The role of ultrasound in varicose veins - torsion

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The article was consulted with Specialist Doctor I Vo Cong Hien - Radiologist - Diagnostic Imaging Department - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.

Testicular ultrasound is not a strange technique for men, especially men who are having reproductive health problems. This procedure will help doctors have a basis for diagnosing a variety of male reproductive health problems such as: torsion of the varicocele, testicular cancer, orchitis, epididymitis, vasodilation testicular cord...

1. What is testicular torsion?

Testicular torsion is the result of testicles rotating around the spermatic cord, blocking the blood vessels of the testicles or twisting the veins of the spermatic cord. This is a surgical emergency requiring rapid diagnosis and differentiation from other causes of acute pain in the inguinal scrotum such as: acute epididymitis/testis, periurethral abscess, necrosis Fournier scrotum, strangulated inguinal hernia. .. Testicular torsion, if diagnosed and treated late, the testicles will be necrotic or atrophied, greatly affecting spermatogenesis and endocrine function.

2. What is varicocele?

Varicocele is an abnormal dilation of the testicular vein and the plexus of the testicle (usually about 2mm or less in diameter). Varicose veins are very common in men. The main reason why patients go to the doctor is because of pain in the groin area or infertility.
Varicose veins rarely appear before puberty. Varicocele in adolescents accounts for 8-19%. But from adolescence, the rate is 15% in the male community. However, this rate was much higher in the male infertility group. Varicocele is responsible for 15-25% of primary male infertility and 75-81% of secondary male infertility.
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Giãn tĩnh mạch thừng tinh hoàn gây ra nguy cơ vô sinh cao ở nam giới

3. What is testicular ultrasound?

We all know the testicles are an extremely important part of the male reproductive system, the testicles are located between the penis and anus. Normal men will have two testicles right and left, tucked inside the scrotum, the average weight of each testicle is about 8-12g, 4-5cm long. The main task of the testes is to produce sperm, secrete the hormone Testosterone to determine male characteristics and control the activity of the reproductive system...
When there are abnormal signs, the doctor will Indicated to perform testicular ultrasound for diagnosis. This technique uses sound waves to create an image of the testicles inside the body. These images help doctors diagnose diseases. Combined with semen analysis, ultrasound is an important step in diagnosing abnormalities of the testicle, epididymis, testicular torsion, spermatic cord, testicular size, testicular effusion...
Today, with the help of 3D, 4D color ultrasound systems... testicular ultrasound techniques are becoming more and more perfect and giving highly accurate results.

4. Testicular ultrasound detects varicocele

Varicose veins above the testicles - abnormal torsion can cause secondary infertility, decreased motility and decreased sperm count. Ultrasound results showed in varicocele: plexus of spermatic cord twisted into tufts due to obstruction, blood stasis, no circulation, and confirmed the presence of retrograde flow in varicose veins. spermatic cord.
4.1. Treatment of varicocele Medical treatment does not appear to be effective for this condition. Currently, the treatment of varicocele is mainly surgical intervention, the results will increase the quantity and quality of sperm, increase the pregnancy rate.
siêu âm tinh hoàn
Siêu âm giúp phát hiện giãn tĩnh mạch thừng tinh

5. Testicular ultrasound detects testicular torsion

Testicular torsion is a dangerous disease, occurring at any age, but most often between 10 and 25 years old. Testicular Doppler ultrasound can also help treating doctors detect the degree of severe or mild testicular torsion for timely treatment. Color Doppler also shows arterial flow or records blood flow in the testicles using radioisotope
5.1. Treatment of testicular torsion Treatment is by surgical removal of torsion and fixation of the testicle. The ability to preserve testes in the story if torsion less than 4 hours is 80%, if more than 12 hours is 20%. Depending on the time from the onset of pain to the arrival of the emergency room, different treatment options are available:
Within 4 hours: the vas deferens can be manually removed under local anesthesia. If the torsion is successful, surgical fixation of the testicles is indicated a few days later. If untwisting fails, immediate emergency surgery is indicated. In 4 - 24 hours, exploratory surgery will be indicated, untwisting and fixing 2 testicles to the scrotum. After 24 hours, surgery is still indicated, but at this time it is unlikely to save the testicle. If orchiectomy is performed, a prosthetic device should be placed in place, in which case the possibility of infection and immune response of the other testicle should be anticipated.
Varicose veins and testicular torsion are dangerous diseases that need timely intervention to avoid affecting fertility. However, the ultrasound diagnosis of male genital pathology needs to be performed at medical facilities with high accuracy in treatment, exploration and diagnosis.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is considered a prestigious address in the examination and treatment of reproductive diseases, and male treatment. With perfect service quality, a team of qualified and experienced medical doctors will bring satisfaction to customers.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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