Treatment of facial pigmentation by folk methods

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In addition to applying modern technologies in the treatment of melasma, many women still choose for themselves safe, low-cost, and easy-to-follow beauty treatments using natural ingredients. . So what are the ways to treat melasma by folk methods that are highly appreciated?

1. Causes of skin pigmentation

Before learning about how to treat melasma by folk methods, you need to understand where melasma is formed. What is the melasma treatment mechanism, knowing this principle will help you know how to apply the most effective, safe and least expensive ways to treat melasma.
Melanin is also known as the pigment that determines skin color, or is the cause of the formation of melasma on the face. When the amount of melanin increases, they will concentrate in some areas on the face, causing melasma and darkening. The most common place where melasma appears is usually the cheekbones.
Besides, some causes of melasma can be mentioned such as:
Melasma due to genetics Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause Failure to protect skin in the sun Excessive cosmetic use Lack of sleep, staying up late, stress Environmental factors: Smoke, pollution,... These are considered the main causes of facial pigmentation.

2. Ways to treat melasma by folk methods

To treat melasma at home with folk methods, you can refer to some of the following ways:

2.1 Treating melasma with tomatoes

Not only a nutritious food, the ingredients of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, iron in tomatoes are very effective in daily skin care. The content of vitamin C helps fade freckles on the face to help whiten the skin gradually.
How to use tomatoes to treat melasma is that you can cut tomatoes into circles and apply directly to the face for 15 minutes. Should do 3 times a week to see more positive results. Or you can also squeeze the tomato to get the juice and then use a cotton ball to soak the juice and apply it to the face.
Cà chua có chứa nhiều vitamin, rất hiệu quả trong việc trị nám da và chăm sóc da hàng ngày

2.2. Using rice water to treat melasma

Since ancient times, rice water has been known to be extremely effective in whitening and treating melasma. You just need to take the water to wash the rice and mix it with aloe vera, then apply this mixture to the skin before going. sleep and best left overnight. In the morning, wash your face gently with warm water.

2.3. Treat melasma with green beans

Treatment of facial skin pigmentation with green beans is somewhat more elaborate when you first need to get soft boiled green beans and puree with a little water, then apply it on your face, especially where melasma and freckles appear.
Wait about 15 minutes for the mixture to dry, you can wash your face with warm water and start doing your normal skin care routine.

2.4 Yogurt has the effect of treating melasma

Thanks to the fermentation process from lactic acid, yogurt is not only good for the digestive system but also helps to whiten the skin, remove freckles, brown spots effectively
To beautify with yogurt, you use yogurt No sugar applied directly to the skin or mixed with oats to leave on the skin for about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This beauty method you should do 3 times a week

2.5 Use royal jelly

Royal jelly contains many vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial for the skin. In addition to the use of melasma, freckles, royal jelly also helps to treat acne, smooth and brighten the skin.
The simple way to treat melasma with royal jelly is to apply to the skin for 15 minutes and clean the skin with warm water right after.
Sữa ong chúa ngoài tác dụng trị nám, tàn nhang còn giúp trị mụn, làm mịn và sáng da

2.6 Treat melasma by steaming

External steaming unclogs pores, removes sebum and dirt, this method also helps to purify the skin, bringing positive effects in the treatment of melasma, brown spots.
The ingredients to prepare for a facial steaming are very simple when you just need to rinse, lemon, salt, perilla, boil, then cover your head with a towel and steam for 5-10 minutes.
The above are considered ways to treat melasma with folk methods that you can apply yourself at home to see the effect. However, you should note, these ways are cheap, time-saving and can be done at home, but they also have some limitations such as:
The effectiveness of melasma treatment by this method is often slow. And it takes a lot of time and patience. For deep melasma, this method is not nearly as effective. Treating melasma naturally sometimes does not treat it completely and can make it easier to return if you do not protect your skin well. Therefore, consider carefully before performing a folk remedy for melasma. Besides, you can also refer to the website of Vinmec International General Hospital for more information on skin care, beauty and special treatment for skin problems according to age.

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