body Zinc helps children eat better, increases absorption, increases protein synthesis and cell division. Zinc helps maintain and protect taste and smell cells. If the body lacks zinc, cell division is unlikely to slow down growth in height in children, bone development disorders, delayed puberty and reduced sexual function. In addition, zinc deficiency also affects the metabolism of taste cells, causing anorexia in children.
In pregnant women, the need for zinc is higher than normal people. Zinc deficiency in pregnant women causes babies to be born with reduced height and weight.
Many studies show that adequate zinc supplementation will help improve height for short children and rapid weight gain for malnourished children.
Trẻ bị suy dinh dưỡng
Bổ sung kẽm đầy đủ giúp cải thiện chiều cao và cân nặng của trẻ.

1.2. Zinc helps strengthen the body's immune system Zinc helps support and maintain the functioning of the immune system. Zinc stimulates the growth and differentiation of B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes, creating a defense system for the body against pathogens, helping children have good resistance to diseases.
Zinc deficiency reduces the development and function of most immune cells leading to impaired immune function, increasing the risk of infections, leading to children at risk of malnutrition and death.
1.3. Other roles of zinc Zinc helps neurotransmitters work better so zinc is essential for brain health. Zinc helps in collagen production for smooth skin, regulates oil production and reduces bacterial infections that cause acne.
Zinc also plays an important role in male physiology. Zinc has a high concentration in the prostate gland, participates in hormone exchange, balances prostate function, sperm formation and motility.
Zinc deficiency also makes children irritable because zinc is responsible for transporting calcium - one of the important substances to help stabilize nerves into the brain.
Kẽm với đàn ông
Kẽm giúp cải thiện chất lượng tinh trùng ở nam giới.

2. Signs of a zinc deficiency

Manifestations in children with zinc deficiency are anorexia, loss of appetite, growth retardation, rickets, malnutrition, hair loss, prolonged diarrhea, skin and eye lesions, growth retardation of genital organs, inflammation respiratory infections, poor eyesight, slow wound healing.
Manifestations of zinc deficiency are very silent, so it is very important to prevent zinc deficiency through the diet. The main source of zinc is in foods such as seafood, red meats. Zinc is not stored in the body, so make sure you get enough zinc in your daily diet.
The need for zinc in children under 1 year of age is about 5mg/day, in children from 1-10 years old it is 10mg/day, for pregnant women need 15mg/day, breastfeeding for the first 6 months need 19mg and for Breastfeeding at 6-12 months need 16mg/day. Because infants receive zinc through breast milk, mothers need to eat more zinc-rich foods to get enough for both mother and baby.
So with the great effects of zinc on the development of height, physical health and giving children a good body to prevent diseases, parents should pay attention to daily nutritional supplements. Ensure adequate zinc for optimal growth of children.
In addition to dietary supplements, parents can give their children supportive foods containing zinc and essential micro-minerals such as vitamin B1, Lysine, chromium, selenium, ... to help fully meet their needs. nutritional needs in children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption and help improve anorexia, helping children eat well.
Parents can refer to the article: Role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation by Specialist Doctor II Cao Thi Thanh - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

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